
Sunday, July 25, 2010


now,..............ain't that just a helluva word!!                 yep,..................that's right,.....................I'm fixin' to give y'all my take on it.

the only thing that could even come close to qualify me to write anything on psychosis is the fact that I'm eat up with them. i know this, and you do to if you have every read this crap that i write. that is unless you are more eat up than i am, and really can't tell.

Definition from a medical dictionary:
Psychosis is a symptom or feature of mental illness typically characterized by radical changes in personality, impaired functioning, and a distorted or nonexistent sense of objective reality.

i bet when everyone of you read that somebody that you know popped into your mind, and probably several.             i pretty sure that we all know a person that i like to call a fruit loop. those that simple cannot control their issues, because of the fact that they have so many to begin with. they seemed to get over-whelmed often, and act abruptly. maybe you know a few that you find entertaining, and know exactly how to set them off. kids are wonderful at doing this. just ask their parents.

now,............i seriously doubt that there are any perfect beings that read my blog, and will be offended by what I'm going to say. just in case one slipped in through the cracks, please allow me to go ahead and apologize for anything that might open your eyes to my reality. remember, I've already admitted to being eat up with it!!

I've only been living for 47 years. some of y'all will think that's a long time, and some of you will not. it will depend on how old you are at the time of reading this tragedy. before i get started i need to take a pause for the cause, and I'll leave you with a little something to think about.

it seems that this generation has a vampire obsession. here's something to consider:   " if a vampire goes to turn a human being who has no teeth. will the human still grow fangs?"

OK,...........I'm back.                 why do you ask why i asked that question?           it's simple.............just because i can, and let you know the weird stuff that passes through my sick mind. plus,.........I'm trying to qualify myself for writing something this off the friggin' wall to begin with!!

in all my years on this particular planet, I've come to the conclusion that every human being suffers a psychosis to one degree or the other.  I'm thinkin' that it was part of our original design. have you ever considered that could be one of the elements that make us different? truly, if it's bad enough, it surely makes us different.
let me give you an example of the one that you might not think that has one. let's talk about that sweet little lady that we all know that lives in our neighborhood: she is a Sunday school teacher, and has been for years. she bakes fresh homemade cookie for her class every Sunday. she is always smilin', and you never hear her bad mouth anybody or anything. she cares about the community that she lives in, and always comes to the rescue when a neighbor is in need. her actions has made her highly attractive no matter what she looks like. from all outside appearances, we would call her perfect.

i swear on my mothers grave that this world would be much better off if we had more people like this woman living in it!! strangely though, that is not the point that making here.
i wonder how she, and those like her keep up " the being perfect facade ?" can you see where this would be a sickness? could you manage to do it?
i know that i couldn't. i would eventually get feed up with something, and start shouting obscenities. the sad thing is that i would really feel good about it until i stopped. then i would feel mighty low.
maybe this is what brought these people to this point in their lives? maybe they figured out that any rage wasn't worth the effort. I'm not sure, but i can't take but so much.

I've got a sister that I've always thought was the most stable person that I've ever known, and she may be. she has turned what could have been a completely miserable life into something that seems bearable. she has always been a hero in my eyes.
 let's think about this though. if she is my sister, by the same mother, then what makes her different than i am? i really can't think of but one thing, and it has to be about the choices that she made. she has to be just as sick as i am, but she followed through with her choices her entire life. she chose to not let her sickness show.    you go girl!!!

I'm not going to beat this issue to death. actually, i have some more entertaining thoughts to rip to shreds. I've said what I've said, and I've said what i meant to say. I'm not trying to get anybody to think like i do. however, i am trying to get people to think about something!! i believe if we can see  the similarities that we have in common, instead of how different that we think we are,  the world would be a better place to live.

........................isn't that what we really all want?

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