
Saturday, November 24, 2012

The partial conclusion.....

I guess that we know why I feel the need to believe in something other than myself. It is a missing part left out by our Creator. Out of all the choices that I tried, and of the few that I simply scoffed at, because of my level of intelligence. I choose the most radical,..............Unbelievable,............Out of this world choice that I could have made against all, or any levels of intelligence that I could have possibly made!!

It starts out with a book written by mere mortal men that say that they had an encounter with a God named I Am that I Am. It's starts out with a story of creation where the world was spoken into existence, and everything in it. Out of the entire world there was a garden paradise with only two people in it, and they walked, and talked with their creator. His name was Adam, and her name was Eve. I just have to put this in here!! ( Don't you know that she was the finest woman that has ever been created since the beginning of time!!)

Then a vandal that had been a chief player in God's world that He had going on before invaded the garden in the form of a serpent. ( Can you imagine a stinkin' snake standing up and talking with you?) He lured the woman into doing what God had commanded them not to do, and Adam followed suite. God simply did to them what He had done to Satan earlier. He booted them out of the garden!!

Now,........This book goes on with several different incredible stories that do stretch the imagination a bit. Stories of plagues hitting the land of Egypt. Stories of the Israelite people stretching out a three day journey crossed the desert to forty years. They made this trip without any of their clothes, or shoes wearing out!! There were bushes simply burning, and not being consumed by the fire. Walls fell not by force, but by shouting!! Donkey's saw Angels, and talked about it. Some dude named Jacob wrestled with an Angel. The Red Sea rolled back , and let at least a million people cross, and rolled back , and wiped out an Egyptian Army. There was a floating ax head, and oil, and meal replenishing itself. Poisonous snakes went wild, and killed several, and the ground opened up, and swallowed a bunch. Dead man's bones came back to life, and diseases were cured. Lions mouths were closed, and a man survived for three days in a fish belly. Then 400 years of silence from God.

There were many more stories that I could tell you about, but if you want to know the details. I would suggest that you read it for yourself. Now,............As crazy as all this sounds,,..................Just wait until I start with the second half of the book. Honestly,............It would take a person that had a severe touch applied to them. Not in the head though...........It would take a touch in their heart!!

The other half of the story begins with a virgin giving birth to a baby boy. ( I would hate to have even tried to explain that one!!) He grew up, and proclaimed that he was The Son of God. That he had came here not to condemn the world, but to save the world. Hey,......Wasn't this the guy that was born in a filthy barn? Oh Well,.......Moving along!! Water was turned into wine. Blind folks were made to see. Dead people got up and walked. Lazarus had been dead for three days, and came hoping out of his tomb stinking in his grave clothes. Folks walked on the water. Exorcisms were performed in a flash. Storms were calmed, and people were fed. Severd ears were replaced, and blood was sweated..... Jesus kept close company with a group of thugs that He called disciples. It was a good time where ever Jesus wandered. He had to be the life of the party...............To most people,.....................But not the Sanhedrin.

Jesus hay day ended when they arrested Him, and charged Him with impersonating God. They beat Him worse than any human has ever been beaten before without death occurring. They gambled for His clothes They slapped, spit, cussed, humiliated, pulled hair, and beard, stripped Him naked. They beat Him with fist, belts, whips, cat of nine tails, rods. After all that, made Him carry the cross that would be the death of him!!

They nailed Him to a cross with spikes. While He was hanging there in the sun they mocked, teased, spit, aggravated, taunted, and probably threw rocks at Him. They offered him vinegar to drink. ( When is enough......enough?) Finally He said, “ IT IS FINISHED!!” He then gave up the ghost.

Then they say that all hell broke loose!! Graves burst open, ghost ran around, the sky got dark, the temple veil ripped, the earth quaked, and all kinds of chaos was going down!!

Now that is just part of the story...................There is more to tell, and I do plan to tell it in the next blog, or at least get a good start on it!!

Have I even answered my question I put on myself? Yeah,..............I think that I did. Although, this causes another question to arise. Do I really believe this ridiculous story written in a fantasy book? It really can't be true can it? Wouldn't anybody that believes this fairy book tale be subject to incarceration in a maximum security mental ward? Just for the pure safety of themselves, and others? I guess that we can find out the state of my mental well being in the next blog.....

.............Much Love

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