
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

What Manner of Love

I find it very strange the different attitudes that, I go through as a child of God, and follower of Jesus. The more that I get to know about my Savior, the more that I change. It is no secret or great mystery that I have cancer of my colon. I have made that fact well known, ever since I found out, in the month of July. I will not say that my God has given me that disease, because that would be against His very nature. I know for a fact that He has allowed that disease to enter into my body. I also know that there is a reason, for me having it. I am still clueless to the reason why.

I find that it is a privilege to share this part of my life, with the world, and especially with the other children of God. I can find nothing glamorous about having cancer. I also find nothing good to say about it, because it is truly a very painful ordeal. The best that I can tell about cancer is the fact that, it really doesn’t seem to strike two people in the same way, and the treatment varies, from person to person. 

I don’t understand how the ones that don’t worship my Lord have any kind of support system. Jesus is the anchor in my support team. Actually as far as I can tell He has set my little group in place. First off the church that I am recently a new member of has a small group of really loving people. They have taken to me, in a way that I really don’t understand. I know that it is the love of God that causes it to be that way. 

The thing that I find to be truly amazing is just how many of them have been through the cancer ordeal. My sister has had trouble with her colon, and went through a process that they say might be worse than the chemotherapy, which most cancer victims experience. Most of us have a real hard time tolerating the effects of the chemo, and my case has been no different. I have been wishy-washy about taking the chemotherapy. Do you understand what I am saying?   There is a verse in the Bible about my actions.

James 1:8  A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. 

James, are you saying that you have been double minded, and unstable? The Word of God said it first, and I was just the living example. There is no shame in admitting when we are wrong. If we don’t, or can’t admit when we are wrong, then it is an issue of pride. When we admit our wrongs it set us up for a much greater blessing. 

 1John 1:9  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 

I know there is only one good thing that this cancer has caused in my life. It has drawn me closer to Jesus. That is a very good thing!! I need a stronger relationship with the Lord. I can’t speak for anybody else, but I believe that we all could use this kind, of a blessing. Most of us don’t realize who Jesus is, or what His reason for being, on the earth anyway. Please allow me to share a verse, which should make His mission clearer.

John 14:6  Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. 

This verse shows us several things about Jesus Christ. The first being how good, and kind that He is those who don’t know Him. He also makes it very clear that He knows what that He is doing, and where that He is going, while making the offer to get us there. He is the way, and the only way. He is the truth, and that makes all other ideas, from mankind a lie. When He says that He is the life that is a very strong statement, and is backed up by His life. As Christians we find that we have no life outside of Jesus. 

The last part of this verse is just as important, as any other part, or section of this verse.       If we have Jesus, then why would it be important to come, unto Father God?         Is it not enough simply to latch on to Jesus and live?      That is not why that we were created to begin with. We were created to be a part of, and have a relationship, with the entire trinity of God. There is a verse, in the Gospel of John, which states the great love that, the Father has for us.

John 3:16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 

Jesus is speaking about the Father in this verse. The world that He loves is not the land, animals, oceans, nor any particular part of the world, other that the Human beings that were created, in the image, of the Father. (Genesis 1:26-27) Father gave the best that He had to offer, so that we might believe, and enter in to a relationship with Him. A relationship that guarantees us to never to worry about again while on the earth, and a beautiful existence for all eternity.

Why do I have cancer?   Not a clue!!  If it has taken my cancer to draw me closer to my Lord, then it is well worth the situation.   Ain’t God Awesome?

             ….Much Love

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