
Monday, April 15, 2013

Just Chillin'

I believe that I needed a week to get back in tune with the happenings of the world. I don't even know if a week will be enough. I went in the grocery store the other day, and nearly had a nervous breakdown!! I have always liked going shopping for my own food. I always take my time, and compare items. Since I am the one cooking, I like to plan my meals while in the store.

I am sad to report that, my grocery shopping experience, wasn't quite the way, that I remember them being. I am not sure if it was the store, that I went inside to shop. It might have been the wrong time of the day, or maybe the day in general. I might have had some shopping skills before, that I had totally lost. I really don't understand the difference in this week, verses two years ago but, I am sure that there was a difference.

The people seemed much ruder, and in an extreme hurry to get finished. The were running all over each other, like they were on a point system. They were snapping at the help, if they didn't give them an answer, as quick as they thought, that they needed, to hear the solution. I quickly learned to park my cart out of the way, and walk up the isle's.

I guess that the most devastating issue with me, were the differences in pricing, from two years ago. The only stores that I had frequented were the Dollar stores, and the Seven- Eleven's. I guess that I had been guilty, of purchasing the same stuff basically, on each trip. I must admit that the first trip, to the grocery store was very over-whelming, so I didn't stay long at all.

I did go back the next day, in the morning time. It was a lot calmer, than the day before. However, the prices were still just as high. I wasn't really too concerned with myself. I knew that I would be alright. I would simply go to the farmers market, and purchase my vegetables and fresh fruits. I was concerned with the thought, of the single parents homes, or the ones with many children. I know that it must be really hard, on those types of families.

I really haven't had a chance, to look at the prices, of the fresh meat yet. I haven't got a way to cook meat, so there is really no need in getting frustrated, before I absolutely need to view the prices. That is another of the things, that my friend thought it necessary, to lie about to me. I will eventually get me a microwave, for my room. They have one available to heat food inside, but not to cook with.

The truth is I know that God, has not brought me this far, to drop me on my head. I know that He has everything in order, and I am not suffering one bit. It does cost me more to live now but, that is to be expected. I have to do my own laundry now but, I really don't mind doing things for myself.

I wake up every morning with a blast of self-confidence. I really feel good about myself, and the things that I have accomplished, over the last couple of years. I don't have any fear about the neighborhood that I live in today. It is not that it is a really bad neighborhood but, it has a lot of potential, to lean in that direction. I have not been out walking at night time yet, so far I have not had a reason, to be out at night.

All in all, I have done nothing except chill out this week, and unpack my things. I love the fact that it is fairly quiet around here. I did have a person knock, on my door last night, at two-thirty. They went away after two light knocks. They had to have the wrong door, because I don't know anyone in this building yet. The security in this building is really tight. No one gets inside after a certain time, and there are camera's everywhere possible.

I have never lived in a place quite like this one. I have heard of this place, since I moved to Jacksonville. It has always been here. I have a feeling that I wasn't ready for this place until now. I know that they have really cleaned up the clientele, over the past few years. It used to be a drug haven, according to the word on the street.

It was so bad at one point, and time that drug sales took place, out in the open. I have not seen any activity at all yet. I am hoping that if it is still here, that it is on the down low. I know what it looks like from experience, and so far I have saw nothing that resembles a remote possibility.

….......Much Love

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