
Saturday, November 27, 2010

i'm gonna be sick tonite!!

i love when bubba goes to see his mom, especially on holidays!! he came back this morning after spending the whole week at her house, and he loaded up while he was there. he brought back so much delicious stuff, that i know i will lose control, and be sick tonight.
he brought back a bag full of turkey already off the bone, and one of my favorites dressing!!  as far as my sweet tooth,..........that wont be a problem now. he brought back some kind of cake, and a whole pecan pie. there was even some fresh danish wedding cookies that his mom made. of coarse my absolute favorite is the white chocolate covered pretzels that she makes every holiday season. she used to bring them to me while Jeff and myself worked at the store together, and after i moved on i sure did miss them!!
there ain't no telling what else he has at his place, because he brought those things over to mine. his refrigerator was too full to hold it all!! mom is good!! especially his mother, because she makes sure her little boy has plenty of everything like a good mom supposed to do.

it's clouding up, and i hope that it rains. a few drops fell while ago, but I'm hoping for a good old fashioned downpour!! the water table has been down this year. it hasn't rained as much as it usually does. i love the rain. maybe it has to do with being born under a water sign. actually, i love being around water, lakes, ponds, and the beautiful ocean. my first two years of living in Florida i went to the ocean everyday. i must have burnt out on going, because now i don't go but once a year. i almost have to force myself to do that. i scamper around the beach picking up a few sharks teeth, and looking for shells. most of the shells that i find though have been damaged. usually, by some predator eating what used to live in the shell.
speaking of the ocean: it's good to swim in the ocean. it heals any cut, or abrasion that your body might have. the sun, and the salt water combination bleaches you gray hair white. i know that most of y'all don't have gray hair, but i always enjoyed what it did to mine. i have little gray left in my balding head. most of the gray is in my beard, but I'm looking forward to it turning solid white. I'm not sure what the deal is, but my eyebrows are mostly black still. i guess they are the last to change. i have a few wild white hairs in them, and i wish that they would conform with the rest.  no,..............I'm not saying fall out either!!!
i lived in Miami for a couple years, and the bay was right down from my house. the water was so clear that you could just stand on the edge, and look down seeing amazing sea life. i was staring in the water one day, and i saw a seahorse swimming close to a rock in the water. i just stood there in total amazement because i had never saw one before. the don't have them in Bama!! before long more started swimming up, and from that point on every time i looked in that area i could see them, and they were plentiful.  they wasn't but a few inches long, but the way that they moved was amazing to this country boy. i heard that if you could catch them that the local tropical fish store would pay you for them, but i just liked being able to go to that one spot, and watch them swimming around. i never have saw them in the wild at any other place since then.

i think that moving to Florida was the best move that i could have ever made for myself. i was really deceived by what i was thinking to begin with. i thought that this was a party state, and everybody just run around having fun all the time. i never even considered what it takes to have that kind of lifestyle. it's takes a lot of money!!  even though there are some rich people that live here, and a lot of them. the poor working man makes this such a wonderful playground for the ones better off.
i love boats. i made the mistake of just wandering in a marina one day looking at all the different ones. they have them from your typical Alabama bass boats, up to massive yachts. i like the yachts, and they way that they are laid out inside. some of them are beautiful trimmed in fine wood and brass, with ever modern convenience known to most homes.  i said that i made a mistake,............well,..........it didn't take long before two big, massive goons were escorting me off the property in a way that i didn't care for,..........one on each arm!!  darn!!..........all the had to do was tell me to leave, and i would have complied!!

well,...............it's the next day, and the few rain drops were very disappointing to say the least. the good thing is that the say that the temperature is going into the 30's tonight.           i bet your wondering why that is a good thing?        Because i live in the sunshine state, and for two more reasons.
the first one is that this tropical climate produces an ungodly amount of bugs!! there is a variety of different flies, bees, crawling bugs, and skeeters.Lord knows that we have the worlds biggest ant population down here. Itty-kitty has caught two different snakes this week, and it's nearly December. whatever,........ the cold makes them immobile or simply kills them.  it's time for a bug break!!
the second reason is that i get to build a fire in the fireplace tonight!! i love to build, and watch a fire as it consumes everything in it's path. I've always have had a fire compulsion ever since i was a kid. i have this water deal going at the same time. i love to play in the water, and with water. i used to build fires just to put them out.
i bet you think that i was a hellion child, and your right. you have to remember that i grew up in a time before regular garbage pick-up even existed, or at least i think that it didn't. we used to burn our trash in a 55 gallon steel drum out in the country. then about twice a year we would bury the contents that remained. usually, just cans, and things that wouldn't burn.
i always took care of the dealing with the garbage since a very young age. actually,.......i was too young to understand the physics of fire and wind. i just liked to burn things. one day i was out burning somethings, and the wind was blowing way too hard to be doing this at the time. a wind gust hit, and blew burning paper all crossed the field behind the house, and caught the whole field on fire. i knew that it wasn't supposed to be burning, but i was intrigued watching it. it wasn't long before the fire department showed up, and drug out their water hoses. it was the greatest sight that i had ever seen!! their hoses put out way more water than my garden hose ever even thought about!! man i was excited!!
all that ended when mom came home about the time that the firemen finished putting the field out. she couldn't understand my passion, and excitement that i had at the time. although,...........she had a solution to end all that excitement. she beat my ass with the belt until i couldn't sit down for a couple days!!  yep,.........that's right,..........i grew up in a different time and place in society.   i often wonder what would have happened if she had just given me a time out for my actions the way that they do today?          hum?.............i probably would have wound up going to jail for arson later on in my life.
my compulsion with fire is just as strong today, as it was back then. only now I'm more careful, and have a little more knowledge about burning things. just to prove this still exist inside of me. i had a raging fire going in the back yard the other day, and the fire dept. came up, and told me to put it out. i looked at them and said, " are you sure?"  he just laughed, and said,........yep. he must have been a country boy also!!

                                                                  ....................much love

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