
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Call me crazy, but………..

I’m the kinda man that keeps his house fairly clean. I’m not trying to get you to believe that it is spotless by a long shot, nor is it perfect. If I want to I leave clothes hanging on the kitchen chairs, and usually you will find a glass by my easy chair.
I only live in two rooms, and a third that I just walk through to get to my living area. The two rooms that I live in have white tile on the floor. I never realized how hard that white tile was to keep clean. Honestly,……..if I called it a bitch,……that would be a severe understatement!!
I sweep parts of the floor everyday, and twice a week I sweep the entire floor. I really didn’t see any need to sweep the entire floor until yesterday, because there are places that I rarely walk .
This year the pollen came early, and hard. I never thought about it being so dense that it would come in the house, but it did. For some reason,……..maybe because I’m going blind,……..I couldn’t see the pollen until I started grouping it together with a broom. For the first time I had more pollen on the floor than dirt and dust.
I have never noticed the presence of pollen in my house before. Then again I lived on a dirt road for the past six years. We had to keep the windows closed at all times,…….unless it rained on the side of the house that ran parallel to the road. It would have been impossible to ever cleaned that house, because of the dirt road. The local rednecks would drive like hell down that road. It looked like a roster tale coming off the back of a boat!!
No wonder that my sinuses are so torn up!! I’m surrounded by pollen 24/7. Even when I sleep there is an over abundance of pollen being kicked around the room by the fan.  It’s a lose-lose situation this year!! It’s even worse outside than it is in my house, and I am very grateful for that little blessing.

               ...........much love

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