
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Another milestone..........

I guess that y'all can tell that I am enjoying my getting older.     I post things that are changing with every situation that can be imagined.      Today is not going to be any different than usual, because I am headed into uncharted territory.       I have never been this old before, and in the place that I am at right now.     Everyday is a brand new day with new challenges to over come.        Can't we all say the same thing about our own lives?          I guess it is all in the way that we look at it.
I spend a lot of time at the library simply because I want to use my mind until the day that it gives up on me.        I want to continue to learn new things, and be able to apply that knowledge to enhance the quality of my life.      There are new technologies coming out everyday, and I need to at least know about what of they consist.       Plus, I don't want to grow to be an old fuddy duddy that is so ignorant that he can't even hold a conversation any more.           Do you know folks like that?            It is really a sad situation.
I can done tell my body is giving out.      Just common sense would tell a person that by just watching the way that I move.      Although, I have not given up yet, but I think that my working days have come to a screeching halt.      I plan to file for my disability tomorrow.     I am going to go to legal aide, and get me a lawyer right off the bat.      I have looked into filing for myself, and it just seems to be too much confusion involved.      It might take forever with out a lawyer, and I will probably need to get one before it is over.        They are not going to charge any more if I get them at the beginning or the end.
I crossed another milestone today.      I went to the housing authority, and applied for section 8 housing.       I have never in my life used the Government to get a place to live.      I know that it will be in a less than desirable area here in Jax, but it will be my own place, as long as the rent remains paid.       I ain't even gonna quote the ridiculously low price that the rent will be.     It might be like that all over the country, but like I said this is my first time.      I know the area where I will be, and the situation is not all that bad.      Maybe it is because I have been in the mission for almost two years?       I really think that has a lot to do with it, and because it is time to move on, and use my new tools that I learned while I was there.
I can't make it without God in my life.      I also need to get more active in my church.       Those two things I can't live without!!       Without Jesus in my life I tend to walk by my own ways.     Which means that I have no control or direction.      It is not the way that I want to live ever again, and by the grace of God I will never have to live that way!!      Right now,.........Today,.......I can accept my life just the way it is, because I know that it will not stay this way.
I am looking forward to the adventures that my life will take on in my future.     I know that everything will not be a piece of cake. I       know that my past life karma still has a few things to drop in my lap.      I still have somethings to face, but it ain't nothing that Jesus, and myself can't handle.        I am looking forward to writing this little blog.      The whole purpose of writing this is to head folks in the direction of Jesus.     I am not worried about hitting the big numbers of those that read my blog.       I am looking for those to read it that can take a hold of it, and change their life.          If just one finds Jesus my time will have been well spent!!

…............Much love

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