
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

danger will robinson.......danger!!!!

do you ever just know when there is something that just ain't right? you might not know exactly what it is, but you sense something is wrong. usually that feeling stays with you until you locate what was wrong.
i don't think that i'm all that different than most folk's, other than the fact that i'm a reformed red neck from bama. i have had this uncanny sense when something is wrong all my life. maybe it's the presence of Angels in my life protecting me from harm? maybe it's some form of E.S.P.? maybe is just something that can't be explained. whatever it is i've had a fairly good dose of it for most of my life.
yesterday evening when i got ready to break for my camp, i had one of these feelings. i didn't know what it was, but i was sure that something wasn't right. i went ahead, got on the sky way, not knowing if it was going to derail at the highest point or not. maybe two of them were going to collide in mid-track.
 i was sure that something was not right. i was so nervous riding the sky way last night that you could not have drove a pin up my bum hole with a sledge hammer!! i made it to the next to last stop, and rode to my stop with my eyes tightly squenched together, because i was expecting something bad to happen.
i got out of the rail car, and made it down the escalator to the front door. i breathed a sigh of relief as i walked through the parking lot, and suddenly my relief was replaced by the same thoughts. something was wrong, or maybe something bad was going to happen. i walked toward my campsite as the feeling was getting stronger. i thought that my campsite had been raided. i didn't have nothing in it but a blanket, water jug, and some pieces of cardboard. i knew that it wouldn't be a good haul if they had hit me, but all those things were important to me for my survival.
i was about to my campsite, and i was waiting on all the traffic to clear out before i crossed the road. when the last car had passed, i took off quickly, and keeping my head down, so the cars coming off the interstate off ramp could not see me. past the fence i went, and the closer that i got,.............i knew what was wrong............i had been raided!!
it didn't take long to access the damage, because it was in plain sight. i don't believe that a man should invade another man's camp for any reason. little lone to do what these scoundrels did to me!!
my blanket was lying on the ground covered up with some card board. on the top of the cardboard i had laid a palm leaf for camouflage purposes.
i can tell you exactly what these vandals did, even without ever seeing them. they took the palm leaf from covering the cardboard. then they took the cardboard from off the top of my blanket. then they laid the palm leaf back on top of my blanket, and went about their business.
i laughed so hard that i couldn't breathe when i saw this total move of desperation!! somebody desperately wanted a couple pieces of cardboard to use for something, and they were too lazy to find their own. what a riot!!
actually, i was so sure that something was going to happen that i was laughing about everything that had happened. the sky way, the cars, and the great effort by a couple professional burglars!! that just made my day. i can bring back some more cardboard to my camp tonight, but i would have been hard pressed to get another blanket. i'm grateful that all they took was the cardboard.

this world is filled with all kinds of different people. i'm the kind that finds humor in different places. do yourself a favor today, and those around you please. find something to laugh at in your everyday life. when you laugh around others, some will laugh with you, but the rest will smile!!

                                         .................................much love.

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