
Friday, February 22, 2013

we can't enjoy the bountiful fruits of our labor.

It is the weekend again. Y'all need to enjoy yourselves this weekend. Actually, you need to be enjoying every day of your lives if possible. I know sometimes things happen that can pretty much wreck a day. God wants us to enjoy our time here on earth. We are the ones that get so competitive with the things that we do. Sometimes we simply work way to much that we can't enjoy the bountiful fruits of our labor.
We think that we need to live in the best gated community. We certainly need to drive a car at least as fine as out nearest neighbor. All 3.67% of our children really needs to be decked out in Nike gear.              Who can afford to live this way?                 Why do people feel the need to keep up with their neighbors and friends?
I really liked the way my grandparents lived their life. They had a business at home. Grandpa sold gas, and ground corn meal. He also tended fields of whatever that he planted. Probably corn, and I know that they grew a garden. Grandma was in a wheelchair all her life, but she stayed a home and worked. She canned food that they would eat all throughout the year, and sewed the clothes that they wore.
I think that they had six children. I am not sure, because I never was allowed to get to know them well. I know that the big deal at Christmas time was the peppermint stick candy, and bananas. That was the only time of the year they got either one of those. My grandparents were thrifty, and not cheap. They gave all the kids a thousand dollars each year for Christmas. That was a good deal of money back in the fifty's and 60's.
The done a lot of work back in those days, but the lifestyle was much simpler. The only thing that I know of that I didn't really care for was their eating habits. Breakfast was the normal stuff, bacon, eggs,etc. Lunch was a big meal. They ate their dinner meal at lunch. Now dinner is the meal that I really didn't care for at all. It consisted of cornbread, and a glass of buttermilk.
For those that don't have a clue, what you did was put the cornbread inside the glass of buttermilk. I don't know if that was some north Alabama tradition. It may have been a southern tradition. I do know that it was a tradition at my grandparents home. It last way past the death of my grandfather. Actually, grandmother lived to be 104. I believe that she would have lived longer, but she out lived her baby boy. That was my father who died when he was 70.
I know that I don't write very often about my father, and his parents. I really didn't get a chance to know any of them. I had been kept away from them, because of an on going feud between my parents. It wasn't a pretty battle, and I saw some things that I never should have seen. I guess the question is did it mess me up? The answer to that question would be, well,.....I really can't see how that it could not have done some damage.
The good thing is that it never caused me to be a mass murderer. It didn't even cause me to do crimes to hurt other people. That doesn't include those that were silly enough to love me. I think that those I probably did the most damage to, although it was never intentional. They simply got caught in the fallout.
The best that I can do to make up for the pain that I have caused those that love me. Really, it is nothing. I can't do a darn thing to make up for that pain. To tell you the truth I am sick and tired of apologizing for my actions. The best thing that I can do is simply stay away from them, and have nothing else to do with them. That is …......i think it would be safe to say it like this. That is our plan, collectively, we agree that this is fine, on both sides.
Well, I really didn't plan to write all this stuff today. It just worked out this way. I didn't really mean to drop a tear on my keyboard either, and so far I haven't. There ain't nothing better than a plan that comes together. Most folks don't read this blog on the weekends, and that is good. You ought to be out with your families, and friends enjoying yourselves. If you don't read it on the weekends,......I ain't gonna be mad att-cha....

…................. Much Love

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