
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Looking at Raw Power.

I don’t think all that much has changed since the beginning, of the world. I know that we are far more advanced in technology, and the medical profession has grown immensely. Somehow all these great changes have not really affected the attitude, and beliefs, of the human race. We are still as arrogant and prideful as we ever were, and still suffer from severe heart problems. 
Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Our heart can, and will deceive us every chance that it gets. The heart that the Word is talking about is not, the same one that pumps blood, throughout our body. This is the center of our being, where our core values are located. If we don’t allow the Word of God to establish these values, then they are rotten to the core. There is no way to escape this fatal mistake other than to allow the Word, with the help of Holy Spirit to shape us.

I remember one time when I was a young boy, of no more than ten years old, listening to a conversation between two adults. One was my step-father, and a member of our church. This member was saying that, it was hard for Jesus to save his soul. His reasoning was the fact that he didn’t sin that much. Then he went into telling this long list of sins that he never had done. I really didn’t get the jest of the importance, of what this man was saying, but forty years later I still remember what he said.

This is a prime example of a wicked, deceitful heart, which was fooling that man into thinking that, Jesus just barely was able to save him. Have you ever heard such foolishness? My Jesus never has struggled to do anything that was important to the Father. The closest event was recorded in the garden of Gethsemane when Jesus was sweating blood, while anguishing over the cross. The cross was not the problem at all, but separation from the Father was. (Luke 22:44)
This man was my senior of around sixty years. I am sure that he has slipped into eternity by now. My hope is that he realized his sin was greater than, his heart was leading him to believe, and accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Nobody should ever go to Hell, because of any reason, whether it is deceit, deception, ignorance or pride.

Can I show you what real, true, raw power looks like? Let’s go back to the beginning of creation, as told to us in the Word of God. As Christian we accept the Word of God, as the ultimate authority, in every case of our life. We are told of the creation of the earth, and all the other planets. We are told of the creation of the sun, moon, and stars, and every galaxy, as far as we can see, and beyond what we can see.

We are told of the creation of all things on the earth where we live. We are told about the water, whether it be oceans, rivers, lakes, streams, and all life found in those bodies of water. We are told about the creation of all the animals, on the earth, and finally we are told about the creation, of the first human being.

How did God create all these things? He spoke them into existence!! Our Father God simply spoke The Word, and matter came together, and formed what Father intended, to be created. That is pure, raw power, with grace and excellence creating what the Father approved of, and showing His approval by saying, it is good.

When Father created the human being He formed him from the dust of the ground. I like to say that He made us like a mud pie!! Although there were a couple differences when we were created. We were created in the image of our Creator, and a secret ingredient.

Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Do you realize that, everything that the Lord created has life within it? Go ahead and think about it, and see if you can think of anything that is dead, which our God created. The only thing that I could possibly come up with is the rocks, stones, and the mountains. They don’t seem to have life in them, because they don’t grow, or produce more rocks. They simply sit there taking up space.

According to Jesus, who is the ultimate authority on life, they are alive. During His trip into the city of Jerusalem while riding on a donkey. The Pharisee’s cautioned Jesus to quite His disciples, from shouting so loudly saying, Blessed be the King that cometh, in the name of the Lord. Jesus replied saying these words;

Luke 19:40 And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.

In all of our great educational values, in the world today, why would we thing that anything, which God created would be dead? What really constitutes being alive? A heartbeat and breathing? Do you think that Father, who is a Spirit has a heartbeat? I don’t know, but it is something to consider. Do you think that He breathes, and if He does breathe, then what does He breathe?

Have you ever considered what kind of air there will be in Heaven? Have you pondered the idea of whether or not that, we will be bound to Heaven? There are some beautiful places out in space. Do you ever think about visiting them? Forever is a mighty long time, and I am not sure, but I don’t think that, we will be bound under the same laws, that are here on the earth. 
I was personally hoping that, each day might be a field trip with Jesus, because I don’t believe there will ever be an end, to seeing the great things, which He has created. There are some wonderful things that He has created on the earth, and that was with the presence of sin. Is there a limit to the good things, without sin being a factor?

Knowing what has been said about our new home, and the majestic overview written by the Prophets, Ezekiel being one, our God is a flamboyant creator. There are a lot of different colors in Heaven, and I am a visual person. Heaven is filled with all kinds of different sounds. I don’t even think that we will ever get bored with all the great and different things that will be available, for us to experience. All this is just speculation on my part, because it will even be better than I think that it will!! Ain’t Jesus Awesome?

.Much Love

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