
Thursday, October 21, 2010

it's four in the morning

why am i up at four in the morning? did i get up to wake the birds so that they can sing for me? hum...........now,.........that's not a bad idea, but unfortunately it's not the truth. the reason that i'm up this morning at four is simple. i went to bed at eight last night. i went to bed, and left my one follower mesmarized by reading my blog. yep,...........that's right,..............i've finally got my first follower!! bubba has got his pic on here, but somehow never became a follower.
i'm not sure how long that Christina kept the messenger open last night relating to my blog, but it sure feels good that somebody can relate!! i finally have achieved the success that i was looking for with my one follower.
actually, i went to sleep last night, and got up at four this morning, because i have a touch of the flu bug. yep,.......that's right,............with all the classic symptoms, especially pain in the bones. i'm too old for this!! i think that i'm too old for anything now a days. i'm quite sure that i'm too old for any pain, but the older that i get, it seems like the more i experience.
here's something new and different. i have an appointment with pain management tomorrow. i always thought that they would be my sourse for all the narcotics that i had dreamed of in my younger days. i was actually looking forward to this time in my life, because i new that new, and modern medicine would relieve me of any pain that i might have.
jeez Louise,...........was i ever wrong!! pain management is looking for alternative methods for the management of pain other than the classic narcotics that i had hoped for all these years. they want to shoot my spine full of steroids. now get this, if it even has any effect at all on relieving the pain. it will only last from three weeks to three months. now,.............i wasn't found under the wood pile just last night, but it seems to me that these Dr's are not even  sure if it will work to begin with. they really expect me just to lay still while they shove this enormous needle in to my spine, and not knowing if it will work at all? i reckon that Mr. illusion of confusion really needs to think about this more seriously!!
for God's sakes man,............we are talking about my spine here aren't we? i was always taught that every nerve in my body connect to this one central place, and now some jack leg with a dr's degree wants to play a game of darts with it? am i missing something here? maybe they are going to play a game of pin the tail on the donkey, and leave me feeling like the jack ass!!
come on birds,................wake up birds!! i need the soothing relief of creation singing her song this morning. anything but what i'm thinkin' about now!!
just the slightest miss-calculation of that needle could leave me stuck in a chair for the rest of my life in front of my window to the world. brother,...........that don't fit into my plans anywhere in my future!! that would totally change every plan that i would have ever had for my future. i would be stuck in an old folks home somewhere at the mercy of a person that don't care nothing about me to begin with. we hear horror stories of things that happen in those homes, and they are true. oh,............it's just a first degree sunburn. it won't take nothing but a few skin graphs, and a couple years to heal it up just fine!!
i'm not getting paraniod here either, but i can't understand a word that this Dr. speaks. he is from India, and his name is Patel. everytime that he speaks to me it just leaves my jawbone resting flat on the floor!! maybe i need a translator,.............naw,..............what am i thinking? isn't there an Dr's that can speak a language that i can understand? what ever happened to speaking english in this country? am i asking too much from a Dr. that might cripple me for the rest of my life to be able to understand him?
honestly, and in all reality this is a major choice that i'm facing right now. many people have went to that operating table, and were just fine when they went in, and came out with less than desirable results. i know that it would be rare that something would go wrong. the question is that a chance that i'm really willing to take???

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