
Thursday, December 30, 2010

talk about an illusion of confusion!!

i don't mess with reading too much of the world news, but i kinda stay current with what's happening locally. when i first read this original story a couple days ago my first thought was what a sorry assed landlord. keeping that poor baby in the cold. he needed to fix that heat pronto!! there are people like this in the world that we live in today. i've rented from a few of them.
some repairman was watching the news, and somehow new what the problem was immediately. i think personally that he just made a lucky guess, but the bottom line was that he donated his time to go and fix it.

OK,............I've got to admit something to you. most of the time i read the news just to be entertained by the readers comments. i find them funny how they argue with each other, and bicker back and forth. most of the time they get so carried away with their comment that it no longer even applies to the story that they are talking about.
however,.........in today's story that seem to be right on track. actually,.........they bring out some great possibilities of what might have really happened. i can say for sure that the true story hasn't been told yet. there is something that just don't smell right about any of this. i can't even start to say what i think that it really is, because there is too many different ways that it could go.
you might not even care about this post, but i find it hilarious!! if nobody gets arrested for a violation of something i will be shocked. the truth is that it could be any of the people involved with the exception of the baby, but he could be taken from his parents before it's over. Florida is the last place that you want to put your child in any kind of danger. that's one good thing i can say about this state is the fact they protect their children.
the repairman,............although it seems like he is a good Samaritan in this case, might be charged with an ethics violation if he was even a part of this conspiracy. who really knows..........he might be charged if he was honest, and just doing the right thing. weirder things have happened in today's society.
what's up with the landlord saying that he would order the part, when it was nothing more than a loose wire? did he just assume that a larger problem existed? was he just blowing them off for some reason?
i wonder if the father had call every news crew in town until one finally showed up? with the high temps topping out in the low fifties all week, how was his house setting at 55 degrees?  maybe he was taking that wire loose just for show? we all know that a mobile home isn't that well insulated to begin with, so that's kinda strange.          honestly,...........a wire just does not become disconnect by itself. if it had burnt loose then there would have been a bigger problem.
i live in a house, and all i have for heat is one space heater. when it warms up outside i have to raise the windows to let the heat inside. actually,........i have a fireplace also, but i found my home warmer by closing it off, and using the space heater. I'm telling y'all that there is some corruption going on with this story. i just don't know who the real player is. I'm thinking if they would contact the electric company to see how much power that this home has pulled in the last week that might answer some questions.
i really don't think that we've heard the last of this story. if it happens to die down, then somebody got really lucky!! there is something in this wood pile that just isn't copacetic!!     you decide what you think?

Volunteer Restores Family's Heat

Young Family Waited Week For Landlord To Fix Heat Before Going Public

POSTED: Wednesday, December 29, 2010
After a young family told the story of living without heat for a week on Channel 4 news Tuesday evening, a repairman volunteered his time and had the problem fixed in minutes.The last few days have been freezing -- literally -- and one family without heat isn't much warmer inside their Westside home.Francis Golz and Courtney Thomas said the heating unit in their Westside rental mobile home stopped working on Dec. 20, and their landlord was not getting it fixed."He promised he was going to order the part," Golz said Tuesday. "He hasn't done anything yet."When Channel 4's Ashley Townsend visited their home, the thermostat was reading 55 degrees.The family and their 5-month-old son, Jarett, said they were using the fireplace, blankets and warm clothes to try to keep warm as the temperature outside dropped into the 20s for two nights in a row."I'm just tired of being cold and seeing my kid cold," Thomas said. "I can only clothe him so much."After the story of family aired Tuesday afternoon, several viewers called wanting to help."I was kind of in shock for the outreach of people that actually wanted to help us," Francis Golz said.One caller, a contractor, offered to fix the family's heat for free. On Wednesday morning, Sonny Elliott of Angler Heating and Air was at the mobile home."I just wasn't right," Elliott said about the family living without heat. "There aren't too many heaters I can't fix."In fact, Elliott said he could tell from watching the TV story what was wrong: a wire was disconnected.Withing minutes, the heat was on.The landlord did not responded to Channel 4's messages on Tuesday but did call Wednesday. He insisted that the heat had worked all along and that the family was behind on their rent -- a matter unrelated to the heating issue.

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  • ChristopherNorman 5 minutes ago
    Poor baby Jarett, you are stuck with a father that won't take care of his family.
  • Theses people are cons,liars, and theifs. Do not fall for this con. They are past due on rent and refuse to pay rent. This is all a con people. Channel 4 DO NOT FALL FOR THIS. bY LAW a landlord does not have to provide heat only a/c. I believe they disconnected the wire not the landlord. The father does not work, hes a free loader. The Mother does work but I do not believe the landlord had anything to do with this. Its just a way for them to get sympathy and FREE stuff. The landlord needs to start eviction proceedins and get these bums outta his trailer before its unfit to live in.
  • The first article about this story says, "Golz and Courtney Thomas said they work hard to provide for their 5-month old son, Jarett."

    Guess that was a lie if Francis isn't working???
  • I clicked " liked " BY MISTAKE .... I just wonder if you would share the sources of your inside information ... are your sources reliable ?

  • My sources are very very reliable. Believe what you want but I Know for a FACT these people are what I said. This all was and is a con to freeload and mooch off others. They have npt paid rent in a long time, and refuse too.
  • TheAmerican 47 minutes ago
    We can choose to look for the GOOD or the BAD in everything ... We COULD be wrong either way ... unless we have real solid information to base our opinion .. I DON'I.................

    SO ...... I choose to appreciate that the repairman helped keep the 5 month old from the cold.

    In this economy many have loss jobs ....

    There are other remedies for late rent than letting a BABY suffer from the cold ...

    Compassion really feels GOOD .. try it and see for yourself .. I read about it in a really good book that had black cover and a gold printed title.
  • And the donations are rolling in!!! I'm a little suspicious of the whole story, especially seeing as how the unit was so easily repaired. Hmmmmm Perhaps Francis pulled a wire loose and started calling TV stations until one picked up the story. Too contrived. I'm having trouble buying the whole thing.
  • You don't have to buy it ..... just go buy something else to make your life more enjoyable.

    I really do hope you are never in a situation where those you love are COLD and you can't
    DO ANYTHING about it.

    I hope you never have to know what that feeling is like .... but please think about it.

  • How about he goes and gets a job? I've said more than once that I would work on a garbage truck if that's what it took to pay the bills. There are jobs out there all he would have to do is go look. Too many of you are sucked in by sob stories. I've been cold, tired, wet and hungry, but then I was out there doing a little something we called DEFENDING FREEDOM. That is my freedom to be skeptical of these types of stories and your freedom to defend them. Too many of these stories turn out to be someone with a hand held out for, well, handouts, instead of getting off their sorry behinds and improving their lot in life.
  • Tell me then why did the landlord say he had to order a part then and then he said the guy was behind on rent. The landlord is required by law to keep the home in working order which includes the heat.
  • Nemo81 2 hours ago
    I wonder - since they are behind on their rent I wonder if the landlord may have had something to do with the "disconnected wire" on the heating unit? Does a wire come off all by itself? I don't think so. Suspicious isn't it?
  • maybe they disconnected the wire to gain sympathy and maybe some donations to catch up on their rent.
  • That's another good possibility. The whole thing just smells wrong.
  • Nemo you took the words right out of my typing fingers. Very suspicious indeed! And I think because of the landlords reply he could have charges brought against him because he still has a duty to keep the home habitable regardless of late rent and this couple should look into it.
  • It costs more to evict a tenant than most tenants are actually worth in their rent
  • slingblade 7 hours ago
    I would like to know how he knew what was wrong by watching a tv program?

    "In fact, Elliott said he could tell from watching the TV story what was wrong: a wire was disconnected."

    I am confused because on the 28 the repairman did not know what it was by watching the news.

    Now how would he know what was wrong by watching the news?
    Is this a common problem? Is it a statement against the landlord? Or what?
    Come on let hear it! Did the repair man do it? Sounds like a game of Office Clue!

    Did daddy do it with a coat hanger, did the landlord brake in with a fireplace in the home hoping it would be really cold and they would move, Did the repair man do it because he wanted recognition for being able to diagnose it over the video of a man with no heat or was it just broke because it is old and over worked last season. "But it worked in March".
    Did dad want recognition? I find it hard to believe the landlord did this. Fire place and $15 dollar heater would have fixed it. Seem the heat man knows what is up. Someone is just looking for free rent?
  • Maybe they didn't pay the rent because the heat didn't work. Maybe the landlord disconnected the wire himself at some point and knew all along what the problem was. Main thing is that DCF should take the child because the parents are obviously unfit.
  • How do you know they are unfit? Just because they dont live in a mansion on a hill (with plenty 0f heat may i add) and drive Caddys does not make them "unfit". I am sure they kept the little baby wrapped up and next to the fireplace with them. Didnt you ever go through a rough time in your life or are you just fed with a silver spoon.
  • I would like to know how he knew what was wrong by watching a tv program?

    "In fact, Elliott said he could tell from watching the TV story what was wrong: a wire was disconnected."

    Now how would he know what was wrong?
    Is this a common problem in the design? Is it a statement against the landlord? Or what?
    Come on let us hear it!
  • AngryAmericanVoter 8 hours ago
    Let's see here...the landlord claims they are behind on their rent, the heat was working and is now not, a Saint with Angler Heating and Air finds it is only a loose or disconnected wire and the heat is back working. Sounds more like the landlord may be trying to get around going through the eviction process.
  • Maybe?
    I would hope he had more concern for a child and could bare the $$$$$ of a free loader. If that is the case it is very sad to do that to a child. If this young man is trying to do the right thing then I feel for him. But more times than not it seems to be just a game. With the child it is far from that and the other facts speak for them selves. Ohhh now there is a loose wire. Come on. Now the landlord is braking in to the home and braking the heater. Come on! The other facts speak lower at this time for me.
  • And that would also be a violation of the law. But what do you expect from a slumlord.
  • aihtnyc 8 hours ago
    Kudos for helping the landlord fix the heating (those people will be out of there in few weeks) Now explain the pricing and the "all day job" When another man with 36 years of heating and air experience went under my home and in less than one hour did new duct work. I told him about your company coming out and charging me to "look at my heating unit" You never serviced it- they did for $170.00 dollars.(serviced and duct work) I hope the $$$ I gave you for the totally worthless house call went to help.
  • aihtnyc 8 hours ago
    55 degrees inside- My house was inside in the low 40's. I was holed up in one room with children,pets and space heater. I work 2 jobs. I spent my Christmas money on having a heating and air company come out and then tell me the heater was okay but the duct work was shot and the repair cost would be 3k plus(because it was an all day job). Very depressed and very cold- I mentioned it to my exhusband's ex 2nd wife- $170.00 and a old motorscooter and I had new duct in less than one hourr Could you please explain the pricing difference? . You do one group for free and then ask 3 k for another group? Just wondering. ork under the house.
  • Lynching 9 hours ago
    "the family was behind on their rent -- a matter unrelated to the heating issue." If they didn't pay their rent how is it unrelated to repairs on the home? If the power was turned off by JEA for non payment does the landlord have to pay their electric bill? This story lacks a lot of info to blame the landlord. I take care of my properties right up to the tenant not paying rent. They pay, I pay. It's all good business nothing personal.
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