no matter what happens in our lives, we can always find something still good in it. even the worst case senerio when someone we truly loves dies there should still be something good in our lives. often we are burdened down with grief, and can't see anything good, but that don't mean that it's not there.
now, this is not about death. i'm probably the worst person to write about death, because i never take it lightly. death to me is a subject that i don't even care to write about. especially since there is so much life around us. i just used that as a worse case senerio, and i might as well elaberate on it a bit.
have you ever seen kids the way they are around a dead person? joe blow can be lying stiff in his casket, and children will crawl in the floor right beside him playing with each other. i'm not sure about you, but i think that children are one of the best examples of life that we can even see. they don't seem to take anything to serious. they still know things that we have long forgotten. they know how to have fun with little or nothing. kids have fun even when we would prefer them to act differently. life to a kid is nothing more than fun. i really think that we could use some lessons from kids, we tend to take life too seriously.
as adults we seem to feel that we have a special license to worry. we're always worrying about this thing, or another thing. all the worrying that we do doesn't solve anything either. it tends to run our blood pressure up, and cause severe anxiety inside of us.
a statement that i've heard all my life, and i believe is true is a simple one. it goes like this, "all that i need to know about life, i learned in kindergarten." if we think about those things, and would apply them to our lives, it would make our lives more simple.
we learned how to share with each other, and how to treat each other with respect. we learned how to use manners, to make our lives even better. we learned to be thankful, and greatful for the things that we had. we learned all sorts of values that we lost in the process of becoming an adult.
i wonder what really happened to cause that drastic change? why do we teach the kids to do one thing, then tell then that it doesn't apply to adults? what makes us think that just because were adults that we have the right to be rude with certain folks? why is it ok when your an adult to tell a lie, and then be bold enough to call it a white lie? we teach our kids not to discriminate, and then we do it ourselves when we lie. what's the difference in a white lie, or any other color that we choose to call it?
we put most of the pressures in life upon us, by acting in a way contrary than we were taught to as a child. i believe this to be personally true with me. if i would act in the way that i was taught to act as a child then i wouldn't have as much drama in my life. i believe that i was brought up in the right way. i was taught manners, and to treat my fellow human being with respect. i was taught to treat other people property with respect also. i was taught to love God first before anybody else, and i was taught to love my family next.
if only i could get back to my childhood roots my life would be less complicated than it is right now. i'm sure that it took a process of time to ever get this far off track. i'm sure that the pain of living has a lot to do with this change also. maybe the heart actually grows more tender the older that we get, and we retaliate in different forms that gets us off track so badly. i guess that we feel that we are adults, and can justify our actions with a few simple words. actually, i'm not sure of the process, but if was wrong to act this way then, what makes me feel that is right to act this way now?
my mind is something else. it is continuously thinking about ways to improve my life today. my hearts desire is to be an adult that can be trusted, and is known as a good honest person. a friendly man with excellent values. a righteous man with qualities that exceeds expectations. am i just dreaming? are these goals that are set way too high for me to achieve? am i just fooling myself to ever think that i can be a man with these qualities? maybe this is just another illusion of confusion?
..........................much love
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