
Wednesday, October 13, 2010


now who you reckon ever thunk that i could be an author? yep,..............that's right,.................an ole' country boy from bama is an author, with the potential to be world wide famous. for all y'all that said that i would never amount to anything, pud a heaping wad of that in yer pipe, and toke on it!!

famous,...................me?......................never!! i think that i've had enough trials in this life without becoming famous!!  does rich always come with great fame? naw,............unfortunately it doesn't, but if i got famous for writin' this lil' blog, then riches should follow purtee dang close!!

what do y'all reckon bout all that? do you think great riches, and fame would change Mr. illusion of confusion? i've certainly been on the bottom part of the scale, and i wouldn't mind crawling back up it a bit, but to ever be on top of that scale would scare me slap to death!!
the only way that i would ever want to be filthy rich is to actually be rich enough to invest fully in the united states greatest natural resource: the people. the people of this country are in dire straights when it comes to the economy. men and women go out and work everyday just to keep their head at water level. yep,............you guess it,....................those that don't have jobs, or get government checks, are below the water level, and they are drowning a slow suffocating death!! they are disappearing at an alarming rate, and the middle class are sinking down into their place. middle class America is slowly slipping away to become the new poor class of Americans.
who is causing all this devastation in our country? is there just one culprit, or are there several? how can this be possible?
the sad thing is that we voted for these actions to take place the last time we voted for a president. the young voters who couldn't remember what happened on 9-11 voted a radical Muslim into our white house. please don't tell me that man is a God fearing Christian with all his relatives are radical Muslim's. even my poor ole' dead mama taught me that the apple don't fall far from the tree!! wake up America, before it's too late!!
Obama is a socialist pig trying to divide our country then lead us into socialism. how did he ever run for that office anyway? who backed a Jr. whatever he actually was into the most powerful seat in this country? how did this man who didn't even make as much money as his wife get the funding to spend the most on his campaign?
hum,................now that's a good question wouldn't you say? where could a radical Muslim get enough money to run for president in the greatest free nation in the world, and why didn't he expose those who contributed to his campaign?
i personally don't know a lot about radical Muslims, but after 9-11 i've gained a little knowledge. the way that i see it the most radical, of the radical, and just wealthy enough to support Obama is...................................osama bin ladden!!

                                            wake up Americans before it's too late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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