
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

thank you my readers!!!!!!!!

i was really getting depressed, and about to just give up. I've been writing a blog about the events of my life now for six months. I've been honest, except for a few times that I've fudged a little to make the story more interesting. I've told intimate details of my life from my heart, because with the life that I've lived i have no shame left.
the hits counter on my blog i now find it to be inaccurate. I've watched it slowly creep up, and it really didn't seem to move much. i just assumed that nobody wanted to read what an ole' country boy from Alabama thought. i know that I'm not much, and I'm certainty not a writer. if it wasn't for spell check nobody would certainty not read it anyway. although, having been raised in the south often i do follow the path from my culture of they way the do really talk. I'm not making fun by a long shot, because I'm deeply proud of my southern heritage. I'm just presenting it like it really is.
if y'all could ever meet me in person, and you heard my dialect, and the phrases that i use, you would probably laugh. the good thing is that i would just laugh right along with you. i know that i sound like a hick, and I'm not offended one bit. i am what i am by the grace of God, and I'm not ashamed.
honestly, i don't know much about what I'm doing. there is control buttons on my blog, that I've never even pushed. i was just thrilled that i could post something on the WWW.  well,.........today i just started pressing some of those buttons, and because of those buttons i found out that my hits meter wasn't even accurate at all.
i guess there is a reason that they call this thing the world wide web, because I've had readers in 10 different country's. i want to take this opportunity to thank each, and every one of you for reading this madness that i call my life. it's a shame that i can't thank you personally, but that would be impossible, because it doesn't give all y'all by name. few folks leave comments, and the one's that know me personally usually e-mail me with their comments. i plan to make my e-mail available to all. you can mail me at crmlyjms@gmail.com  i would really like to hear from you.
now,....................special thanks go out to..................United States for 429 hits,..............United Kingdom for 20 hits,...............France for 19 hits,..................South Korea for 19 hits,................Mexico for 19 hits,...........Japan for 18 hits,................Denmark for 17 hits,................Canada for 11 hits,...............Lithuania for 11 hits,...................and last is the country of Slovenia with 7 hits!!!!!!!!!!

after farther review i think that i'll keep writing for a while. you have given me the inspiration to carry on another day. please write me with any questions or comments that you may have, or you simply might have a question to ask me, or a suggestion of how i can improve.

                                                      ......................much love

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