
Sunday, April 28, 2013

A lunch planning service

Today the service at church was so different, than I expected when I was praying about it this week. Pastor Garry, always urges the members, to pray earnestly that God will show up, and have His way, in the service. I must admit, that I include this request, in my prayers when I remember. I don't know why this doesn't cross my mind very much. It could be either one of two things, or a small part, of a thousand others. Only God knows for sure.

I am thinking, that this first reason, might be the one. I am so used to God showing up, in every service, that I have come to simply depend on it. I have forgot what it is like to sit, in a boring church service, and thinking about what I want for lunch, as soon as I can get out of here. Here is a thought. Thinking about who the Jaguars, are going to be losing to in the game today.     Sorry, I got off track. It is a brand new season coming up, and with God, all things are possible!!

The second reason, that I might forget is embarrassing for me to admit. I am not much of a prayer warrior. My prayers are all over the place, and really not very consistent. I have got where I am praying all day, about what ever shoots through my mind. The Word say to pray without ceasing. (1Thessaloanians 5:17 )

I know that I am a work in progress, and Jesus is not finished with me yet!! However, I have to tell you something. I find if strange, funny, and down right hilarious at times. While I was going through the life builders program, I completed a Spiritual Gifts Discovery Tool test. It was supposed, to break down the Spiritual Gifts, of the individual taking the test. All was required was to honestly answer every question, about the way that you felt about the question, by choosing multiple choice answers.

What that I have always found amazing, is that my third highest ranking Spiritual Gift, is that of intercession. The definition of intercession by my book that came with the test is: It is the special gift,whereby the Spirit enables certain Christians, to pray for extended period of times, with great positive effects, for the building of the Kingdom.

I can honestly tell you, that there is not one inkling of modesty, coming forth from me, when I say this. I don't know what happened to their test, but that is not me.        Unless........     Unless, there is great power, in that mumbling that I do, all the day long. Then again, it is not over either. I will do what Father wants me to be doing anyway. Meanwhile, I will laugh like Abraham and Sarah laughed, and keep on mumbling for now!!

Like I started saying, a couple thousand miles back down this road. The service at my church, was not anywhere near, what I am used to experiencing. I though that today might have been different, because I got to witness to a couple people, while waiting on the bus this morning. The ride was quick, and I got to the service in time to catch, the last half, of Sunday School.

I walk into the building, and was met at the door by a sweet lady, with a service bulletin. We don't have set programs for our church. It would be a waste of money, paper, and ink. It did not seem strange at the time, that she was there, nor what she said to me. She said that the early service was still in progress. However, I was more than welcome to go right on in, because the Spirit is moving!

I told her that was my prayer for this week, and headed to the sanctuary door.   When I walked inside I was amazed, at those folks worshiping God.     It wasn't the amount, because early service is sparse usually.     It was the way that they were worshiping.     Every hand raised in praise, and there was either a prayer, praise, or a song, on every set of lips.

I didn't make it past the third pew, in the back of the sanctuary, before I found a stopping place. I love to be in a service like this!!    As I stood there in amazement, at the action of the believers, Holy Spirit jumped on me!!     I haven't even had time to take my back pack off, and I am standing there twitching.     I call it twitching, but it is more like when you get a serious cold chill, and it causes you to go a little berserk for a moment.      Except that there is nothing cold about this feeling, and there is no time limit.

Anyway, that is Holy Spirit moving upon myself.    I have viewed some really, radical, acting folks, with Holy Spirit on them.    We all behave a little differently when He is on us.    There is no right, are wrong movement, that God makes on His children.     If we can receive a touch from God at any time, then I believe that we are surely, blessed beyond measure!!

Needless to say, Pastor Garry never got a chance to preach, in the second service today. The reason is that the first service never had ended. He did give the main points, for today's sermon, on his healthy church series. I was there for three alter calls today. I can't remember a time today that the alter, was not full. The choir had led praise and worship, for so long, that they were beginning, to sing sitting, or kneeling down.

I had moved up into my usual sitting arrangement, on the sixth pew, from the front, in the middle section. I like being right in front of the pulpit. I really can't say what was going on behind me. However, I could see that there were people crossed from me, in both direction, all in the floors. Some we laid out in the Spirit, and others had fallen to their faces in prayer!!

Actually, there was nothing normal about my church today , even for me.     My usual word of Awesome, doesn't even come close, to an explanation, of today’s service.     I need a more powerful word, and I simply don't have one.        All I have left to say is a word of praise to Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit.

Thank You!!      Thank you, for our church, that We all attend, and love on each other.   I thank you, and praise you with all that I am, and all that I am is in You!!     Holy Spirit, You are welcome, in this place of worship.      Please allow me to get the prayer started right now, for the coming week.    Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, right now, in Jesus name.     I humble myself before You, and extend an open invitation, for a Holy invasion, at Evangel Temple, anytime that You chose to be there, and honor my request!!       This house of worship is yours!!       Have Your way!!

….......Much Love

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