
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Beware of the Wolves!!!

As I was walking through the plaza, on the way to the library I heard a familiar sound. It was a sound that could only be one thing......A ghost from my Christmas past!!         Yes,....I am being serious when I say this. I remember back when I just had my second stroke, and I decided that I needed to surrender to God's will for my life,............Once and for all!!
Did I mention that this was almost fifteen years ago?       I really can't tell you how many times since then that I have finally,......For the last time,......surrendered to God's will for my life.     The truth is that I get up everyday and re-surrender if I will have any success.          It's those days that I skip out on Jesus that I run a heavy risk!!
It was the guys from down at the farm from Trinity that I was hearing. They had two acoustic guitars, and a set of Bongo drugs with 30 voices of men belting out the same ole tunes that we did. Man,....I thought that we used to sound good!!                Until,............I finally heard a recording of us.     We were slightly off key.                   OK,...OK,.........We were all whacked out!!       I must admit though that we were seriously happy, simply praising God.
As I stood there listening to the same madness coming out from different smiling faces,........I couldn't help but smile with them. I will always have treasured memories of my time spent at that farm located deep in the woods.

Tis the season.............I guess? For some reason I have been running into all different people from my past this week. Some have been from my close past, and some a little deeper than ten years past. I have never ran in anybody from my past in Bama. I probably wouldn't recognize them if I did. If it is any indication of what I have become every time that I look in the mirror I doubt that they would recognize me either!!
I am extremely happy with what I have become. I simply am not happy about what I look like worth a flip!!      The only think that upsets me with my appearance is how fat that I've gotten in the last two years!!        I weigh almost 300.       Honestly,.......I tip the scales at 270.      I hope to never see 300, but it is not that far away.

I think that I need to change gears, and say what is really eating at me today. I have a lot of time to think, and it seems that my mind seldom takes a break from serious thought.     Now,.....I guess that you could say that I have spent my fair share of time around missions.      Actually,........I have spent more time working in them, rather than staying in them.
I have noticed that missions tend to produce a lot of one certain group inside of them. That would be preachers, and I don't have anything against folks preaching God's word. I actually like to hear certain ones, but not all of them.         Please don't shoot the messenger, because I am just giving my own opinion.          You don't have to agree or disagree.
In all my time spent at missions I have grown to spot the wolves from the Shepherds. There tends to be a fair share of both out there, and that is a dang shame!!

Jesus told us how we can be sure if we are judging them right. He doesn't want for us to be fooled. He wants us to know who is leading us. Jesus said that we will know them by their fruits. We all have fruit that we produce, and we are all human.       It is not a shame to fail, but is if you keep failing, and choose to wallow in the muck!!
The mission seems to have a lot of preachers coming from it, and honestly,.....I find that the majority of them are corrupt. The flash way too much pride, and arrogance. When you ask them what happened you seldom get more than an ounce of the truth. They tell a lot of lies, and mostly about themselves. The seem to need to prove how trustworthy that they are by cutting someone else throat with character assassination.
I believe if a man is going to be successful in God's eyes as a preacher he has to be called by God!! Any other way through the door would make that man an impostor. One silly little thing that just errks the fire from me is when a preacher is excessively drinking alcohol, and indulging in tobacco use.                You can't preach a God of deliverance to me when you are under bondage!!          Can you feel me?

…....................Much love

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