
Monday, March 25, 2013


Good morning!!     I mean that literally.     I have been awake a little before one A.M. this morning. There is a lot of excitement stored up on the of inside of me this week.     There is a change coming, and I can feel it!!     This is Easter week.     This is the time that Jesus made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem.      He rode in on a young colt donkey.     Imagine that...Huh?      The king of the entire universe riding to His death on a donkey!!
The people laid down their clothes, and cut branch's from off the trees, and laid them down in His path. They started shouting, Hosanna, Hosanna. Blessed be He who comes in the name of the Lord!! A lot of things happened in these few day's, but I will only be concentrating on a few, at this time.
I really like this part.     The part where Jesus was getting Soul sick, because of the disrespect that was being shown to Father.     I imagine all the people of that time, had never seen anything, come out from Jesus, but His calm mild mannerisms.       That day He blasted through the temple like a wild man, over-turning the tables, setting all the animals loose from their cages.      I sure bet that was a sight to see!!
Jesus said, that they had turned turned a house of prayer into a den of thieves!!    He wasn't concerned with who was hearing His rant.      I would image that He said a little more than what our Word states.    He was heavily burdened at this time.        As He looked around at all the foolishness, and mockery being made for personal gain.         Don't you imagine that it was breaking His heart?
Come on now.       Let's take a moment to get real...OK?        Jesus knew what the mission that He came down to earth to full fill totally consisted of, because He was not deceived.       Jesus was just as vulnerable to pain as you, and I are.       I honestly could not have gave my life, for the salvation of the world.       The way the people were acting, then or now.     I would have went back to Father, and given an honest report. “It is not worth it.       They simply don't care!!”
I can tell you that my attitude would not have even allowed me to see the cross.     The first one that even thought, about laying a hand on me, of causing any ill intent toward myself.       They would be melting inside their own sandals, from the look that I would have given them!!      Aren't you glad that our King of Glory didn't have the anger issues, and high expectation of behavior from people that I do?        I am glad that He didn't have all that madness going on either!!
Jesus knew the hearts of people.      He knew that the scribes, and the Chief Priest where scared of Him, and were already plotting to kill Him.         They knew that Jesus stood for something radically different than what they had grown accustom.     He was fixing to rock their world, and set a new standard for life.     They really didn't know who He was, or much about Him.      This one thing they did know, and could feel it deep in their hearts.      Jesus was such a threat to them, that He simply had to die!!
There was another event that had happened that I find amazing.     Jesus was walking with His disciples to Bethany, and Jesus was hungry.      He saw a fig tree far off with leaves on it, so they walked to it.       When they got to the tree it, was not bearing fruit, because the season wasn't right yet.      Jesus simply said to the tree; that no man would ever eat the fruit, from this tree again ever.
Our copy of the Word states that the disciples heard what Jesus had said to the tree.    Apparently, they really didn't think much of it themselves.       The jury of their heart was still out, concerning who Jesus really was to each individual.          They walked on to Jerusalem to attend to business there.
The next day they were walking again in the same region that the fig tree had been in, and Peter noticed a miracle had taken place.      I would call it a miracle any time a tree is full of leaves one day, and the next day it is totally dried up from the roots!!        It's funny, that I can't recall ever hearing a sermon preached, on this miracle.
I love Peter.     He is a lot like myself at times.       Neither one of us or any good at holding our tongues when we are intrigued.      I can just hear him now: Jesus that tree that didn't feed you yesterday, and you put a curse on it. Well, today it is withered up dry from the roots on up!!
Jesus simply answered them, even though Peter was the one that had stuck his neck out again. “Have faith in God!!”          Wow!!      Don't you find this Word from Jesus a little disturbing?    He has just slaughtered this fig tree, without even taking an ax, to the base of the tree.       When questioned about it His first words are, “Have faith in God.”
Jesus did say more behind those words, but I am running out of room to write.      Just so you can check behind me, and see if I am telling you the truth.       The events of this passage have come straight from the book of Mark, and the eleventh chapter.
I have paraphrased a little.      Plus, I am also guilty of thinking outside the box.      I find the Bible more meaningful, when I can slip myself, in the place of those involved.        It tends to open up an entire world of revelation for me.

….......Much Love

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