
Monday, March 18, 2013

A deadly game called religion

Lord help me, sweet Jesus....... I really feel the need to vent a little. I have told y'all that I have severe issues with people, and I might be wrong for feeling like this. If I am, then I can accept the fact that I am wrong, and place it my things to work on box. Sometimes I am at a loss for words. I certainly choose not to say the ones that usually pop in my mind first. There is something about my mind that has not received Salvation from the Lord yet.
I am serious!!     It seems at times, the thoughts that rip through my mind, are worse than the ones that I would have before Jesus.     I don't entertain those kinds of thoughts.     I don't dwell on them for too long.     I certainly ask for forgiveness for having them, and bind them in Jesus name!!    I know this for sure though.      These evil thoughts keep me from straying too far from the sight of the cross.        Can I get a witness in this house?
Does anybody know what I am talking about?      Maybe you want to stay religious, and whip your nose up in the air, while grunting very low!!      I used to be naive enough to actually think that I was a misplaced Christian that suffered from all kinds of Spiritual weirdness.    You know what I am talking about.      I was dealing with Satanic stuff that the real Christians wasn't affected with!!      Geez Louise, I ain't falling for the kind of madness anymore!!
That's how Satan works on us.     It's probably a tactic as old as he is.      It is called divide and conquer.      The way it operates is that you get one of Gods children feeling alone, or different. He makes sure that they can't even feel right around other Christian folks.     They are not good enough, and certainly will never measure up to the standard.      When they start to wonder off from the flock, and in a short amount of time they become the next meal for a pack of wolves!!
That's why we should never forget where we actually came from when dealing with others.    At one point in time in our lives we were all dead in trespasses and sins.       We were all guilty, and needed a way to get back home to Father.     We all needed a Savior, and there wasn't but One to be found. That One, and only One is called Jesus Christ!!
It is at the point of religion, that we get to feeling this way of superiority, over those that are not as saved as we are saved.      If they only acted like us they could afford to feed those kids better.    If they loved Jesus like we do they wouldn't be taking the bus to church.     Religion tends to forget that Salvation is an inside job!!        All that stuff on the outside are just blessings that Father gives us to be a help to others.
I guess that I have done messed around, and wrote the answer to my question.    I was bogged down about, why would people even want to get ordained as a minister, if they didn't want to be a help to people?      That is what started this post to begin with, and now I know.      Thank you Lord.      They are simply putting on a religious mask for all to see how great that they have become.    That greatness lies in the eyes of man, and man only.        God ain't impressed with it one bit!!
You understand how I am confident enough to say this?     It is simple.     My God is not a respecter of persons.      He is the only one looking good, and that's because He is the only One that is good!! Father placed us together to help each other in our walk toward Himself.     It is all about Him, and not about us, and I can prove this statement in four words.       In the beginning God!!
It has never been about us until Father invited us to His party!!    He knew that we would be coming, and created us a whole planet to live on.      In other words He created us a playground to share with the ones that we love.       But that was a long time ago.      There are people living here now that I don't love.
Once again religion has reared it's ugly head up, and were off to the races with divide and conquer. God has a simple plan for us, and Satan is turning it into a deadly game called religion.       Hell will be full of religious folk.         Matthew 7:22, 23: Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

.................Much Love

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