
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

a new plague ?

there is a new  plague sweeping across our nation today, and it's called homeless. the really bad thing is that i'm a part of it. i never figured that i would be in this shape ever again, but i understand why i'm here. i put myself here. i really didn't mean to, but i did.
this is of an epidemic proportion. i see that damage in the city that i live in, and know that i could be in worse places, and still yet better places. this is my home, and God willing it will continue to be my home.
i walked through the plaza this morning thinking that the homeless are a blight on society. we really are. i know that we cost our government boo-coodles of money each year. we are draining the system of funds that could be used elsewhere. but on the other hand, why doesn't the government actually do something to help those that are trying to help themselves? i think, no i believe, and wish, and hope for a radical change in our country. i feel that everybody that receives a check from the government should have to pass a random drug screening, just like the working man does that supports this system of the government. that would untie some funding at a great magnitude level. take that money away, and encourage this people to get clean. then reinstate those that actually do get clean, and help them to find work which will allow them to join the society of the working class.
like i said, i was walking through the plaza that i call the homeless gathering spot. it's a great place to hang out during the day if you have nothing else to be doing. do you remember that old commercial that used to come on television of the old Indian standing on the highway filled with litter, and a tear rolling down his face? well,........i kinda felt like that. i saw garbage lying every where, and there are several cans in the park to put that crap in, but few are willing to walk a few feet to do it. i think that this is a disgraceful act!! why would a person be so lazing that after they eat off government funding that they can't throw their trash away? i do realize that a few of them are mental to the point that they maybe excused, but 99% are not. they are just lazy ungrateful folks that simply don't care about the society that they live in. is it a wonder that they have lost their homes?
i thank the good Lord that i had my mother. she taught me what used to be called manners, and these manners were filled with respectful things that included how to treat others, and property. i reckon that manners, or the teaching of manners has become a lost art in today's society.

most people have trained themselves no to even see the homeless. it's like were invisible to them. they just walk past us like we are not there. not all people do this, but most do. everyday i walk down the street greeting everybody that i met with good mornin', and you be surprised at the folks that don't even acknowledge that i exist. some times when i throw out that bama accent to them, a smile of relief comes on their faces, and they will actually talk with me for a few minutes. you can tell that i'm what most people consider to be a tramp, because i'm caring what's left of my life on my back. i certiantly fit the profile.
 i'm not really ashamed of my plight in the world, but i sure pray that it ends soon. i want to become a productive member of our society again.
being an urchin on the streets can sure humble a person. i mean i find it really hard to even ask a stranger for a friggin' dollar. i've saw quite a few people that new me during the good times of my life, and i can't even ask those folks for monetary  help. either i'm the worlds worst beggar, or my remain pride is going to kill me. i'm sure it's a pride thing. because i know if i would just drink a couple beers that i would loosen up, and beg to everybody. the only reason that i don't is the fact that i know where those two beers would take me. i'm not an alcoholic, but i do have very bad alcohol tendencies. i can't stop with just a couple beers to loosen up with. i need more, and i need them until i pass out. i have broke through this hellish cycle a few years ago, and don't intend on going back.
i know that i have two ways to make some money, and they are both illegal. either could put me in jail for a long time. in fact so long that i would die in prison, but that's a chance i've got to take. can you see what kind of turmoil comes with being homeless. i really try to tell myself that i'm different that the others, but i'm not. i just still have manners, but i'm as wicked as most of them are when i need something.
i'm pretty sure that most people will get the jest of today's blog. it a multi-fold problem within our society today. nobody wins as long as our economy is in this bad of shape. we need government reform to help the citizens of this country. i know from experience that when i work, i feel better about myself, and when i feel good about myself the world is a better place to live in.

                                                                   .....................................much love

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