
Friday, May 3, 2013

Human Misery

Do you think, that some days, tend to pose a greater problem than others?      Yeah,.....Me to, but I am not sure why, it is that way. Today, or maybe I should say this morning, started out that way. I got up at Four-Thirty this morning, because I had an appointment at Seven. My first appointment with physical therapy. I have been putting them off, for the last three years. I don't think, that they can help my back. Although, I will give them a shot at it.

The reason that I got up so early, was due to the fact, that the city buses was not going to cooperate, at that time, of the morning. I had to walk, a little less than a mile, to get to the main transit hub. The station is located next, to the downtown mission. I still have a friend, that is in that mission. I thought that I would walk up, and talk to him, before he went to work.

When I first got to the station, on the side, that I first walked up on, I saw two friends. I talked with both of them, until their buses got to the station. Then I walked to the other side, and talked with my friend, that I went early to see. Then he went to work, and then I walked over, to where my bus, would pick me up.

I sit there five minutes, and decided to get me some new bus schedules. I had just went and got one, before I sit down to wait, on my bus. I was flipping through the schedules, on the stand that they are located on, and a very strange thing happened. Officer Friendly started drilling me !! What bus are you waiting on?       Why didn't you take the one that came earlier?        I have been watching you!!        You were on that side just talking, and then on this side talking!!

Do you see that sign behind you?     It says no loitering!!        Do you know what that means?     There is a reason for that sign being there!!      I stood there simply amazed at this guys attitude. I don't care if he was a cop. He was being rude. I wasn't saying anything back, while he was doing his rant. Actually, I went back to finding the schedules that I needed, and not paying him any attention.

When I found the last schedule that I needed, he had calmed down. I apologized to him. I said, if I had done something wrong, I was very sorry. However, instead of defusing the situation, it did the opposite. He fired up with another completely useless rant, and I just walked away, from the madness, of officer Friendly. I left him standing there talking to himself. I know that was two strikes against me. The first one was ignoring him, and the second, walking off from him.

I didn't know what else to do. I had this internal battle going on. My flesh was trying to rise up, and use my most colorful metaphors, to describe, what I thought about the situation!!      Can I get real for a minute?         I wanted to cuss his sorry tale out!!        On the other hand, that calm, smooth talking Spirit, that lives in me, was whispering; Peace, be still.

It wasn't but five more minutes until my bus came. I had made it, and I was relieved. I thought that I had figured out what the deal was today. I saw him running, two-three homeless folks off while sitting, on my bus. It was raining, and they were trying, to get somewhere dry. Then he did something even stranger.

He walked up to the bus, that I was sitting on, and started another rant to the driver. I think that he was trying to prove himself right, to the driver of the bus. All this time, I thought that gun, and badge that he was wearing, made him automatically right, ….No matter how wrong he was!!! Then he started quoting scripture: When I was a child. I spake as a child. When I became a man. I put away childish things.

I was about to come un-glued!! I though that this can't be happening. There is not much worse, than a disgruntle christian!! Then I thought, about what I found written, on a bus stop years ago. It said: There is no episode, of human misery, that can not be made worse, by the presence, of a police officer!!

I will admit to you, that most of the trouble that I have with the police, was of my own making. I have no problem with the police in general, but you must admit, that there is a whole lot of truth, in that statement!!

I finally made it to my appointment, and I was early. I always keep a small, New Testament, in my backpack. I though, “Lord give me something that I really need today. I just don't understand.” I closed my eyes, and opened the Bible. It opened on the love chapter. First Corinthians chapter thirteen. I started to read, and when I got to the eleventh verse, I was surprised. It was what officer friendly, had been quoting. I read through the chapter a couple times. Then I realized what was really going on, with my end of the deal.

My training was being tried by fire. Peace be still, are the words, that Holy Spirit spoke to me. Whether I realized it or not, at the time.      (Not)        It took the love of God, inside of me not to blow up, and lose control. I can't tell you, that I performed valiantly, the entire thirteenth chapter, because I did not. I did achieve a victory by listening, to Holy Spirit today though. Actually, every time that I listen I achieve a victory. It just those times that I ignore, that I suffer the most.

….....Much Love

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