
Saturday, October 16, 2010

movin' on up!!

wheezie?...............................................whezzie? George Jefferson was famous for calling his wife that way!! y'all do remember the show called the Jefferson's don't you? it was about a black dry cleaner who finally struck it rich. he moved from Harlem to the east side.
well,...................i have a bit of a success story myself to tell about today. i can't even start to tell you this before i give credit where it is due. first and always, any success that i might have in life is because of God. He is my true hero, and the keeper of my  destiny!!
the second credit goes to my  friend bubba. yep,.................that's right,...............i said bubba. see i have a real true bubba in my life. i bet y'all thought that larry the cable guy was the only one that new a bubba? now that's not his real name, but i've been calling him that ever since  i've known him.
i reckon that i need to tell y'all about bubba.  he is truly an amazing individual of a human being. first, and foremost he is a true artist. he writes his own lyrics. plays all the instruments that you hear on his music. he even produces, and records on his own label.
now,.................i'm fixin' to tell y'all something,........................but you had better be sitting down for this,...............OK? the reason that i said that he is a true artist is because he ain't worried about making money. he just want to be heard, and share his life with the world in his own unique style. kinda like me writing this blog. i just want to be heard.
not that's all i'm going to say about him right now. i have much, much, more to say, but that will come later.
if y'all will look on my list of followers you will see bubba. his artist name is indian blood, and his real name is Jeff. i guess y'all can call him what you want, but he will always be buuba to me!! check him out at www.indianblood.net

now where was i at,..............oh yeah. i've taken a great leap since  yesterday. i went from sleeping in the city, beside an off ramp on I95, to living in a four bedroom house, two bathroom with a living room, and a den with a fireplace by myself!! i bet you wonder how that was possible with absolutely no money? it's really a long complicated story, so i'm gonna give you the short version. it's simply a lot of mercy and grace!! that's my story, and i'm sticking to it!!!
i've really got a lot to do to set my place up, but i just had to tell y'all about it. i'm really grateful, and excited for this opportunity. bubba is gonna set me up a computer in my place before long. then i can spend more time with y'all!!

                                  ......................much love

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