I want to continue on with
tuff enuff r u. There are a lot more to the cost, of the following our Lord,
with the process of discipleship. It is not a one-time decision, and then you
reap, all these different rewards. I truly believe, that the rewards that we do
gain, because of our decision to continue on into discipleship, will only
appeal to those that have made that decision.
Then again, I think that I said that wrong, because I used to have them,
on my Spiritual wish list.
Do you know what I am
talking about? Please allow me to
elaborate in my case, because this might not fit into the religious bracket. My
Spiritual wish list was comprised, of those qualities, which I saw in other
Christians, that I did have a desire for. The only problem was I was either too
lazy, or too selfish, or just simply too prideful to do the ground work myself,
and let’s not forget about a great chance of ignorance. I used to pray asking,
that I could be the same way that they were, and then give up when a couple
weeks had passed, and I was no different except frustrated. I stayed frustrated
a lot.
I need to tell you this. I
have learned that as Christians, we are as different, as our D.N.A. is, in our
relationship, to our God. Father made us all different, for a good reason. He
has a different plan, for each one of us, which only we can do. We don’t get
the same blessings as everybody else; the same as we don’t all receive the same
talents and skills.
Psalms139:14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and
wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul
knoweth right well.
Another of the cost of
discipleship is having, to make some relatively difficult choices. I realize
that most homes in America have, at least one television set in them. Some
homes have one in every room. I don’t have one simply because, I didn’t want
all the foolishness, and negativity, that comes along with it. I also knew that
would take a lot of time away, from my writing, and studying of the Word, and
most important my time with Holy Spirit.
Contrary to what you may
be thinking right now, I am not trying to get you to donate your television, to
the Good Will, or any other charity. I am just telling you, what some of the
prices, that I have paid, have been. You might be fine, with that entertainment
corrupting, every mind in your house. Unless you have figured out how, to
monitor the viewing of it, for twenty-four hours in the day, and that has to
include the advertisements also.
Another cost that a lot of
people don’t realize is the fact, that some folks, that used to be your friends
can’t understand you anymore. They will not understand, why you don’t laugh at
their off colored jokes anymore. The fact that you will be thinking, of ways to
get from around them, will also throw them off. This class of people is not
subject just, to the sinners, in your life. Sadly, this does include a lot, of
the Christians, in your life also. We all have sinners in our lives, except for
those that are too religious. (Pharisee’s)
Hold on to Toto Dorothy,
because you’re not in Kansas anymore!! Discipleship is a total different way of
life, because it will take you places, that you may, or may not have dreamed
about. As far as I can tell, it will take you closer to walking, in the
footsteps of Jesus, which you might have ever thought possible!! Isn’t that,
secretly on everybody’s, Spiritual wish list?
Haven’t you just sit pondering over how cool, that Jesus really is, and
thinking that you want to be that cool?
John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that
believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he
do; because I go unto my Father.
When Jesus said this, He
was talking to His disciples. That is the reason, that a large percentage of
Christians have no power, in their ministry. If you want real power, there
isn’t but one way that I know to get it, and that is from Holy Spirit. You have
to get close to the Son of God. You have to learn of His ways, and do all, that
you are told to do. There are so many promises in the Bible, that can only be
accessed, by a close, continual walk, with the Lord Jesus Christ.
The only way that walking
in this newness of life is possible there has to be a decision made. This
doesn’t happen by accident. Jesus is not going to one day tell you, that it’s
time to grow deeper, whether you want to or not. Once you accept the plan of
Salvation it has no effect on your free will. You still have the right to
choose, what you want, in your life. This only comes about, as the result of a personal
decision, which we make on purpose. Are you tuff enuff? Ain’t God great?
….Much Love
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