
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Secret Sin

Our Father is a Holy God, and to approach His presence we need the sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross.    We accept the offer that Jesus made to us of His guiltless, sinless , atoning blood, as the only sacrifice for our sins.     That was the only blood that Father would accept as payment for our condition.      Even though, that covered all the past, present, and future sins that we do commit, as far as my belief goes.        We still need to confess our current sins in our prayer time.    But why is that so?
Because the best definition of what sin is that I like to use is this.     Sin is anything that is contrary to the way God thinks,or acts, as stated in His Word.       Sin separates us from the blessings that God wants to bestow on us.      In all reality, when we sin we are actually rebelling against God, and doing what we want to do.      Even though our relationship is still intact with Father, our fellowship is broken.
When we confess our sins to Him.      We are agreeing with Father in saying that we know that we have sinned.      We still claim the blood of Jesus, as our only sacrifice for our sin.     Our fellowship with Father is restored from the point of our confession, followed by the act of repentance.   We have to come with a true sorrowful heart for sinning, not just because we were caught.
I have noticed as I get closer with Father that Holy Spirit will start revealing sins that I don't know about.     These are usually simple to take care of, and everything is back to normal once again.  Then there are the ones that I am full aware of, and think that I am the only one that knows about these sins.      You know what I am saying?          The ones that for some reason that I am just not ready to give up yet.       The ones that are called the secret sins.
I believe that most of us Christians have at least one.     I can't say that we all do, simply because I am not hear to judge anyone.     However, I can say that I have more than I would care to admit to the entire world, at this point in time.      I am so far from being perfect in any one's sight, let alone in the sight of Jesus.      Actually, the only time that I ever came close was at the time that my Salvation took place.       Honestly, that moment of purity probably lasted about that long....A moment.
I have stood in the presence of Father, for a brief amount of time, and only a few times in my life. The joy of His presence is unspeakable.     Nothing that I have ever experience on this planet has even come close to that feeling.      I can tell you this also, I have had some pretty great feelings, from time to time in my life.       Nothing, absolutely nothing even comes close!!
I can't explain why then that I would want to hold on to some secret sin.      Knowing, that it hampers the presence of God in my life.       The only thing that I can even come close to explain why I would want to hold on to something, that is corrupting my Spiritual walk, is what Paul said.    In the seventh chapter of the book of Romans Paul goes through this long spill that describes the same kind of problem.      The bottom line is that it's the sin nature that is inside of us is keeping us from doing what we know is right.
If we ever hope that God will bless us, in the way that He wants for us to be blessed.   We must find a way to repent of these secret sins that are holding us back.      I for one know how hard some of them are to turn loose of, and take the hand of Jesus.       It is impossible to have both in your hand at the same time.       You must let go of one, to grab a hold of the other.
I would like to take the time to mention just a few of the more popular secret sins.     They will not be listed in any particular order, since I don't really know of all them, or what order that they fall in. However, I would guess that pretty close to the top of the list is pornography.    I used to have a major problem with this, and I will admit it.     I used to stay up all hours of the night doing what I thought was enjoying something that was natural.      I didn't realize for a long time that pornography is not natural, and in God's eyes is perverted.  It also cased me to think of women, as nothing but play things.
Gossip, gambling, fornication, drinking, doing drugs excessively, prescription or not, smoking, anything that is harmful to your body, telling lies, stealing, any kind of fraud ,etc....
   Anything you wouldn't feel comfortable doing if Jesus was standing right beside you qualifies. Just to let you know I am not perfect either.            Even though I am not going to admit my secret sins to the world, I do have more than a few.

…............Much Love

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