
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Jesus call them son's of a snake!!

Hello, to all my beautiful readers out there today!!            I pray that all of you achieve the desires of your hearts today.        And the blessings of Father overtake, and smother you with love!!     Wow!! How cool is that?       I think that that was a serious blessing that I pronounced on my readers.   I think that all believes should be walking in that kind of love.    Don't you?
I tell y'all what.     I am really enjoying my time of this aging process.    I am starting to see things in a different way constantly.     I guess that I look old enough now that I don't arouse any fear in people any more.     I think that I once did, because of my look.     You can tell by my picture on the top of this blog that I had a lot of fear inside of me.     I wasn't really as bad, as I was scared.
I do have quite a bit of insecurity’s inside of me still, and I am working on those constantly. I speak to folks where ever I go. I have even got where every time that I get on the bus I always speak to the driver. I have been doing that for a while now, but I have stepped that up a notch also. Once I get through with the driver I turn to the crowd of riders, and address them also. I was amazed at the reaction that I get. A lot of the people speak back, and those that do are smiling. Even some of those that do speak back have a smile on their faces. Some of them even invite me to set with them.
You must remember that I live in the city. City folks are well know for having no manners, and being cold as ice, when dealing with strangers. I guess that they are a little scared. Honestly, I am a little scared to because, once you speak you never know what kind of reaction you will get in return. Some of these folks are a few grains of sand shy, of keeping perfect time in an hourglass!! Every now and then you will run crossed one of them, and they leaving wishing that you had held your tongue.
What was I talking about?       Often when I get to pecking I vary away from my real subject.....If I have one to begin with. Sometimes I just start pecking, and see where that takes me.
I was reading in first John this morning. John was really a radical dude, and I love to be associated with radical people. They are every passionate about the cause that they believe in. That is probably one of the reasons that I love the Bible so much. It is filled with very radical people. I don't know anything but what I read, but I imagine that all the disciples were very radical. I know all of those that took part in writing the Bible were. In Fox's book of Martyrs every disciple except John died a horrendous death. John simply died of old age.
I bet that he always had a crowd of folks on his porch listening to the stories that he told. John was the one that stuck close to Jesus. You can tell by the books in the Bible that he wrote that he was very passionate about Jesus. He even laid his head on the chest of Jesus. John was the disciple that loved Jesus also. This was a pure love, simply because he realized who Jesus really was. There was nothing homosexual about his love for Jesus. He just loved Jesus, as we should be loving Jesus; Male or Female. We should all love Jesus the same.
The most radical character in the whole Bible was Jesus. He came here on a mission of love. First, He had a great love for Father, and second He had a great love for us. That is the only reason that He came down to this earth. To ransom us back to the Father, so that He could have a relationship with us. He was determined that nothing was gonna get in His way. None of the religious leaders of that day from any country. None of the political leaders of that time. Certainly, not our arch enemy that hates all humans named satan. Nothing could stop Him, but He did have a lot of opposition.
Jesus was very radical acting when he dealt with the pharisees. In the book of John chapter 8 they had caught a woman in the very act of adultery. They brought her to Jesus saying, that in the law of Moses it say's that she should be stoned. What do you say? Jesus simply bent down, and started writing in the sand with His finger. We don't know what that Jesus was actually writing, but i would imagine that they did. They continued to nag on Him, and He rose up and said, Ye without sin cast the first stone. Then he stooped back down, and continued writing.  
Now was that cool or what? Jesus was way cool the way that He handled people. The entire chapter of Matthew 23, Jesus is just raking the Scribes up one side, and down the other. In other words He was ripping them a new bung hole!!                 I love it!!
Then in verse 33 Jesus call them son's of a snake!!       Look what He say's here. Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?
Now, just how cool do you think that was after all He had just said about them?          You would be hard pressed to tell me that Jesus was not a radical being!!        The book on being really cool was patterned after Him.          I can't wait to get to heaven, and see what else He has in store for us.   I bet it is fabulous!!

.......Much Love

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