
Tuesday, April 29, 2014


I have a friend, that lives in the same area, that I do. We have spoken to each other, for a few months now, and I can tell that Father is, closing in on him. Most of us know that Father always gets what He is seeking, and it couldn’t happen to a better guy. He shared with me this evening, that he packed up his one eyed monster (TV), because it was affecting him. He didn’t care for what he was seeing, and what he was hearing, wasn’t any better.

Television has come a long way, from the way, that it originally was, in the beginning. It used to have family oriented programming, and the news. However, in the short time that it has been in existence, the bottom of the septic tank has risen to the top, choking out any real use for learning, or educational value, which might have ever been in place. The truth was during this time of great change I couldn’t have been more happy. I loved the sex, drugs, violence, and rock music!!  I was a card carrying, hedonistic kind of a person. 

I know now, that the television, Hollywood, and all other forms, of so called entertainment were nothing, but a plant for Satan to draw, from those the illuminate. The elite, and the rich and powerful, that made a deal with their father, the devil. You might be getting mad about what I am saying, but I thought that I was talking, to believing Christians. I am really not asking anybody to ever believe, anything that I say, but I do expect those that are doubtful, to do their own research.

 2Corinthians 2:11  Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

James, where do you get these things, and how do you come up with them?  Now, that is a really good question, and seeing how, I am nothing, but a mere mortal man, the solution has to be God. I spend more time, each and every day focusing, on the things of Holy Spirit. The more time that I spent, the more the things of the Lord are revealed. This is nothing new for anybody but myself, because there has always been those appointed to bring to light, the Word of God.

Right now in the world there are several, and I don’t think that several is the right word, because there are folks teaching all over this planet, the Word of God. We can take anything that we hear for the gospel truth, because we are all prone to make mistakes. Worse than mistakes, some of these teachers teach pure heresy. The way that they do this is that they will twist the truth just slightly, because their father taught them that.  There are two verses, in the Bible, that I want to show you.

Proverbs 23:12  Apply thine heart unto instruction, and thine ears to the words of knowledge.

2Timothy 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth

Ok, there is a problem with adhering, to these two verses. The first thing is that they just don’t automatically happen. We must set time aside, from our already over-laden schedules to make time for God. Both parents usually work, in the modern home of today, and that does nothing but add more stress, on top of the already over-stressed pile. Then we need to add our small gifts (kids), from the Father into this equation, and all the time is taken, along with the most of the money. 

Geeze Louise!!  I really feel for the modern day family!!   Can you see how Satan has caused all this to go awry over the years? It’s is all part of his master plan, for world corruption. Most children are taught by people other than their parent now, so whatever teaching they get about Jesus, has to take place at home.  That is exactly why, there is no more Bible reading, and prayer in the public school system today. 

All this is a part of Satan’s grand scheme, for world domination. I can almost feel sorry for him, because he is deceiving himself. He really thinks that his plan will come to fruition.   Has he been blinded to the fact, that he is a created being, created by the Creator?  Father had a plan before He ever created Satan, and Father’s plan was the cross!!   Amen?

The cross of Calvary was the solution, for a sin soaked society, but it only works when we personally, access the mercy, that was provided. The blood of God Himself was used, for our atonement, from sin so that, we could go into a relationship, with a Holy God. I don’t understand why our Father wanted to have fellowship, with a bunch of people like we are, but I am sure happy that He did!!  Amen.

It is awesome when we consider, all that was done for our benefit, by the One who created us. As we look around wherever that we live, and see all the other things, which were created, for our pleasure. That bird that sings every morning, located just outside your bedroom, is singing its praises to God, for you to follow its lead. All creation worships the Creator except one creation, and that one is the pride, and joy of its Creator. The one that was made in the image of God is the only part of creation, that is rebellious to its Creator. 

We all rebel against the things of the Lord. Often times it is in the small matters, that we don’t even pay attention to what we are really doing. We don’t consciously mean to rebel but still it happens. That is why the cross, and what has taken place thereon, is so very important, in the lives, of us Christians.

1Corinthians 1:18  For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

As Christians we have access to the power of God.   Think about that.     “THE POWER OF GOD!!”  Ain’t God Awesome?

          ….Much Love        

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