
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spam. Should I go there?

This has been a very strange day for me. After all why would I expect it to be any different? Maybe the fact that it is my birthday, and a very special one at that, could be the reason for my expectations. I went over to the McDuff campus, and cooked those folks a fantastic lunch. It consisted of hotdogs, and baked tater cuts!! Didn't I tell y'all that I am a hotdog chef? Man I had all the popular varieties going to day. I had beef dogs, pork dogs, chicken dogs, turkey dogs, and a few that were simply call meat dogs!!
Those must have been made with whatever there was on the floor at the time they swept up. You can bet that I didn't waste my time reading the ingredient list on those packs. It must have been the same thing that they make Vienna Sausage, and potted meat with, and speaking of unidentifiable meat products.            Spam.             Should I go there?            If that wasn't bad enough to begin with, now they have Turkey Spam.         Have you ever read the nutritional value in Spam?
The ingredient list starts off with pork with ham. I never really have cared too much about pork meat in general. I do love selected cuts like bacon, ribs, and chops. All my life I have been under the assumption that ham was pork meat.              Hmmm?               This makes me very suspicious!!
The nutritional values for a lil' ole two ounce piece of delicious spam is really not as bad as it seems like it would be. The total fat is only 16g which is 25% of the daily value. The saturated fat is only 6g or, 30% of the daily. The sodium is 790mg, or 33% of the daily intake value. I have seen construction workers eat a whole can at lunch time, and that only six servings.
I bet that you already can tell that I never eat the stuff. I can't stand the taste of it. Although, if I were to get hungry enough...that reminds me!! I was in Miami a few years ago, and homeless. I met this guy that was staying in Homestead. He told me that I would be better off to go down there with him, and we would go fishing in the morning at Key Largo. He promised to show me where that I could live down there, and a place to work.
I agreed totally, because it had been a few days since I had eaten any real food. Plus he said that he would buy us a good lunch to eat while we were fishing. Sure enough the next day we took off at daybreak to Largo. On the way he stopped to buy bait, and get our lunch. This man bought a loaf of bread, a couple cans of spam, and two cans of pork and beans.
When we got back to the truck he said that he was starving, and for me to dig in. I watched him as he cut some spam from the can, and placed it on the loaf bread. He then passed the spam to me. Then he popped open a can of the pork and beans. He took a spoon, and spread the beans over the spam, and covered it with a slice of bread.
He passed the can to me, and told me not to be about making a couple sandwiches. I was sitting there with what seemed to be an endless supply, of what had to be the two foods, that were on the top of my hate list. I actually had to convince myself to eat what was offered to me. I know that it had been at least three days since my last meal, but I could bare the combination together.     Cold and unheated, nothing to help change the flavor.          No mayonnaise, nor BBQ sauce, nothing!!
He asked me if I was not hungry, or just didn't like the food. I said that I was going to make a sandwich just the same as he had done. It was just that I had never had one with the beans on it. I made one just like his, and prepared for my first bite. I knew that I would hate the taste, but I needed to eat something.
As I took my first bite I had this explosion of flavor inside my mouth. The beans complemented the spam, and added moisture to my sandwich. I could not believe how good that sandwich really tasted. I made two more, and ate every bite of them. I tried the same thing a few months after that first episode with almost the same results. Instead of a favorable explosion of taste in my mouth, it was what that I had expected the first time.
I guess that it is true: If a man is hungry enough he can eat anything!!

…........Much Love

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