
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Labor Day is Monday!!

Labor Day is an American Holiday, where those that are lucky enough, get the day off.  There are those that serve our country in various ways who can’t possible take the day off. All these that can’t take the Holiday, I want to offer a double salute, and a high five in Jesus name, because your dedication is noted. 

There are those who work for greedy tyrants, who would make their poor mother wash dishes, in their restaurant, if it would put a dime in His pocket.  We pray for those who are treated like slaves, that the Lord will bless them. For those bosses that only care for their selves, we pray that the will meet Jesus!!

The library will be closed Sunday, and Monday, and these folks work hard, and need a break. That means there will be no contact with you until Tuesday. Be safe, and have fun. Make sure to give the Lord the honor that He deserves, for all that he does. 

      ……Much Love

Ain’t nuttin’ better!!

I love my Lord. The truth is that I really want to see Him, and spend eternity with Jesus. I am saying this humbly as I know how, but I really don’t want to go right now. I know that is just my flesh speaking, and I use the excuse of the fact that I still have work to do. I know that works will not get me through the gates of Heaven. I think that we have already covered that issue. I am not working to have more crowns. The truth of this entire matter is, and I know this, but there is nothing that Jesus requires of me, to do for Him.

The reason that I think, that I still have work to do, is because of Jesus. Actually it is because of all three of the God heads. I have met them, and I know that there is no harm within them. I know that it breaks the heart of Jesus every time a person rejects His love. I know, and I realize that our entire existence is based on the creation, of a power of love so great that, we can’t even understand how that it exist.

I just don’t want any person to miss out, of the life that, Father has prepared for us. Why would a person such as I have a standing offer, to be the bride, at the greatest wedding in history? Have you even thought about that? We have a love letter written with sixty-six book, explaining to us in detail, how to receive this offer.

I have never done much good to talk about. I certainly never had done anything worth, getting a reward, in this physical life. However one day I realized that it was not all about me, and I could receive a future stacked with great things, which I did nothing to receive, but surrendered to Jesus. I guess maybe that I have taken the hard route, on this road to Salvation. I am pretty sure that I did. There is one verse in the Bible that I find to be scary to me.

Proverbs 21:2 Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD pondereth the hearts.

I have found this one small verse startling, to me for quite a while. If it was to say that most ways, of a man is right in his own eyes, I would feel better about it. In other words, I don’t want to be wrong as much, of the time. I have committed to take the Words, of our Bible literally, but my flesh doesn’t want to hear that. It always wants to treat the Word of God, like I am inside a Burger King Restaurant. I want to have it my way!! That is what the scary part, of this verse, is to me.

If you would take the time to look around, in all parts of your life, you can see the truth of this verse. Would you like a real easy spot to start looking in? Then just pay attention Sunday, in your church service!! Sunday school is an excellent place to start. All Sunday school classes have a teacher. How much does your teacher teach, and how much time do they spend maintaining control?

My flesh is an evil thing that wants to help Satan to lead me into Hell!! My flesh is no different than yours either. The only difference in the power of your flesh and that, of your Spirit is determined, by the way that we feed them. Once again I will use myself as an example, of the way that feed both of them. I can honestly say that I feed my Spirit, an estimated eighty percent ratio, and that only leaves twenty percent for my flesh.

I might be wrong by a little, but I really don’t think so, and I can tell you why. My flesh is being starved to the point, that it no longer over looks any chance to get feed. There is an upside to this also, because my Spirit is so healthy and powerful, that it keeps my flesh in check. Now you might not understand what I am saying here. Some of you will, and those that don’t, is why I write this blog. It is about all of us growing in Christ.

This did not happen very quickly, and it is still happening every day. I had to give up a lot of foolishness to get to this point in my life. I also had to give up a lot of things that, I didn’t think were foolishness, until they were gone. If there is anything, then again I know that there are a lot, in our lives that have to be given up, because we serve a Holy God!! Do you know what it is to be Holy? Neither do I, because I can’t wrap my mind around it, but we have Holy Spirit to help us.

Do you realize what it is to be in Christ? Do you ever do things that you wouldn’t do, if you realized that, He was there? Do you tell dirty jokes, or just slow down to hear them? Do you give back to the Lord on purpose, or is it simply pot luck? I am not condemning anybody, because either I am guilty, of all these things, or I surely have been. Can I please let you in on a little secret? There are no perfect Christians. We do have a perfect Jesus, and He has a perfect redemption plan, for a perfect future for those that put their trust in Him.

The reason that I started talking about; being in Christ was because that, is the only way to get to go to Heaven. I didn’t say anything about being perfect, or being better that Brother Super-Christian, or Sister Super-Saint. I believe that we all need to try our best to be our best, and not worry about what others think about us, and we cannot compare ourselves to others.

1Thessalonians 4:16-17 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

I don’t want to flip anybody out, but this is way too good an offer to miss out on. Please just draw closer to Jesus, and He will draw near to you!!

James 4:8  Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. 

Get to know my Jesus, and you will not be disappointed!!     Ain’t Jesus Awesome?

      ….Much Love  

Friday, August 29, 2014

Do you think that you are all that?

I really don’t understand what, the people of the world, are thinking. The most popular name, in this world has to be Jesus Christ. The best-selling book, of all time, is the Holy Bible. I wonder, if most people buy the Bible, to sit on the coffee table, as a center piece? I have seen the Bible displayed, on the fireplace mantle also. I simply don’t understand, why those that buy the Word of God, don’t do more than show it off?

If the most popular name in the world is Jesus Christ, then who do people think that he is? I know that there are a lot of different thoughts along the line of who that He is. The reality of who do you think that Jesus Christ is a one shot deal. It is not like throwing horseshoes, and simply getting close will not get you points. This will sound really crazy to some people, but you can know exactly, word for word, who that He is, and it wouldn’t have matter if you didn’t have a clue.

Would you care to hear the truth? Jesus Christ is the Son of the God, which created everything in the world. Jesus came to this earth and lived a sin free life, so that He would qualify, to pay our penalty, for a Heaven experience, and not go to Hell. Knowing these facts, even though they are true, still will not get you past the gates of Hell.

John 3:15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

This is it!! This is the key, for a successful relationship, in Jesus Christ. It don’t matter what that, you know about Jesus. It doesn’t matter what that you might think that, you know about Jesus. You might be able to recite the Word of God, line upon line, and precept upon precept, from the entire Bible. There is a good chance that you have set under the best preaching, and teaching of our day, and it is possible that you might even retain all the knowledge, of Christ on the earth, and still not going to make it past hell.

That is a scary thought, but it is true. There will be many church members roasting in Hell, because they looked good on the outside, but on the inside they had a corrupt heart. Let’s get to the truth of this matter, because nobody should ever choose a home like Hell to spend eternity.

This verse is not a clue, of how this works, because it says that, we need to believe in Him. How are you going to believe in somebody? I want to tell you personally how I would do it, because I am really Leary of folks, and this seems like it will have to come to trust. I have some severe issues of trust will most people, especially when it comes to something as important as eternal life.

Who can give a person eternal life? That is the most powerful thing that, has ever came to mind, and now there seems to be away to get it……forever!! This person must be high enough, in the ranking, of life to qualify, to be called God!! The first thing that I would do is read everything about this person, as see if it could be possible. I would need to see those that He would associate with, and how that He treated people. A matter as serious as this could not be a one-time event, for me.

I would have to watch Him, and see what His angle is, because I have severe issues of trust. I am not the kind of person that does well with snap decisions.   What does He want for us to receive this eternal life?    The first thing is simply believe that He died on a cross, for our sins, because He was free from any sin. He was born of a virgin, and He was the Son of God.

Ok       Can we get real now?    This happened over 2015 years ago, and the evidence has already been weighed in. We have a book that has been known as, the Word of God, which came from those, who had dealings with God. In the same book there are half, of the same book, with the words of Jesus, and those who dealt with Him also.

This man names Jesus never did anybody wrong. He went about healing those with various diseases. Some were blind since birth, and others never heard any speech. The only people who had trouble accepting Jesus was the religious crowd.           Ain’t it funny how things don’t change?  We still have Religious folks trying to make the sinners suitable to them, not the way that Jesus accepts them, which is just as they are!!

The thing of it is that it is there only offer in this world, that will take us out, of this world in comfort. It is the best deal that any one has ever been offered, and it is offered to everybody. No one is excluded in the opportunity to spend eternity with our Creator. Just look around at all the wonderful this in this world, that a human being hasn't corrupted. Look out in space as see that beauty that no human could create, or maintain.

How hard is it to really tell that there is something much bigger that we are, and that something has our best interest in mind? I really don't like calling the greatest entity, which we will ever be acquainted, a something. Father is what I call Him.

Exodus 3:14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you
This scripture says it all, and this is how easy that, it really is to become a child of God. Father Created all, Jesus sacrificed all, and Holy Spirit teaches all, and guides us in the right direction. What more could you ask for, because Father has already said that whatever you need He is (I Am).

You really don't realize that all the things that, you are holding on to are worthless. If Father created all this, there must be better..... Ain't the Triune God Awesome? 

…..Much Love

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A Prayer Warrior

This is one fantastic time to be alive, and serving the Lord Jesus. I received another direct hit from Satan this morning, and it set me back a few minutes, from going to Sunday school. I did what I had to do, then when to praise my Lord. I have been selling myself short, by considering the fact that Satan has his sights set on me, because of this blog. I really do think that it one great reason, but not all of them.

It had donned on me there might even be a more powerful reason, which he seems to be turning the heat up on me. I got to thinking last night, and this morning, that maybe he never considered the trouble that, he would get in by messing with me. Let me tell you really quick that, I don’t offer Satan anything to fear about, or to fear over.  There is a secret society, which I really didn’t know the magnitude, of strength that they possessed. 

Sometimes I don’t realize what I really have, until I need their help. I feel like I should have known about this select group of great folks who are known as prayer warriors. I have heard the phrase, and I know what that they do, or part of what that they do. I have been shocked to learn how they really operate, and they are all over the place, seeking out the next soul in trouble.

I can’t tell you how many prayer lists that I am on, in all the different churches. Just because I am on a prayer list, in any church is not, the key issue. Many people are not prayer warriors, and I will admit that I am not one of them either. It truly takes a special person to be a prayer warrior. They have a heart, for people like none other. They will grieve, over a person’s pain, and they will go right to the throne of mercy, and grace, and they will not move, until they hear from God.

I want to end this with a poem written in 1997 by Jan McIntosh, because this lady knows, what it is be a warrior of prayer. I am elated that I have several of these warriors, kneeling before the throne of God. Speaking to Father, the right words, that cause Him to move on my situation. This is the way that Father has our community designed to operate. We are to confess our wrongs, and short comings with each other, and pray for one another, with whatever level of prayer that we operate in. a Prayer warrior is an awesome Saint to have on anybody’s side!!

Jamess 5:16  Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

      ….Much Love

Prayer Warrior

She's down on her knees, with head bowed in prayer;
She looks weak and helpless, as she's kneeling there.
But the truth of the matter about this humble scene
Is that she's battling forces that our eyes can't see.

And her power is greater than earth's strongest man;
Against the army of Satan she courageously stands.
She's casting down strongholds and tearing down walls;
She's releasing the captives as she prays for them all.

She's waging spiritual war, with God in command;
She finds strength for the conflict in the blood of the Lamb.
So the next time you see her with head bowed in prayer,
Remember, there's a battle going on there.

©1997 Jan McIntosh

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal
but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds.

(II Corinthians 10:4)