is a wonderful day!! I spent this morning, at my house of worship,
praising the Lord, for His goodness toward me. Worship is a personal
event, in a cooperate setting, at the church, of our choice. Does
that make sense to you? I believe that, when we go to church, the
Lord pays little attention, to the over-all phase of worship. I
honestly believe that, our Lord is more concerned, with our
individual worship toward Him. I believe that He is more concerned,
with the condition, of our heart.
eight hundred, and thirty-three times, in the Word of God, the heart
is mentioned, in seven hundred, sixty-five verses. I believe it is
mentioned that many times, because Father must thought it was
important, for His children to know about. In the Webster’s
dictionary of 1828 there were given fifteen definitions for heart. I
will not post them all, or any for that fact. Instead I will tell you
the bottom line of what the Bible means by heart.
of us think quickly, about the organ buried inside of our chest that,
pumps blood throughout our bodies. When the Word of God, talks about
the heart that is rarely the one, which it is speaking about. Most of
the time when we find the word heart in the Bible, whether it be in
the Old Testament, or the New Testament, it is referring to the
center of our being. The things that, we believe to be the most
important issues to us. The things that, we value most, in our lives.
Our personal priority system if you will.
just start off with the real deal, of the way that our Lord sees the
issue of our heart condition. I don’t believe that the way that, He
sees our heart changes, until we accept the sacrifice of the Son, on
the cross, then Father sees us through, the blood of Jesus.
17:9-10 The
heart is
deceitful above all things,
and desperately wicked: who can know it? 10
the LORD search the heart, I
try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and
according to the fruit of his doings.
you read verse ten, and even happened to breathe a sigh of relief,
then verse nine fit you, and me, to a tee. I would much rather have
the mercies, of Jesus on me, as have the justice of Father. I don’t
want to receive what I am due, when there is an option. The only
reason that Jesus came to this earth, was to save the lost, and the
sick like us. Yep,…..That’s right,…..I know where I stand,
and I am learning just how sick that I was, and still am!!
4:18 The
Spirit of the Lord
me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he
hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the
captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty
them that are bruised,
can honestly say that, this whole verse applies to me. I am poor. I
am brokenhearted. I need deliverance, from the captivity of the
wicked one. I am blind, and I have been beat up, and I am not ashamed
to cry out, at the foot of the cross, for the help that Jesus
offers!! I need the mercy, and love that Jesus offers, because I
can’t stand before Him one day, and handle the price, for my own
sin. Do you realize what the price will be?
6:23 For
the wages of sin is
death; but the gift of God is
eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
price of my sin calls for death. This is not spiritual death, because
the unredeemed soul is already spiritually dead. It cannot get any
deader than it already is now. This is talking about what the Word of
God, calls the second death. The second death is being cast into the
lake of fire, and being tortured, for all eternity. From this point
forward there will never be a Nano-second of relief!!
as horrible as this will be, for those that reject the mercy that
only Jesus offers, there is a but, in the middle of this verse. Using
the word but, cancels out whatever was said, before the word but.
There is a solution. Hell is an option. Nobody has to go there,
however many will chose that destination. Rather than accept a free
gift, from God called eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord,
they will go into default mode.
and pride are the reasons why, people chose eternal damnation, over
and above eternal life. Satan blinds good folks to the love that, God
offers to His children. Why does he do this? Is there something
wrong with him? There is something serious wrong with him, and the
first thing is that he hates us. The second thing is that, his
judgment has already been passed on him, and there is no redemption
for him. He is trying to fool those that still have a chance to
escape the pit.
Isaiah 14:13-15
For thou
hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my
throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the
congregation, in the sides of the north:
I will
ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
Yet thou
shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
only hope that, the inhabitants of the earth have, is found in Jesus.
There is no other available, and there will never be. Once you accept
the shed blood of Jesus for your personal sacrifice, for your sin,
everything will change. Father can now look upon us, because the only
thing that He sees is the blood, of His Son all over us. We are
family now, and nothing can take that away from us!!
want to leave you with another verse about our heart. If we don’t
have Jesus in our lives, then this verse doesn’t apply. Most of the
Bible is meant for those that have a relationship with Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit. Without Holy Spirit the Bible is nonsense, and Holy
Spirit only comes with Jesus. Ain’t Jesus Awesome?
19:14 Let
the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable
in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.