
Sunday, December 30, 2012


The city bus let's me out a couple hundred feet from the front door of my church. Immediately once my feet hit the ground my whole perspective changes for the better.     I just have the feeling come over me that I am exactly in the place that I need to be.      A warm, almost glowing type of feeling invades my body, and my entire body welcomes the feeling.        I really can't explain what is going on with me.      It is like I get giddy, and just thrilled to be there!!
This morning I didn't make Sunday school, because my tail was too lazy to get out of the bed. It wasn't like I didn't sleep last night, because I sleep well most nights.     I am confident that I am walking in the will of God, and that causes a peaceful night of rest.     Maybe it was just meant for me to not attend this morning.      That makes three in a row that I have missed in this new adventure of The Truth Project.      The great thing is that they are nine more weeks left until completion.
I have always been kind of strange acting at my church.       Normally,...... I am really a very shy person. I don't talk much, and rarely ask any questions.      I am a loner by nature.     Most of my human interaction in the past was because somebody else had something that I thought that I needed, or I had a job that required human interaction.        This was all going to change in my life, because Jesus had not called me to play solitaire on His behalf.       He has given me the same command that He gave the rest of His believers.

This is called the great commission. This is where Jesus anointed those that believed on Him to spread the Gospel throughout the world .     Even though,.............. through this blog I can reach the entire world, and spread the Gospel ( Good News ), I still need a home base.       A ministry to fuel my fire, a Church where I can receive strength, and the power to continue along the right path.      I need to receive the fire of God burning in my bones, so I can have something interesting to deliver to you.
I know that right now that I am still struggling a bit with what to say.      I just need to step out of the way, and let Jesus write the words that He would say to you.       You know it is really sad when we have a book called the Holy Bible, and it is nothing more than God's words on how we should live our lives.        It is basically an owners manual on how a human being should operate on this planet.     Still most of us don't consult it for any wisdom on life, unless we are already in trouble. Even stranger that that is if we do look for the wisdom that we need, and the help that we seek is found.        Then we act like it was just a fluke type of deal.          We don't give our creator any real acknowledgment for pulling us out of the fire one more time.       Somehow, we turn it around, and pat ourselves on the back, because we think that we are in total control of our lives.
I used to be really bad about acting in that sort of way.     I would pray,.... cry, ....beg, and plead for God to intervene and deliver me from some form of madness that I had gotten myself into again.     He would honor my prayer, and start the process of straightening out the situation.        I could actually see Him working.         Things were changing right before my very eyes, and what do you think that I would do next?
Whoa!!        That's enough!!         I can take it from here.        I know how I want this to turn out.       I do appreciate all that you have done so far, but I will take it from here.         I really would appreciate if you would just crawl back in your box now.         If I need you I still know how to crank the handle.
Yep,........That's right,...........I had me a jack-in-the-box God!!         Just crank the handle, and He would spring out!!         When I was finished with Him,..............I would lock Him back inside!!
I can tell you from experience that this is not the way that almighty God deserves to be treated.       Nor was He of the most beneficial to my life.       My God doesn't belong in any box!!
God works best in our lives when we allow Him to be what that He really is....GOD!!      He really don't know how to be anything else, and that is excellent in my case.      I needed a God in my life to straighten out the mess that my best thinking had created.       I was living in a cold, chaotic, dark place that I had no hope to escape!!
If you remember back in the garden of Eden when the day would start to cool of God would look for Adam. He would walk with Adam in the garden, and they would talk with each other. I bet that Adam had a million questions to ask. I would also imagine that Father had absolutely no problem answering his questions either.          That is the way that God wants for us to treat Him.      He wants us to ask Him for the things that we need.         He wants us to ask Him about His opinion about how we are living our lives.         All the Father has ever wanted from us is to have a relationship with Him.        The deeper that we get into this relationship the more that we love Him, and want to make Him happy with our praise!!
Although I am guilty of this myself, I just really don't understand why it is so difficult to accept.           On the one hand we have a Father that owns more than this world can contain.      He is the wealthiest Man alive, and He wants to adopt us.        He wants to call us His children.      He loves us so much that He even has our picture on His refrigerator door!!          He wants to take care of us, and handle all of our problems that will ever arise in life.         He has a solid Gold plan for our eternity with no pain, or suffering involved.
That still is not good enough for us!!          We think that there has to be some catch to it!!                           Honestly,.......We are far too intelligent to get caught up in that kind of madness!!

                     What is really wrong with us?

.......Much Love

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