
Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy belated Thanksgiving!!

I hope all of you had a happy Thanksgiving!! It's the time of year that we all should be thankful for our many blessings that we have received throughout the year. It is usually celebrated with a massive feast shared with those that we love the most!!

Sometimes we share our day with those who are not as fortunate as ourselves. We go to shelters, and help feed those whom do not have as much as others. Some people invite the less fortunate inside their home to share in their feast. There are all kinds of different things that people do to help out. There is also a crowed that does nothing, or no more than they want to be doing.

I am ashamed of myself for what I did at this Thanksgiving time. I ran off and hid!! Even though, I know that I have been called to serve. I simply just whimpered away with an attitude. I thought that I had done enough all the year long. I thought, “ What about me?” That was as selfish as I could be!!

Everything had already been lined up for me. I was staying at the mission where they make a big deal of serving a huge Thanksgiving meal. All I had to do was put on some decent clothes, and a smile on my face, and walk down the steps with a different attitude. You know,..........An attitude of gratitude!!

I know what has caused that disastrous problem!! I've not been attending church on a regular basis like I need to be attending. I have this condition called fear of people. The only way that I know how to get a handle on it is to attend church services at least twice a week. When my love tank is not filled regularly it runs dry. The funny thing is when it's filled to capacity, and not allowed to flow out it gets stagnant. It's meant to have a consistent flow from me to others. When it doesn't flow that way, then I’m in trouble. I resort to my default mode, and that's never a good thing!!

Well I fell on my knees before the Lord and repented for such foolishness that I had done. Everything is alright now, and I can take back what I had missed.................We never can!!

The best event I have not missed yet!! For Christmas my church is going into some of the worst neighborhoods in Jacksonville to pass out toys and food, and share the message of there is hope in Jesus!! I want to be a part of that event, and I don't know why it's that important to me, but it surely is!! Normally I wouldn't even be caught dead entering into these neighborhoods that we are planning on going into. They are the worst of the worst. Somehow,............I feel that I am needed, because I am a product of what a difference that Jesus can make in a life!! Keep in mind that I am not perfect. That I am still a work in progress. Only by the grace of God can I continue on, and go forth on to walk in the victory that we as Christians are supposed to walk in.

I do feel that I should be sharing my failures, along with my successes with you. I believe that it is a good thing to see what the whole picture looks like. As for me,.............I have a lot of trouble living a victorious Christian life, because I am so stinkin' hard headed!! Jesus said, “It is finished!!” Now all I have got to do is simply receive it!!

…............Much Love

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