
Thursday, January 6, 2011

it's rained all day............

..........and i love it!! there has always been something special about water falling from the sky to me, or maybe from just over my head.
when i was a kid a simple water hose would suffice. i guess it was a good thing that we lived in the country, and had a well. the bill would have been out of this world!!
speaking of out of this world, and staying with the theme of water. why in the world has the people of our country gone so silly mad about the water that they drank? i realize that water is one of the most vital substances that our body needs to maintain good health. it's vital for every part of our bodies from our hair down to our toes. without water we would surely die a slow painful death, after going stark raving mad.
maybe,.........once again,..........I'm just getting old, but i never even thought that i would see the day that folks would rather pay for water than drink it free out of a fountain. people buy water right out of the soda machine now a days.
i guess a lot has changed since i came up. i remember that we had a well when i was a kid. the water had a lot of sulfur in it, and an ungodly amount of iron. we simply drank it even thought it had a rough smell, and didn't have a pleasant taste. the deal was let it settle for a minute, and have at it, but you never drank the bottom of the glass. that's where the crap settled down in the glass.
the deal was all out neighbors drank the same water, and nobody died from it. that water was all we had to drink, and we just considered it a fact of life. i've had well water since that point and time, but I've learned some tricks to make it bearable. just run a jug, and let it sit open where the funk can come out of the water, and, it's better than that high dollar bottled water.

where the heck did salmonella come from? we never knew anything about that when i was a kid. chicken was a main staple in our house growing up because we were poor, and it was cheap. i've saw my mom cut up boo-coodles of chicken on our kitchen counter top, and simply wash it off with soap and water. the only thing that she ever used bleach for was the laundry washing the white clothes. once again,..........nobody ever died, or even got sick from chicken.
chicken wings?  the boniest part of a chicken besides the back. they used to  almost give them away. that bony piece of chicken was not a luxury like is today. sometimes they charge over two dollars a pound for a bunch of bones, and don't even think about getting them already cooked. actually,...... sometimes they are cheaper all ready prepared.
the whole chicken is pricey today. i like most of the chicken. i have never saw any use in the feet, but they sell those also. ever now and then i will crave chicken liver. it's the only liver that i care for. it has to be the nastiest part of an animal that you can put in your mouth. for god's sakes it filters the blood of an animal, or a human as far as that goes. if you think about what your eating with liver it is quite disgusting, but it's packed full of iron. i think that's what happens to me sometimes. my iron level will drop, and i start craving the liver.

aids............back in the 80's we got the living crap scared out of us. there was a new disease that were killing folks left and right called aids. it was a blood disease, and there was no  cure for it. we had little knowledge of it, and speculation run high. the media of coarse went out seeking all those that died from it, and broadcast their death proudly. the whole county went to panic mode with a quickness. actually,......the entire world was affected by this new disease.
you rarely hear anything about it anymore. modern medication still can't really cure it, but it does buy the victims a lot more time to live. education and the handling of blood different has certainly saved many lives today.

media..............i could probably talk about these folks for the duration of my life, but i promise not to get that carried away. if there is ever found a national conspiracy in our country you can bet that they started it!! they will take the most petty story, and blow it up until it becomes a national issue.
the most tragic day in the history of my life was an event called 9-11. on September 11, 2001 the AL-Qaeda terrorist  launched an attack on American soil.
al-Qaeda terrorists coordinated suicide attacks. They all had the intent of dying in the process of killing others. All 19 coordinators died, crashing two planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, another plane into Pentagon in Virginia and the fourth and final plane into a field in Pennsylvania. They killed 2,973 victims in the process.
These planes were far from empty. The al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked commercial planes, run by American Airlines and United Airlines. 246 people occupied these four planes, 246 people died on these four planes. The fourth plane was crashed as the result of on board passengers and flight crew battling with the terrorists in attempt to take control of the plane. Later analysis has shown that this plane was en route to either Capitol or the White House.
All of those who died were innocent civilians, exclusive of the 55 military personnel killed at the Pentagon. Civilians from more than 90 different countries were killed, resulting from the attacks to the World Trade Center.
An investment bank, Cantor Fitzgerald L.P., lost 658 employees. This figure is considerably higher than the loss of any other employers. The runner-up went to Marsh Inc., who lost 335 employees.

this was a fearful time in our country. all of America's eyes were glued to the television set watching the horror unfold that day. it was a time of tragic great loss, and the media done their best to make it look worse that it was, if that could have been possible. they interviewed surviving victims, and brought them to tears........all over again. they made sure to agitate an already lit fire of anger among the American people. they spared no one's feelings for the sake of their ratings.
that's what they do, and that's who they are!! they are the scum of the earth. they rank right up there beside lawyers and politicians. which those two are the same thing basically.   if you ever hear a good heart touching story from the media, how many seconds does it last?           not too many!!

that's my story,...............and I'm stickin' to it!!

                                 ...............much love

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