
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Diabetes....What Me?

I just want to take this time, to give praise to my Lord Jesus, for all the things, that He is doing in my life!!        Will you please hear this story, which I want to tell you, about how good Jesus is to me?     This involves the results, of a test that the Doctor did on me, some time last year. 

One thing that I have noticed, is the fact when you hit the age of fifty, the medical society seems to feel, that it is time for your body to start falling apart. This is the time that they start doing all these test to determine, what order your body is rebelling, and in what order that you will be checking out.

I don’t know what my physical body is up to. I can tell that things are not like they used to be. I know this fact above everything that they might tell me. I know that I will not leave this earth suit that I am wearing, until Jesus calls me home!! I have no idea what kind of shape; it will be in, when that day comes. Now I am not saying that I don’t care either, because I am trying to make it last as long as possible. I exercise, and I am starting to see the value in a correct diet.

Let me get back to my story, and my reaction to the results of this test. I have recently changed Doctors in the University of Florida network of Doctors. I am not sure why that they changed my Doctor, but I am really happy that it took place. My new Doctor went to check my blood sugar, on my first visit last month. I ask why that they were doing that, and I was told that I was diabetic. Well, this was news to me, and I ask them how that they had come to that conclusion?

They told me that I had taken a blood test last year that revealed that I had diabetes. She showed me that
 the results of my finger stick was too high to not be diabetic. Can you imagine being told this a year later?  I asked the silly question, of why have I not been told this until now?                I got no satisfactory answer, and I didn’t press it any farther.

This happened last week, and they drew blood, took urine, and said that they were going to perform intensive test to determine what was really going on with me. They also informed me of a diabetes clinic that would be going on today. They suggested that I attend, but left it up to me.

I went home in a funk, and I don’t even know if that is even close to the proper reaction. I did have some paper work on what diabetes really is, but I didn’t know but one thing about this disease. It was the fact that B.B. King had diabetes, and that it had not killed him yet!!

The truth is that I wrestled with idea long enough on my own, and I told it to the Lord where it actually belonged. This has been going on for the biggest part of this last week, and I finally gave in. “Lord, if I have diabetes, that is fine. I will still love you as a diabetic, because you are the ultimate control in my life!!”

I went to the clinic today, which was held at my Doctors office. The lady giving the class showed me how to take the blood sample myself. She asks me some questions that I didn’t know how to answer. Then she asked me, “Who my Doctor was, and when was the last time that I was tested?”

Then she excused herself to go look at my records. When she came back this is what she told me: “Last year you tested in the pre-diabetic range. However this test shows that you have dropped below the range of being a diabetic. This does not mean that you are cured, but you have being doing something right to drop the level.”

She went on to tell me what could have changed this level of sugar in my blood. All the time that she was saying what that she had to say. I was sitting there praising Jesus in my heart, because I knew that if anything had changed, it was not of my doing!!

Now I am not silly enough, nor stupid enough to think that there is nothing wrong here. I know that I am a diabetic. That simple means that my pancreas is not producing enough insulin that my body needs. There is not a problem with this diagnosis. The goodness of my Lord Jesus is the fact, that I now know how to keep it in check. I know the proper way to eat, exercise, and live to keep this awful disease under control. I sat in a room today with several folks, which was taking insulin shots several times a day. Once you get to that point it is just a matter of time, before more complications manifest.

As I left that room I didn’t have a test machine. Nor did I have a prescription for the test strips. We are going to go in the route, of every three months monitoring of blood sugar levels.  

I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; for all that He does, and is doing in my life today!! There is absolutely no reason that I should have survived all these years, but Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus: I can never give Him the praise that He deserves!!
Ain’t God good?

          ….Much Love   

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