
Saturday, March 22, 2014

A Little Help Please

I am fairly sure that all of us, which do love the Lord, or at least tempting to love Him, like the greatest command tells us to wouldn’t mind a little help.   Am I right when I say this?  One might would think, that Jesus in Himself would be enough, and you might feel the same way. However, I one of those strange characters, that appreciates any visual help, on the way.
One of the best thing that has helped me, in my pursuit of Jesus Christ, are some of the modern day movies. Two of them have been fabulous, and they are titled, The Visual Bible. You may already know about these, and if you do, then you know what I mean.

I will not recommend by two different books to begin with, although, there are several different ones. The reason that I want to recommend these two is because of the actors that portray Jesus. In the Gospel of Matthew the role of Jesus is portrayed by an actor names Bruce Marciano. I can tell you that I have seen a lot of different actors that played the part of Jesus. I cannot recall any of them coming even close to Bruce’s shills. 

I have saw Bruce playing Jesus in other movies also. One is The Road to Emmaus, and the other is The Encounter. He may have played Jesus in more movies than these. I simply don’t know, because I just thought of it. This man was meant to play Jesus.

The reason so might be the fact that he is a Born Again Christian. He has a heart full of love, which Just bubbles out in almost every scene. There was one scene, where He was letting this Pharisee, just have it with both barrels, and then He walked over to him, and Jesus kissed the Pharisee.

I have never even considered Jesus doing that to a Pharisee, but once I saw it happen, it makes a lot of sense. Jesus was the Master of love, and Bruce makes it happen on the screen. The portrayal of Jesus by Bruce has opened my eyes up to just how loving that Jesus was while He walked the earth. 

I have both of these movies in my library, on my computer. I am going to show you how, that you can have them yourself, if you want them. I am going to give you the links to both of these movies on YouTube. I am also going to give you the link, of the video software which I use to download movies. 

The first link is; The Visual Bible- The Gospel of Matthew.

In the second movie titled; The Visual Bible- The Gospel of John, the actor who plays the role of Jesus is Henry Ian Cusik. I have no idea who this is, or about his background. I really think that he does an excellent job in his own rite. However, he is no Bruce Marciano. 

I just love all that John has written, and this movie tends to make his writing come alive. My favorite scene is the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well. (John Chapter four) There are only two characters in this scene, Jesus, and the woman. Both actors nailed their parts so well, that it seems like reality, instead of a movie!!

This actress was named Nancy Palk, and once again I have not done my homework. I don’t know if I have ever saw her in any other movie, but she did well in this one. Her facial expressions, while Jesus was talking to her were outstanding. I am not going to say anything further about that movie, besides here is the link.

The last link is to the video software that I use to download nearly everything that I feel that I need to download. The name is freemake, and the link will take you to their web page. You might want to download a couple different pieces of equipment, depending on what you are into doing. There is no cost or obligation. 

If you download these two different movies, and it makes you love for Jesus, grow any deeper. Then please write me at my email, and let me know. I always enjoy hearing from the readers of this blog!!    Ain’t Jesus Awesome?

        ….Much Love          

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