
Monday, December 10, 2012

Keyboard Chaos

Sorry y'all about not posting anything yesterday. I surely wanted to, but I had a problem with my keyboard.       Yep,...........That's right,.........It gave up the ghost!!            It had been acting funny for a while. I had tape holding the wire so that it would work. It also had tape keeping the little lifts from falling off the underside. I didn't pay but 10 bucks for it at Walmart.

It ain't like the old days when Sam Walton was living. He believed in promoting the American product. His theme was buy American. Now that the Grand kids have took over the cooperation the theme has changed. Now it is made in a Chinese sweatshop, and pretty much worthless!!      The new theme seems to be give us your money, and screw you!!

I am really not sure if that last statement was appropriate language. The honest truth is it is close to the way that I really feel about the situation. I am trying my best no to be as graphic, as I have been in my past. I know that Jesus don't like ugly!! I do apologize if anybody found that offensive. You might want to consider saying a quick prayer, because I know that I need all the help that I can get!!

I have a fairly nice Toshiba laptop. It is a relic now, because it's a couple years old. It has everything that I need..........I think?          I really don't like the keyboard on it, and the internal mouse,..........Well,......Maybe I am too old, and set in my ways to really figure out what is going on!! Do y'all ever feel that way?         Seems to me if I ever get comfortable with a thing,......Then it changes!!

Anyway,......What I bought was a wireless keyboard, and mouse. I like the wireless deal, because I don't have to untangle a mess of wires every time I break it out. I don't have to roll them up, and bind them together when I put them away.        I was reading on the package that the most distance that I can use either one of these is a mere 33 feet.        I am thinking that I might have got ripped off!!     Only 33 feet!!         They must be joking!!         Now all I need to do is tie a set of binoculars on my head, so I can see what I am looking at!!!        Yep,..........I reckon,............It is another one of them age problems that I keep running into wide open!!

I was going to write a little bit on Angels today, but I guess that can wait another day. It seems my theme today is on me getting older.    I really don't like what is going on with me. My body seems to be failing to do the things that I used to do very comfortably. Getting out of bed can be a chore depending on the weather.        Now ain't that something!!            Who would have thunk that one?

Normally, I avoid looking in a mirror when possible. I see this old man every time that I look. He is half bald, white headed, fat, and ain't got a tooth in his now.       I am shocked every time that I look!!     I don't even feel like that old man looks like he must feel.         Honestly,.........I am standing there thinking,.....How?..............And what the heck has happened to the dude who used to favor Burt Reynolds greatly?

I take ten different medications daily. Pills for blood pressure, pills for cholesterol, pills for allergies, and those make me sleep well. Pills for my heart, and a couple to keep me stabilized so homicide, or suicide is not an option!!       Not really..........But they are anti-depressants.       Oh yeah,.......I snort something up my nose every morning called Flonaise.    It works wonderfully, but I am not sure what it does anymore.

Do y'all know what the really good thing is? I don't have high blood pressure, nor high cholesterol. My heart is fine, and I rarely sneeze. I sleep well at night, and I’ve not thought that anybody had to die since I tried to kill myself!!       All these pills I take greatly improve the quality of my life on a daily basis.     I really think that without them that I would probably be locked in the basement of a psychiatric ward hidden somewhere.

Do y'all remember the mad man of Gadara?     He was living in the tombs in a real bad shape.     He was possessed with a legion of demons.    A legion ain't but 6000!!       It is pretty safe to say that this man was messed up beyond belief!!      Now the really cool thing is that it didn't take but one encounter with Jesus to put some clothes on, and be social with folks!!

Well,............My point is that Jesus did the same for me. The only difference was that He did it through modern medicine, and Salvation. Most days I can be found fully clothed, and in a pretty stable mind.           Hey!!,..........At least to me it's stable!!

OK,.........Y'all knew that I had to throw in a plug about Jesus, because He is the man!!      I think that we all should spend a little time getting to know Him better every day of our lives.     I am fully amazed, because He is nothing like I thought that He would be.        Jesus is cool!!

….......Much Love

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