
Saturday, October 9, 2010

justa ramblin'

i guess everybody takes at least one day off a week, and even a tramp like me gets to also. yeah,.....i prefer the name tramp if you must give me a label. i think a hobo are those that ride the trains. those train riding hobo's risk their lives every time that catch a train. if the train don't kill them, then the yard workers (they are called bulldawgs) will beat the living crap from them. if the train don't get you, and the bulldawg's don't either, and if that's not bad enough it's a federal felony if you get caught. jeez, and i thought that i had enough trouble with j.s.o.!! i'm not sure why a man would risk all that just to travel. i didn't realize until on of them showed me his hobo clothes that the train was that nasty. i had known that every one that i ever saw on the television that they were filthy. they actually carry a bag just to keep their hobo clothes in, because they get so dirty that neither the clothes, or the bag that they are in are fit for anything else. now that was a fun fact that amazed even me.
anyway, like i said, and started to say i'm just a rambling because tomorrow is the day that i choose to take off. kind of like most of the world is on friday.
have y'all ever seen a city rat? i've heard tales of the sewer rat's in new york city, but i've actually never saw one of those other than on the boob tube. honestly, if i never set me foot in New York City that will be to soon. i could write all day why i wouldn't want to go to that city, but that will be another time if it happens at all.
now where was i ? oh,.........yeah,.............back to the city rats. we have the biggest rats in the plaza!! there are the same size as the rats in the country, but one difference. they are bolder!! they don't come out in the day, but from dusk to dawn they run all through the plaza. the first time that i saw one i was kicked back on a park bench, and that scoundrel came running out from the bushes, and straight for me!! i lifted my legs, and it ran right underneath me. it was over a foot long, and didn't look like it had ever missed a meal. when it ran it had a waddle to it. the attack of the killer rats!!
that makes me think about saturday late night television. now you will have to be from my generation or before to even relate to this. were going back in the day to the black & white t.v.'s. back in the day when it took three folks to tune the t.v. in, so it would be clear. you needed one person to watch the t.v., one person with a strong voice to scream directions to the third person who was turning the antenna on the pole. after that was accomplished you better pray for a windless evening, or this could go on all night long!!
i remember up in north Alabama on saturday  late nights  there was a show called shock theatre. the host was always dressed up as some kinda ghoul, or something like that. the showed what we now call classic horror films. like the mummy, Frankenstein, and the return of the killer tomatoes!!  i don't even think that did a rat movie until the 70's, and all kinds of craziness like that, but back in the day that was the highlight of my weekend. i guess that the music that i loved to listen to growing up now is called classic also. a few more years they will be the golden oldies. man i'm getting old!!
i have finally figured out why old people like to reminisce so much. simply because you younger years will be some of the funnest years in your life time. i'm not saying that you want never have fun again, but it's different. at least for me it is. plus, things were made of higher quality then, and times were more laid back.

maybe i should call this the homeless report. nah,.......not really, because i don't plan to be here long. i don't really want to plant that seed, because as sure as i do somebody will come behind me, and take a crap on it, and someone else tinkle on it, and cause it to manifest. i feel that i'm getting close. i know that i was put here for a reason, and it was not punishment. maybe it was to get a great look at those suffering on the streets? it could have been to talk to them, and sympathize with them? i've really got a different outlook on the struggles of this life. this trip i caused me to need, and rely on people. i never really needed many people in my life,but that's selfish, and very self-centered. this might just be crazy as a Bessy bug thinking, but maybe there are some people in this world that need me. now,................ain't that a thought!! who would need this old tramp with a broken down body? apparently on the larger scheme of things God has a purpose for me to fill in this world.
during these past 70ish days, i got a chance to take a glimpse at my past life through the eyes of others, and it just now came to me!! i've met quite a few men from my past life that has told me that i made a difference in their lives. every time one of them said something like that i was way too ashamed to hold my head up. i really couldn't look them in the eye. i was thinking that i have never done anything extra good in this world, but over these past 70ish days when you pull it all together it makes since now. i was convinced that i had been a failure in this life. after i put all this together now i know that i have placed my mark on this world in a way that only i could have done it.
that is the soul reason that i'm happiest when i help others. that's what i do best, and i love to make a difference in the lives of others. i need to find away to help these street people, or maybe that was just my training ground, i'm not sure,...................yet. i know that some where out in this world that i have a mission to go on, and this time it's not just my imagination working over time.
i need to stop writing now, and go chill out. i need to let some on this sink into my head and heart. you probably don't know this, but when i write, i may have a general idea what i'm going to write, but usually it's straight of the cuff. this my friends was an Epiphany, or maybe a bonifide revelation. i'm not sure, but it was good for me!!
                                                   .................much love

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