
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

winn dixie.....fresh checked everyday?

i don't think so!!  who are they trying to fool?  they are trying to sell some rotten stuff to whomever may buy it!!
ok,.............let's get real for a second. i don't really like WD house brands to begin with. if it says WD, or thrifty maid be very cautious when purchasing. whatever national brand is worth the differince when shopping at WD.
ok,......................now let's get down to the real meat of why i'm wasting valuable blog time to concentrate on a failing company anyway.  i'm going to concentrate on one store in particular, and it's the one in downtown Jacksonville. you don't have to worry if your sure that the one that i'm talking about is the right one, because there isn't but one down here. i guess that you could say that they have the market cornered in downtown.
i might not have a home, or a kitchen in which i can prepare fresh wholesome meals, but i still try to eat right. it can be a real challenge, but i feel that i do pretty good considering the circumstances. often,............well,...........at least three times a week i buy a salad. everybody need a little ruffage in their diet. seeing how i'm limited on places to shop downtown i shop at WD. usually, i'll buy a salad, and a bottle of thousand island dressing. actually, i eat two salads back to back, because the dressing dosn't last that long in this heat.
the other day i bought what they call a garden salad. it consist of a variety of lettuce, three cucumber slices, a couple cherry tomatoes, and half an egg split in half. as usual i always cull the white parts of the lettuce, and what ever romaine stems that they are in my salad. i basically like to just eat the green lettuce. i also pull out any wilted lettuce there is. i know that i'm kinda picky when cleaning my salad to eat, but i can accept that as just what i like. however, what i found in my salad the other night was totally unacceptable. it's was the whole entire four inches of core from a head of lettuce!! jeez louise,..............how lazy can an employee be?
i took the whole bag of lettuce that i had cleaned out of my salad back to the store the next morning. i walked in, and saw the two managers talking to each other. i walked up and waiting for them to say something to me. they both looked at me, and could tell that i was homeless. this raggedy ole' back pack that i carry is usually a dead give away, and started talking with each other again like they could care less what i needed.
after i saw what they were doing i interrupted them. are you the manager? the man looked at me kind of hard, and said yes. i threw my bag of lettuce leafs on the counter, and told him to take a look at what i got out of my salad last night. the man just looked inside of my bag, and said that is was just the normal wilting process going on.
i was about to get upset, and i pulled the core out from underneath the bag of normal wilting lettuce, and flopped it down on the counter. then i said, is this normal?
once again the manager look hard at me. i could tell that he was in no mood to deal with me on this day. he started telling me that sometimes through the processing of bagged salads that the manufacturer of the salads would let the cores slip through. he told me that he would make a note of it, and scold the manufacturer good. then he ask who the culprit was.
i paused answering him, because by now i had been totally disgusted by the way that i was treated. i took a deep breath, and kindly spoke these words to him. it was your company sir. it was a salad made by your employees in this store that were standing in last now. his jaw dropped as i continued speaking. do you reckon that they fresh checked this core to assure maximum enjoyment when it was eaten?
the face of the manager was beet red by now from the shame of embarrassment. he actually was having trouble talking, but he managed to muddle out that he was going to give me a full refund, and another free salad of my choosing. i took my money, and left the store. i don't like getting the second class citizen treatment, and that what i felt like he was giving me. isn't my money the same as other peoples money? i don't understand why i'm entitled to be treated any different that anybody else just because i carry a back pack busting at the seems with what's left of my life inside of it.
by the way i did get my free salad, and this time it didn't have a core in it. however, i threw as much away as i did in the first one.  fresh checked everyday?

i'm not a big fan of WD to begin with, but i don't have any options at this present time. i decided that for dinner last night that i simply wanted to eat a tomato sandwhich. i thought that would be a meal good for me, and cheap.  boy,...................was i wrong!! i actually ate three of them, and the bill only came to ten dollars!!!
hey,.....................i got it!!..........................this is just another illusion of confusion!!

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