
Saturday, December 7, 2013

A Outbreak of Christianity

Acts 4:31  And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.

This is just one verse from the book of Acts. In the book of Act’s there is a lot going on in every chapter. Act’s is the place that we find evidence of Holy Spirit. Sometimes He is referred to as Holy Ghost, or the Comforter, but He is the same God. No matter what name Holy Spirit is called by, He is as powerful as Father, or Jesus is. Actually, He is the third part, in our triune God, that makes up the Trinity.

I am not going to try to explain the trinity to you, for one basic great reason. The fact that I don’t understand it enough myself to write a convincing post. That is one of those things in the Bible that I simply take as faith, that it is, what it is. However, I do want to talk somewhat on Holy Spirit. I believe that I am qualified to speak about Him, because we have a personal relationship. 

Have you noticed, how far the church of today has changed, from the church of Act’s?   Maybe I need to clarify, what the church really consist of, since the beginning. The church is not that mega-million dollar building, nor that shack that is about to fall down. Actually, the church is not a building at all. The church is those that believe on Jesus Christ, and recognize Him, as the only way back to the Father.
When I ask that question, I needed to qualify, with what the church actually is, and is not. There are a lot of buildings out there, which people think are churches, where they worship themselves, much more than God. There are some who don’t even worship God, nor know anything about Him!!

Paul really had some insight on the things that he wrote. Hebrews 10:25  Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. You can see that there was no mention of any building in this verse. Funny thing is we naturally accept this as a command to go to church, as that is what he is talking about.

Once again… Have you noticed, how far the church of today has changed, from the church of Act’s?   Back in the time that Act’s was written there was an outbreak of Christianity. These folks took the Words of Father, and Jesus as serious business. That was mostly because there was a new player on the field. A real mover, and shaker, which came prepared to wipe out the wrong, with a bold statement of Truth!! His name is Holy Spirit!! As radical as Jesus was walking the earth, Holy Spirit just slipped right into His sandals.  

The modern church is really lame, for the most part today. I am not saying that they all are, because Father still has a remnant out here. The biggest portion of today’s churches is pathetic, and pitiful. There is not any power inside of them. They are going in the direction of the world to fill seats, and offering plates!! They don’t preach sin or Salvation anymore. Most of them don’t even have an altar call!! 

Why would they have a call for Salvation and repentance?   The problem is that Holy Spirit is not in their midst!! One thing that I can say for sure is that Holy Spirit is a gentleman in His actions. He will not stay in a place, that He is not welcome to be in, and not invited to stay!! Any church or individual without Holy Spirit is a sad case of extreme weakness, and not fit to serve the Lord.

 Holy Spirit is where, that we get true, awesome power, to serve the needs of Jesus. If you don’t have Him, then you are just wasting your time. Let’s see if I can make it really simple. A church without Holy Spirit is like a cupcake with no icing. It is nothing but a muffin at best. 

Can I be bold enough, to ask the readers to study more, in the book of Act’s?   We need the power of Holy Spirit, so that we can experience the boldness, which is required to carry on, the work of Jesus. That is why we fail so often. That is why that we are eaten alive, by our fears.    How long has it been, since you have had, a Holy Spirit experience?   Don’t you think that we ought to have them at least daily, if not several times in a day? 

Am I getting too radical in my speech?    Good!!    I know that I am right on track with what I am saying. There is nothing anymore sweet, on this earth, than when a true child of God, has fellowship with Holy Spirit!!  How much time do you spend in conversation with Holy Spirit?   Do you call on Him by His name?

Do you want to hear something truly pathetic about me?  Until a couple years ago, I didn’t give Holy Spirit the time of day. About the most that I did to acknowledge His existence was in the way that I ended my prayer. I love you Father God, and I love you Lord Jesus, and I love you Holy Spirit.     He knew better, because you can love a person that you don’t know. You can show a person that you don’t know love, but to truly love them takes a relationship.

I need to strengthen my relationship even more with Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. As important as all three are to a Christian, Holy Spirit is more prevalent on the earth. He is as worthy to be praised, as the Father, and the Son are worthy to be praised.

Ain’t God good?

                            ….Much Love            

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