
Thursday, June 3, 2010

ooops,...............i didn't say that!!

well,.............i really don't know where to start. I've got several different ways i could go, and several different things to say.
i guess that I'll start with my craigslist adventure this week. i placed and add in the men seeking women section. i thought that i would keep my information brief. i just said that i was a 47 year old man seeking a woman around my age for a relationship. i even said that i wasn't looking for one night stands either. i stated that i had pics, but the women would have to request them.

now I've used craigslist to sell things before, and you get all kinda of nonsense coming back at you. this romance section turned out to be a lot of fun. i got a lot of replies. i swear my ego was stroked!! I've never in my life had this many women interested in me at once. something even more important than feeling like Studly B. Hungwell hit me, i didn't know that i live in a city where being illiterate run so rampant!!
most of these women were between the ages of 21-25. they would send me half naked pictures of them, and tell me how tight their bodies were, and how beautiful they were.
 the oldest woman was a 36 years old. the first pic that she sent me was of her in a long evening gown.  in here reply she said that she didn't want anything more from me than simply pleasure.
i feel live I've been deprived from one of life's best pleasures. that's right,............where was craigslist in my life 20 years ago? i never even had a clue that people would advertise to have sex with strangers. man,........I'm telling you now, ........i would have taken full advantage of an opportunity like this a few years ago. even know it still turns my head, and makes me think about it.
what was i to do? i thought it would be seriously rude of me to deprive all these sweet young girls something from me, so i decided to reply to each one with my own brand, and style of humor.
the following is an example of the letters that i wrote back:

dear Sonia,

you sound simply delicious!! 21, naughty tender body...........o.m.g.!!
i do have one question though. with all that you have going on for you, then why me?
let me refresh your memory a little bit. I'm 47 years old. i have wrinkles in places that you can't even imagine having them,........yet.  i am built for comfort, and not speed. i already have one foot in the grave, and the other one on.................o.m.g.!!...............it's coming to me now,.................your trying to kill me!!!
seriously though, i do appreciate you taking the time to reply to my humble request, and i do try to answer all replies. i think that we all deserve that as humans,.......don't you?
take care of yourself baby doll.  you have a lot of life left to live.

maybe I'm just simple. maybe it's the fact that i don't have a lot going on. however, it did give me some insight on the current workings of the world. it's kinda crazy,........don't you think?
i guess the cold hard reality of the truth has come upon me. i have arrived in the world of being a responsible adult.  ooops,.............i didn't say that!!  say,.............it isn't so?

actually, this transition has been long over due, but now that it's here i like the way that it makes me feel. i find it awesome to take the time to think about decisions that i face everyday. i consider the repercussions of my actions, and how they will affect others. i really don't take myself as seriously as i used to, and it works out a lot better for me. i can't laugh at myself, and laugh with you while your laughing at me.

well,............did i learn anything about advertising on craigslist for a relationship?  i sure did. i realize that what most people call relationships, i just call sex. then again,.........maybe it's just me. i was raised the right way, with unheard of values today. although, it seems like a forgot about some of those values for a while. they rush back to me as i get older, and want what's really important in my life today.

does this mean that i really wasn't smarter than my parents?

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