
Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Most Valuable Thing

It is a brand New Year today, and for once, I believe that I am looking at it, in the way, that a Christian should be seeing things. I have no regrets, from last year looming over me, planning a surprise attack, at any given moment. Actually, my life is good today and a whole lot better, than it has been, in my past days of total rebellion. 

I think if I was to sum up the most valuable thing that I learned in the last year. The issue of understanding, that has helped me the most, in my Christian walk. I think that it would all boil down to this important factor, and I know, that you have heard me say this, a lot of times. It is all about the relationship!!  However, I can say to you from experience, that it can be over-whelming at times. 

We must look at our relationship with Jesus, in the same way that we should be looking at life. It is all about the journey, and not the destination!! We are all eternal beings, and depending on the choice (Singular) that we make will determine our destination. Once we make that right choice, that is when life gets meaningful. 

Deuteronomy 30:19  I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:
The strange, and very exciting thing about walking, along the highway of life with Jesus is the fact, that you never know where you might wind up. We are all going different places, at different speeds, and doing different things. Sometimes we have somebody to walk with on our journey, but most of the time it is just us and the Lord. I believe that this is so that we don’t get dependent on others. 

Hebrews 12:2  Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Do you ever get excited, about what’s going on, and get behind the wheel to drive?   I have done this myself. You start out try to be helpful, then all of a sudden ego, and pride sets in. I am sure that none of you have this kind, of a power trip going, on inside of you. However, I do, and have always deal with these issues. 

The next thing that you know your zipping down the road, at ninety miles an hour, heading toward the express lane. I have just passed by a lot of different side roads, that I needed to turn down. All this time Holy Spirit is trying to get my attention, but my pride is clogging up my ears. When an undetermined amount of time has passed I find myself in the same place that I started.   Can anybody relate?

Matthew 6:11  Give us this day our daily bread.

I believe that this is one of the keys to changing, just a relationship, into a very successful relationship!! If we were to take this verse literally, as receiving bread. How much bread, would you require, in a day?      Even better than that, in what manner would you eat it?        Would you just shove it all in your mouth at once, and swallow the bread without chewing?           I really doubt if any of you would do that. Most folks eat one bite at a time.

I believe this is how, that we should do our daily walk with Jesus. One step at a time, and hand in hand, keeping our focus on Jesus. Sometimes, I wish that I had a set of blinders, like they put on horses, to keep their attention focused, on where they are going. If Peter had of kept his eyes on Jesus, he would not have started to sink. 

We have several things to distract us in the world today. However it all boils down to three things. 1John 2:16  For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. Do you understand what all, this verse means?   I want to share with you, what the Adam Clarke commentary provides, for our understanding.  It should give us a great starting place, on what this verse means. 

The lust of the flesh - Sensual and impure desires which seek their gratification in women, strong drink, delicious viands, and the like.
Lust of the eyes - Inordinate desires after finery of every kind, gaudy dress, splendid houses, superb furniture, expensive equipage, trappings, and decorations of all sorts.
Pride of life - Hunting after honors, titles, and pedigrees; boasting of ancestry, family connections, great offices, honorable acquaintance, and the like.

That covers a lot, but is not exclusive. The bottom line is there, is a lot to take our focus, off of Jesus. Honestly, without one doubt, that is the worst thing, that will ever happen to a Christian. However, Satan is working non-stop to make sure that happens.          It is good to know our adversary.           Ain’t God good?

        ….Much Love         

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