
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Another Tower being Built

You know I reckon that, we are going to have a good time, in Jesus Christ today. I told you, if you have need reading that, I an overly medicated. This is an amazing time, in my life, because alone with this over-medicated feeling, has come some great things in my life. I have a small church full of folks, which simply love me. They bring me home-cooked food, and pray for me. They talk with me, and act like they are really interested, in the things, that interest me.

If the truth be told I have always been a loner. I didn’t really like much attention. I had rather been on the back-burner, and invisible. Something has changed, in my life, and I am starting to enjoy, this extra attention. I am beginning to feel like this crowd, is a part of the one that, I should be in, but that isn’t all.
There is something else going on that I don’t understand. I feel as free as I ever have felt in my life.

 I know that It is the only kind of free, that comes with a relationship with Jesus. I it like I don’t know really how to say this, but I will try. Do you realize how all, of these countries are so concerned, about how the rest of them are behaving?   Ok,…….I have got it.

Do you realize who the culprit, behind the New World Order, really is other than Satan?   This all started when the United Nations came into play.  How many folks realize, what will happen, when this New World Order takes effect?  How many good people has given this any thought at all, and want what this has to offer?  Please allow me to explain this best that I can.

Let’s start with the older people. Our Grandparents, uncles and Aunts, and all the older neighbors that we all have. The fact is that if they are not above the genius level, and actively pursuing a career, in a field, that will make then useful, in this new society, they will be killed. The New World order will only be made of elite personnel, which are physically fit, and extremely smart.

There will be one category that requires death, no matter what your age is, or how good of a shape, that you are neither in, nor how intelligent you might be. There will be one world Government, a one world currency, and a one world religion.  It will probably be based on the Catholic religion, and the Pope will be the front man, with Satan right behind him. I say the Catholic religion because, that is the most sinister religion, which opposes everything that, Jesus Christ stood in favor of.

If you stand for Jesus Christ, and the family of God, you will not be needed for anything, and you will be eliminated. However it doesn’t stop there. We have taken old folks out, and the Christian people. Who else will there be?              Anybody that makes any waves about anything.      There will be no need for a jail, in this perfect society. Anybody that breaks any laws, whether they are old or new, will be eliminated. The only ones that are allowed to break the laws are the same group that, are still breaking then now. 

To keep the population below five-hundred million people, will give then a range of up to five billion to eliminate. In other words, those with defects, whether born that way, or from an accident, will be of no use, in a perfect society. This is man’s ideas, for a perfect earth. I wonder who is going to process his garbage, for him, or purify the water that they drink?

Leave it up to man, to try to fix a situation that, he couldn’t fix to begin with? I prefer the plan that God has come up with. All that you have to have is enough sense to choose Him, and live a real perfect society. We don’t have to be all that smart, because He is that smart. 

Ever since I was a child I would hear people praising this man, named Jesus Christ, for everything in their life. I noticed that the older that they got the more content that they would come with only Jesus. Some of them had the finest things, that this life had to offer, but most of them did not.

There were no differences in them. One would drive up in a brand new Cadillac and the other one an old Duster. They would meet shaking hands, one wearing a Rolex and the other a dime store watch. They would both go to the altar to pray, and would both say goodbye when leaving.

The only thing that, these two had in common was Jesus and love always came, in a relationship with Jesus. Now, as I am getting older, I am starting to notice that, all over once again. If a person doesn’t have Jesus in their life, then they have no life. There will be no Jesus in the coming New World Order. He has been barred from, sharing any love, in their midst. If you want to have a relationship with Jesus, then the time is now.

If you are not a blood bought Christian, and you even think that you would not like to make, your eternal home in Hell, you have an option. If you will read the first book, of the Epistle of John, I believe that it will come clear enough for you to understand, for the time being. I am not talking about, the Gospel of John, which is the fourth book in the New Testament, and about the life of Jesus. I am talking about the Epistle of John that is between 2nd Peter, and the book of Jude, and it is about the relationship with Jesus. 

John had a wonderful relationship with Jesus, and he shows the more caring side of Jesus. Reader be warned there is a side that, if you make the choice, where He will have to let you lose, and enter into eternal darkness.

2Peter 3:9  The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

You were created to have a relationship with God, to walk, and talk, and have fellowship with Him. You were never created to be punished, but that is what that you will get if you don’t make a choice to live with God. There are those that will tell you that God is a mean, sort of God that loves to punish, and that simply isn’t true. Those that say those things have never taken the time, to get to know Him.

Most of us when we were born were by ourselves, even if we had multiples, we were simply born one at a time. One thing that we have in common was the fact that, we were born naked. The only thing that we will take with us when we leave is a record, of the deeds that we did, while on the earth. The main choice will be whether we choose our God, or the things of the World.

1John 5:12  He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.

This small verse has only nineteen words inside of it, but the truth held, within these nineteen words are ginormous. This little verse states everything that a person needs to have, and to retain life. Most non-Christians believe that when they die that they simply cease to exist. That is not what our Creator teaches us. Every human on this earth will live forever, in one of two places. Either we will live with our Creator in Heaven, or we will live in a place called Hell, that was never made, for human in-habitation.

This is not a joke. In all the Word of God, I have never heard the Lord, tell us a joke. I will admit that I find a humorous side to Him. If you don’t believe me, then explain a Platypus. God is not boring at all, and He places His humorous side in us, or at least part of it.      Jesus is the most Awesome being!!

….Much Love  

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