
Friday, October 22, 2010

bubba's woman

yep,............that's right,..............bubba has a woman. actually she is his friend. she is originally from Bosnia. that's from the other side of the pond, if you didn't know. she is now an American citizen. she did the right thing folks. she actually went down, and took her test for legal citizenship. ain't you proud of her!! she didn't follow suit of the Mexican's in Arizona.
she is a wonderful woman. she speaks five languages fluently. it's sad to say that English isn't one of them, or southerneze as far as that goes. to say there is a slight language barrier could be an understatement. i know that i have trouble understanding her, but it doesn't slow her down a bit from talking. i guess it don't matter what part of the world that women are from they at least have one thing in common.
bubba don't seem to have a problem understanding her. she will say something to me, and i will look at bubba, and he will translate what she said in a version that i'm comfortable with hearing. whenever i'm by myself with her things don't go all that smoothly. i've learned to simply say that i understand which translated means that i don't have a clue what you just said, and you know that i didn't, so i'm gonna smile like i did anyway!!
i reckon that English must be one of the most complicated languages to learn. we not only learn to speak it verbally, but physically as well. we will say something, and make a gesture that totally changes what we meant. after all, most of us continue to learn to speak this way all of our lives. our buddies from crossed the pond must learn a more direct way of dealing with folks. at least that the way that she comes crossed to me.
most of her, and  bubba's Lil' spats come from something that he says to her, that she simply takes the wrong way. i'm secretly laughing my ass of at them when they get good, and riled up.i write on my computer facing their front door, and every time that she gets upset with him, she runs out the door. this is usually hilarious to say the least. kinda like watching the old i love lucy shows in living color!!
i wonder if bubba finds as much humor in their episodes as i do? y'all should know me by well enough now that i don't miss any humor in much of anything, and i find humor in things where there is none to begin with. unfortunately the greatest humor of all is found in the misery of another human being, and bubba plays that role well!!
however, this is nothing new to us. we used to both be cashiers at the Salvation Army thrift store, and nobody escaped our wrath!! we consider us to be like the two old white critics on the Muppet show. remember the two old guys that were always sitting in the audience making fun of people? we even made fun of ourselves by comparing us to those guys. we made good clean fun, and nobody ever got their feeling hurt either. often times we would let the customers in on the fun, so they could get a laugh with us.
those had to be the best times of my life. something always happened when me and bubba were together. we just clicked. i really don't think that there is something special about Mr. illusion of confusion, or bubba himself. when you mixed those two together though something happens. it becomes a toxic cocktail to all those around us.

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