
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

My Favorite Kind

Today I want to talk mainly about a particular group of people, who in my judgment, I find to be pretty cool. These are my favorite group of people, so I am biased. I will admit that fact, and tell you straight up that, my desire is to be one, of these folks. I am not the only one that has this desire, because there are a lot of imitators, of this group. The group that I am speaking about is the children of God. 
The true children of God are a cut far above the rest. They are not perfect, not by a long shot. Everything in their lives, do not turn into, roses that have no thorns. They go through the same storms in their lives, which we all do, but because of their faith level that they life by, the storms can be greater at times. We can go to the Word of God, and look at the life of Job, and prove this point. 
There is another verse that I want to place right here, and right now that is controversial. The reason that it is misunderstood is because people want to take this verse out of context, choosing to play the role of God, which is a dangerous thing to do. Please accept this verse just the way that it is written. 
1Corinthians 10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. 
The reason that these children of God, are so awesome is because, of their Father. It has nothing to do with the children, and everything to do with the Son of God, Jesus Christ. The children of God represent their Father, and their Savior. Father has made a promise of a fabulous future, but all the real children know, and realize that the promise is not the real jewel. The real deal, the real jewel, or whatever we chose to call it, is not anything that lies, in our future. It is right here, and right now, it is the real, true relationship with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

1John 5:11 And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 
We need to figure out who we are, instead of what we used to be. Once Jesus comes into our life everything changes, and it starts on the inside. We don’t look any different, but we are different. We know that, because we feel a change, in the inner core, of our being. We have something growing, on the inside of us, and the goal of this new creature is to burst forth oozing, from every inlet portal of our being. 
Those cuss words leave a nasty taste in our mouths. At one time is left the sweet taste of victory in our mouth, before we even realized what true victory is. Our ears even sting now when something is invading that sweet Spirit inside of us, which He finds offensive. Our noses find things offensive that, we used to think that we enjoyed doing.
I find that the strangest portal is our eye. The Spirit within us is quick to let me know, when I have honed in on something that, I really don’t need to be looking at. He is even quicker to reprimand my thoughts that come with whatever is in my view. It is hard not to think something, if not for a split second, when it catches the eye.

The children of God have a dispensation of total victory, and they know this. They know to whom that they belong, and what that means on a daily basis, as well in the long run. They rage a war against Satan, and his group of fallen angels. They don’t sit on the sidelines, in the war zone waiting to be told what to do. Instead they suit up, in the armor of God every day, and meet the enemy on the front lines, taking the battle to them.

You will hardly see a true child of God suffering without their daily needs, because they rely on their master to deliver. When the delivery arrives it is rarely just enough for that day, because there is always someone else, with a need. The true child of God will hardly ever be caught, entertaining a complaining Spirit, but rather taking all their concerns, before the Lord.

1Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 
True children of God are not hard to spot. They hide as well as a bald eagle, in a group of pigeons. Every Sunday you will find a bunch of imposters sitting, in the pews of any church, mixing in with the real ones. The way to tell the difference can be close to impossible, without knowing them personally. The imposters generally with have some serious heart issues, and there is only one that I know can read the heart.

Jeremiah 17:10 I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings. 
It really don’t matter what I think about the children of God. I do love them, and highly favor them above the rest. The Lord Jesus fills my heart with enough love every day, so I can show love, to all whose paths I cross. The real issue at hand here is those, that are trying to impersonate, the children of God, who went another way, than the way of the cross. The church house is filled with those types, and most of them just have been deceived by one way, or another way. 
I have placed a lot of thought, into how to really tell the difference, between the two. Other than the one shinning above the other one, to be sure, I would need to say that, the answer would need to come through prayer. Holy Spirit can spot the imposter right away, and tell you the right words to say when approaching them. It would be worse than a shame, for somebody to be surrounded by real Christians every Sunday, and go to Hell.

Hell is a real place, and there will be folks down there, that has lived a better life, than the one that I have lived. It is not about how good a person is, or how well behaved that they are. There is no amount of good works that disqualify a person, from spending an eternity in Hell. There is actually only one way to receive a pardon, on the sentence of death, which we all deserve.

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. 
Ain’t Jesus Awesome?

.Much Love

Who Wooda Thunk It?

Who wooda thunk it? No,….that is not an error in typing. This is just me, using one of these southernisms that I grew up understanding and I use them, from time to time. They are engrained within me, because of the area, of the world, which I grew up in. I have grown up, in the southern part, of the United States of America. Down here we just call it the south, and I am proud of my heritage. I am not very happy with some of the things that the south has been guilty of doing. Even though, I am still happy about my heritage.

Who wooda thunk it,” is a phrase of extremely asking the question of whom, would have thought that, it would have ever been this way. My focus is on the country, that I live in. I write this same old story, in a different way, every couple months. Our nation has gone buck wild, or completely come of the chain, or any other way, that says we have lost our mind will fit. 
There are several different problems that cover our nation like, the plagues of Egypt, back in the days of Moses. I don’t know if any, of these problems are any worse, than the others. They all slap a Holy God, in the face daily. I believe that, if we would look through the eyes, of our God, that idolatry would rise to the top, of His list. Does that make sense to you? That seems to be the most troublesome problem, with all nations, in the past. The outcome has always been the same, with any country that have put anything above the One True Living God, and that outcome was death.

Deuteronomy 5:7 Thou shalt have none other gods before me. 
I believe that this is the main problem, that we face, in the United States. I know that our country is not, the only one that is guilty of doing this, but it is the only one that I live in. If you recall, in the Word of God, that the Lord said, that He would bless those that, blessed the nation of Israel. Seeing how the Word of God is true, I believe that is why the United States rose to great power, along with the fact that we once were a Christian nation. Any nation that puts the God, of the Bible first will always rise, in great power. 
As Christians we know that this is not taking us by surprise, because the Word of God is being fulfilled. We have a complete advantage over the world, because we can read the Word, and have it translated by Holy Spirit. I can’t speak for nobody other than myself, but being a creature of habit, I really don’t like what I am seeing, because I understand that these things must come to pass, before we can go home.

John 17:14 I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

We are on the edge of eternity, and will go through perilous times. We will face persecution of the likes have never been seen, or thought about in this country. We were at one time a place of safety, for those who wanted to love, and worship the Lord of creation. We will be placed on public display, and tortured to the point of death, then the grand finally will be the removal, of our heads. I would imagine that it will be just like the Christians being thrown into the Roman arenas, and the heathen laughing, and cheering at our death.

Jesus had a little something to say about these things, for some reason, I find this serious matter humorous. I realize that it is just my twisted sense of humor, but the way that this verse ends simply tickles me. 
Luke 12:4 And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. 
Speaking of twisted, the nation that I live in today is all twisted in their priorities. We serve many gods in this nation, and they all have different names. Money and power are the gods, on top of the list. We worship many people in this country. The more famous that you are, the higher on the god list you go. Most actors, and actresses are high on that list, and they don’t even realize that their talent came from God. The same goes for those, that in the music industry. Most of those gods give no credit to the true God for their talent, and that if they have any talent. Have you noticed that, a lot of the gods seem, to have little real talent?

Have you ever thought about the money that, those on the famous list make? Even those in the world of sports make more than I ever thought would be possible. Most of the sporting events are on Sunday, which is the day that most of us who worship God, do worship God. There are gods found in everything that human being take any pleasure in. we have chef’s that we see as gods, who cook food. The world of business has their set of gods. I guess that you get the picture.

You might be reading this, and thinking that, I have lost my ever-loving mind. I can remember feeling that way about some folks in my past. The truth is that I hope that you are correct, and I am wrong. There isn’t but one problem with that though, and it is the fact that I have read the owner’s manual. I might have the timing wrong, then again I really didn’t place a time on these events, but they will happen, and some of them are happening right now. 
I at one time very proud to call myself an American, but that was years ago. This is not the same country that I grew up in. Our values are not the same as they once were. There is something going on behind the scenes, of this country, where the military is being turned against the citizens, of this country. There is even some kind of movement against Americans, flying the American flag. There are things going on in this country, that are simply ludicrous. 
I am happy to say that I am a small part, in a greater plan, constructed by a great God, from the beginning, even before creation. Ain’t our God great?

.Much Love

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Monday, July 28, 2014

Your Squeaky Little Eyeballs

Do you feel like there is something special about you? Do you walk around with an extra spring in your step, greeting those around you? Maybe you walk around under a very dark cloud of gloom and doom, expecting a storm to break loose over your head, at any given time. As Christian men and women, they say that were always in one, of three places. We are either heading into a storm, or in a storm, or just coming out of a storm.        Does that make sense to you?

Most of the time when I write it is usually aimed at Christian folks. That last statement is easily worn by human beings in general. The storms of life are not prejudiced, in any way. If it wasn’t for the storms in life, then we would have no reason to grow, and move forward. I have faced the storms of life with, and without the influence of Jesus Christ, in my life. I can honestly say that, the difference is night and day…..literally!!

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. 
I don’t actually understand why this is, but I know from experience, that as Christians it really takes a while to grasp this truth. The Bible, which is the Word of God, is full of truth’s that only need to be applied, in our lives. I just heard some of you groan, and I hear your squeaky little eyeballs, rolling around, in their dry sockets!! That is alright, because I know that, I have got your attention now.

Do you realize what is wrong with the Word of God? Oh yes, there is something wrong with the Word of God, and there isn’t but one thing that is wrong. It is the second most important thing that, it takes to make the Word work for us.             Have you figured out what the one thing that is terribly wrong is?            It is us!!

We are the only thing wrong with God’s Word, because a powerful as the Word is. It is capable to heal, give life, change hearts, turn water into wine, raise a corpse back to life, after four days, and create a universe in which to play in, and make those to play in that universe out of a mud pie. To me that is an impressive look at what the Word of God is capable of doing, but that is only a small fraction of what it can do.

As great as all this is, the only flaw is found, in the recipient. We have a lot of trouble understanding how, and the way that it will make a difference in our lives. We stumble and bumble over the technical issues at hand. I don’t believe that our Father God ever told us, that we needed to figure this all out, for it to work for us. The only thing that we have ever been told that we need to figure out is the part about faith. 
What about faith? What is it that we need to figure out about faith? I really think that, I have missed that lesson. I don’t think that we have missed the part about faith. The problem with faith is the fact that we can’t put our finger right on what that it means to have faith. We believe that, our understanding needs to be on the same level, as the wisdom of God.

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. 
Oh my,….I am thinking that this might be a problem. Could it be that we want to be more like Him, instead of trying to please our Lord? There is nothing wrong with having the desire to be more like Jesus, if it is done in the right context. This should be every Christians desire to be more like our Savior. Don’t you think that we should start out with a more humble attitude, rather than trying to nudge Him out, from under His throne? 
A lot of the attributes of the Father, we got in creation, because of being made, in the image of God. (Genesis 1:26) We need to learn how to control the good qualities, and place them in the right order, that they should be in to work out, in the way that is best, for our lives. Once we receive our Salvation, from the Lord, our next move should be the one that, King Solomon realized, to be the truth. King Solomon was the wisest man on the earth, according to God. With all his wisdom this is what he came up with.

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. 14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

I don’t know what you think about this saying from the wisest man. It seems pretty basic to me, but I am going to give him full credit, because I believe that he hit that nail, right on the head!! There is no other possible conclusion, for me to work with, because I feel that he is right. To fear God to me is to love God. He deserves all the respect possible, as our Creator, and as the Creator, of all that we ever will know. Keeping His commandments are not grievous according to the Apostle John.

1John 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.

We are the only flaw, in the Lords perfect plan, for our lives. He wasn’t shocked to find this our either. He already had made provision, for our inadequacies, with everything that He did. (John 3:16) If we could ever realize, just how much, and how deep His love runs for us, it would take some of this pride, which we have to jump ahead, with our trying to please Him, in the wrong way.

There is another example that I want to show you about the power of the Word of God, in spite of us, who God acknowledges as His greatest creation.

Isaiah 55:11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

Ain’t Our God Awesome?

..Much Love

Nobody Gets Left Behind!!

I spent most of my life insecure, about my Salvation. Most of my life was spent insecure about, my life issues, other than my Salvation. I was probably the most insecure person that I have ever known, and I believe that, the main reason for my insecurity was because, of the way that I was brought up. There was complete turmoil, in the house in which I was raised. I was raised in a broken home, where there was confusion, at all times. I know now that I was raised in the best way that I could have been raised, considering all of the circumstances.

The only reason that I am telling you, all of this is because, you may have had some, of these same issues, in your life. There are a lot of things in my childhood that I am embarrassed with, but not anymore. If I withheld an event of my life, and it caused somebody to reject Jesus in their life, I would truly hate to know it. 
At the age of seven years old I went to the altar, in a Baptist church, on a Sunday night, with the intentions, of asking Jesus to save my soul. That should say a little bit about the life, at my home, then again, maybe it doesn’t. I prayed the pray of Salvation, so many times in my life, that I really didn’t know which time, that it took effect. I have prayed asking Holy Spirit to reveal to me the time, which I had prayed, and I was actually received my Salvation.
It wasn’t until this year that, Holy Spirit revealed the answer, to my question. He took me all the way back to that time, the first time that, I went before the Lord, asking for Salvation. I said to Holy Spirit, so it was the first time? Holy Spirit asked me if I remember what had happened next, and from the fear of appearing arrogant I told Him that, I didn’t remember. I didn’t know if I had remembered everything, and I truly wanted to know this answer.

I saw the events, as though they had of happened today. The preacher, who was named Brother Rogers, asked me a question, and he stood there hugging me. He asked, did Jesus save your soul, or do you believe that He will save your soul? I didn’t answer him right away, because I needed a little time to think about my answer. Then I answered Brother Rogers’s question, with the answer that Jesus did save my soul. Immediately Holy Spirit brought this verse of scripture into the light.

Romans 10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Because of the confession of my mouth, on that night, I truly believe that I received my Salvation. There were more events that happened during my life, which caused me to doubt my Salvation, and flee the safety of the umbrella of God’s protection. I know, and realize now that I was under Spiritual assault by Satan, and his group of fallen angels. 
I don’t know why, I was all that important of a target, but now I realize that I was. I take the Word of the living God seriously, and I am going out to the entire world, spreading the love of God. There is nothing more important to talk about, or to discuss, than the position that Father God holds in this world, and His love for us. Everything revolves around our God, and the fact that He has offered us a place, in His family is outstanding!! Jesus should be the most important person to us, because without Him we have no hope, of ever being in the family of God.

I truly believe that, each one of us that cares, about the Word of God likes it in different ways. Some folks prefer the all out, and out preaching, from a very excited man of God, with a red face, and slobbering as he speaks. I must admit that I like them all, but this one is my least favorite of the group. I love to see a man getting passionate about the Word of God. It shows me that, he believes the things, which he is saying.

I guess my favorite way that, a man brings the Word of God is one that has plenty of facts backing up his sermon. I really like to know the events that surround the story that is being told. There is one detail that the Word of God never needs to stand on its own, but I like a little humor, when it is possible to show it, without doing any damage. I have heard what I thought was too much humor, at the expense of the Word. 
I believe the Word of God is serious business, and should respectfully be treated as such. We need the Word to be taught to us, so we can learn how to act, in the presence of the Lord that is pleasing to Him. The main reason that the Word is preached is so that sinner can come to repentance, and come to be a part of the family of God. It is a shame, but sometimes a church can lose the heart for souls. We get comfortable with our normal group, of those that we think are believers, and lose our zeal, for those who aren’t saved. Little do we realize, not all of the ones in our group are saved.

There comes a time, or so it seems that, being a sinner is a corrupt, vile thing, to Christians. We tend to forget, and have real short memories, of who our master was at one time. We adapt the theme of the Pharisee’s, into our life, where we would rather have nothing to do with them. Do you realize what I am saying here, or are you just too religious to deal, with that kind of foolishness?

What do we do in these cases? How can we be sure of their Salvation? Salvation is a person event in the life of just one individual, and the only way to know is to ask. When we ask, then we have to listen to what they say to us. We need to listen to the things that they say, at other times when they are speaking. We love those that are in the group, and want to spend the rest of our eternal lives, with those that we love. If the churches of today would adapt the motto of the American Military, we would be better off. What motto are we speaking about? Nobody gets left behind!!        Ain’t God Awesome?

.Much Love

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Love Walk

What is the next thing that we should be doing, after we receive Salvation from Jesus? The first thing that I would recommend that you do is to make sure that your Salvation is not based on any work, of anybody other, than Jesus Christ. The Catholic religion is based, on a lot of things other than, the blood of Jesus. Let’s get serious, because if you are placing all you cards, on a religion, and that is on any religion, you are doomed to spend eternity, in the flames of Hell.

The Catholic religious system is based on preforming a lot of works to receive forgiveness of a person’s sin. After you have fulfilled the requirement for, so many prayers being said, for penitence to show that you have remorse, for past actions, then the most blasphemous act takes place next. Then a mere mortal human being, all dressed in ceremonial robes will speak over your life, that your sins are forgiven. This man is filling the role of a priest, but he doesn’t have the power to forgive sin. Only Jesus has the power, and authority to forgive sins, and His sacrificial offering of His sinless blood, on the altar of the cross is the only way to receive the forgiveness of sin!!

I have a friend who is a Catholic, and has been for all His life, who has been brainwashed into believing, that there is nothing wrong with the Catholic faith. His entire family, which includes his wife’s family and their children, are Catholics. Do you understand what that really means? Satan has fooled everybody in his family, to buying into a dead religion, and all of them will spend eternity, in the flames of Hell. These are really good people, and I have tried to make him see the truth to no avail. 
Once we are sure that our Salvation is based on Jesus Christ, and nothing else, so what comes next? One of the greatest things that comes, with the relationship of Jesus Christ is the adoption, into the family of God. We have a brand new family, and the most amazing part of our new family is the fact that they are Royalty, and the only family of Royalty.

1Peter 2:9-10 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: 10 Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

Once we receive Salvation from the Lord Jesus things will never be the same again. The only thing left to do is learn how to act, in the way that, pleasing to our Father. We are to learn to worship, in the manner of worship, that Father desires. The great thing is that Holy Spirit is truly dedicated to teach us all things, which we will ever need to know to fit right on in, with our new family.

1John 1:3-4 That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. 4 And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.

The love of our relationship with our new family qualifies us, for enough love in our tank, to share with everybody. We are truly capable of loving the ones that hate us, as well as the ones that love us!! There is something that happens to our enemies when we begin to openly show them love. It is not that they really change, but it is hard for them to show hate toward us, if it has no outward effect on us.

I try to show the readers scripture to back up what I am writing about. There will come a time though, if you follow the one true God, that you will have so much of His word written on the tablets, of your heart. You will add to the library daily, and you will know the Word of God. I can’t say that everybody needs to know every scripture reference point, in the Bible. Actually those that seem to know all of those scriptures, really bore me when they are popping off, scripture upon scripture.

Honesty, they seem to want to show how much that they love themselves, rather than the God in which they are speaking about. As far as I can tell, nobody comes to the saving knowledge of Christ, by being pinned up against a wall under scripture fire and attack!! That is the work of Holy Spirit, and He seems to work best alone. 
The way that, I see the things how we should be doing is to focus, on our brand new challenge of love. Few if any of us, knew a thing about love, when we came to Christ. I know that I didn’t, and several years later I am still in the process of learning. The way that God sees love, and the way that we want to demonstrate love is two different things. We must learn to love in the way that God loves. Until we get a good hold on what this love entails, then we are no fit to be of service, in the Kingdom of God.

Can I show you what I mean, because I believe that most of the time we get too excited, and want to jump right on in to service? In the book of Ephesians, chapter 6, it talks about putting on the armor of God. I have found this to be a necessary part of our warfare. I want to draw you attention to verse number fifteen.

Ephesians 6:15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

What does this verse say? are you sure that it say’s what you think that it is saying? I don’t understand why, but most of us will leave the word preparation completely out of this verse, or simply read over it not giving it a second thought. I say this prayer every day, before I start my day, called the full armor of God prayer. This is what it says about this part.
Help me fit my Feet with the Readiness that, comes from the Gospel of Peace, that I may stand firm in the Gospel, and spread the Gospel of Peace wherever I go.
Having the readiness, is the same as doing the preparation, for the gospel of peace, because we never know when Holy Spirit might call on us to witness. I have learned, because of the process of elimination that, if Holy Spirit is not calling me to witness, then I am better off to not take it, upon myself to witness. The results can be disastrous, to the one that you are trying to lead to Christ. We must work on our love walk first.         Ain’t Jesus Awesome?
.Much Love

Talk about the Truth

I don’t believe that, I have ever done anything in my life, which brings me as much joy, and pleasure, as writing this blog. It is not the fact that, I write all that well, because I know that I really don’t. It is not the fact that, I can pull out something beyond my level of intelligence, because I often do listening to Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is my guide, and all I need to do is ask Him for His help, and pay attention closely, to everything that He says, and I can’t go wrong.

The absolute truth is I have found a true love relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I have found the right connection, for a life full of success, that can’t be lost, and will not fail. I know if my relationship with Jesus was conditional, on any part of mine, that I wouldn’t have a chance to hold on, past a few seconds. 
People like me simply don’t get the offer that, Jesus has given to me. I have been adopted into a real family of Royalty, and all that I had to do was accept the offer. I wasn’t educated enough to know how to act, but Holy Spirit was more, than willing to teach me. He is the kindest and most patient guide, who a person could ever hope to have, and I have to be taught everything. I didn’t have a clue how to live. I didn’t realize how deep my level of ignorance was really running, until my training started.

Writing this blog is not that difficult, because all I have to do is take the Word of God, and adding details of my life to expound the truths that I am learning, showing how easy it is, for those that want a new life. The only thing that anybody needs to start a new life is to add, a relationship with Jesus, to their old life. Jesus moves into their heart, and takes control. He will change everything, but not all at once.

Jesus was talking with the disciples on day, about the signs, of His return. He was talking about the temple in Jerusalem, and was saying that not one stone will be left upon the other one. It would be safe to say, that a temple build with human hands is not necessary any longer, because God dwells in the hearts of man now. (1st Corinthians 3:16 ) I want to show you this verse, because this is the radical fashion, which Jesus works, in the lives, of His disciples today.

Matthew 24:1-2 And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple. 2 And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

What were read as the great commission, in the twenty-eighth chapter of the book of Matthew, where Jesus is command the disciples to go ye therefore, into all the world, is perfect for me. (Matthew 28:18-20) I am really a shy person by nature, but you can’t really tell this, by the way that I write. I am convinced that there are no flaws, in the Word of God, and that we all should live by this Word, in our lives. The more that I read, and study the Word of God, the more alive that it becomes in my Spirit.

I am a living example, of the things that I am saying, and I know that these Words bring forth life, to anyone that will apply them, in their life. I am convinced that Jesus truly is the way, the truth, and the life, and no man cometh to the Father, but by Him. (John 14:6) Is there another mission that, should take priority over our coming back, into the presence, of the Father? That is what is missing in our lives. There is a God size hole, in the center of our being, where that frigid gale force wind is blowing through, before we make it back to Father.

I truly believe that is where we get that word being lost comes from. We have wandered away from Father, and the only way to get back, to His presence is through His Son Jesus Christ. Other than ourselves, we don’t have but one obstacle standing between us, and Jesus. That is a very strong demonic force named Satan, or one, or more of his fallen angels, who are now known as demons.

This entire plan of Salvation was set-up for victory, on the part of us that, were willing to accept the love of God, which is freely offered. Once we accept Jesus into our hearts and lives, there is no way to lose. The Apostle John wrote a very simple verse in 1st John 4:4. We do realize that the most simplistic verses about Jesus can hold the most power, within them. Anytime, we have anything written about Jesus, being on the inside of us, we have the majority ruling within us!!

1John 4:4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

One of the greatest deceptions that Satan, wants for us to believe is that, he has more power than God. The truth is that God made an Archangel that was named Lucifer. Lucifer had a prideful heart, and thinking that he would over throw God, and rise above Him. He did convince one-third of the angels that, he was powerful enough to accomplish this major feat.

I wonder where is Heaven that, Satan was holding this secret meeting where he didn’t think that, God wouldn’t know about it? Anyway,….Satan got the boot out of Heaven, and he is here for a little while trying to deceive us into thinking that, he has more power, than our Father. Those of us that are aware of the truth, should be telling the world, about the love that God has for us, and His plan of Eternal life. Are you telling others about the truth? Ain’t Jesus Awesome?

.Much Love

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Which One is it?

I am not too much on wars, but I am happy to see the country of Israel, striking back against the terrorism of Hamas. It must be horrendous to live under the threat of missile fire, from an enemy, as close as next door. My heart and prayers go out to the Israeli people, as the battle rages on. It would do the people of Palestine to remember that the Israeli people are still God’s chosen people. I have read the ending of the book, and all those, on the side of the Lord wins!!

In the twenty-fourth chapter, of the book of Matthew, it tells about the signs of the second coming, and the end of the world. 
Matthew 24:4-13 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. 5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. 6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. 9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. 11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. 12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. 13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

These signs have been fulfilled, throughout the world, in which we live in today. I honestly believe that the return of Jesus in secret, to take the church home could happen, at any minute. The world is getting to be a pretty ugly place to live in. Corruption in the United States is at an all-time high. We have our Government officials saying that we are a Christian nation in one breathe, and supporting homosexual lifestyles, in the next. Well,………..Which one is it? It can’t be both.

The same goes with the phrase “legal abortion.” They have made it legal to murder, God’s little blessings to this corrupt world. If they would just stop and think about it for a minute, our Father would not give a blessing, without making provision, for the blessing. Do we think that God changed His mind when He said these words? We say things, like the world is becoming over-populated, and we are just thinning out the population.

Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

The problem with our nation, and all the nations, of the world is that, our priorities have gotten out of order. We seem to think that God, has grown lax, in His provision. Somewhere down the line, those with power a crossed this world, have stepped up, and said that, we don’t need God anyway. We can run this world just fine without His help. This is the evidence of the New World Order. They have the backing of a new generation of hot headed young people, who are starving to have power, which they can’t handle, to begin with.

The best thing that we could do, for this suffering world is place it back in control, of the hands of God. We had no business taking it from Him to start with. That is the best and most reasonable thing, which we could do, but this will not happen. The second greatest thing, that can happen, is the rapture, of the church. This world has become a nasty, wicked, hole of death, and degeneration to live in. However it does make the true Christians light shine brighter than ever!! In a place that is so dark like the world that we live in today, a little light shine a long way.

Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 
This verse of scripture sounds like the proper way to conduct our relationship, with our God. It is actually a promise, and a very good promise. All we need to concern ourselves with is the seeking, of the things of God, and the main things that, He is concerned with, and all that we need will be there. 

This included the things, which we put into our bellies, as nourishment for our bodies. This also includes the clothes that, we wear, no matter what the season might be. Jesus makes the point, of how the Father feeds the birds of the air, and clothes the lilies, of the field. If you will go deep enough, with your seeking, I don’t believe that the Lord’s goodness will stop at food and clothes. I believe that He is willing to go, as far as you are. Look at the preachers, missionaries, and the Evangelist, because Jesus is meeting their every need.

How do you think that all these single mothers, and widows, take care of all their children? The most of them follow Matthew 6:33 first, and the good Lord meets their every need. Their children go to school wearing decent clothes, and set to the table every evening, and eating a nutritious meal. I was one of those kids, who had a single mother, in the days before our country, had a food stamp program. The older citizens will remember that they had a commodity program, where the Government would give surplus food. I don’t remember much about it, but what I do remember was that it wasn’t all that much, but it was sure better than nothing.

The Lord will use anything other than something wrong, to help His children, to meet their needs. I love serving Jesus, because it is impossible to our-give Him. Often times Jesus will use His children to meet the needs of His other children. All we need to do is be sensitive to the voice of Holy Spirit, and obey His prompting, and you will be amazed, at the good that we can do for each other. Ain’t Holy Spirit Awesome?

.Much Love

Looking at Raw Power.

I don’t think all that much has changed since the beginning, of the world. I know that we are far more advanced in technology, and the medical profession has grown immensely. Somehow all these great changes have not really affected the attitude, and beliefs, of the human race. We are still as arrogant and prideful as we ever were, and still suffer from severe heart problems. 
Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Our heart can, and will deceive us every chance that it gets. The heart that the Word is talking about is not, the same one that pumps blood, throughout our body. This is the center of our being, where our core values are located. If we don’t allow the Word of God to establish these values, then they are rotten to the core. There is no way to escape this fatal mistake other than to allow the Word, with the help of Holy Spirit to shape us.

I remember one time when I was a young boy, of no more than ten years old, listening to a conversation between two adults. One was my step-father, and a member of our church. This member was saying that, it was hard for Jesus to save his soul. His reasoning was the fact that he didn’t sin that much. Then he went into telling this long list of sins that he never had done. I really didn’t get the jest of the importance, of what this man was saying, but forty years later I still remember what he said.

This is a prime example of a wicked, deceitful heart, which was fooling that man into thinking that, Jesus just barely was able to save him. Have you ever heard such foolishness? My Jesus never has struggled to do anything that was important to the Father. The closest event was recorded in the garden of Gethsemane when Jesus was sweating blood, while anguishing over the cross. The cross was not the problem at all, but separation from the Father was. (Luke 22:44)
This man was my senior of around sixty years. I am sure that he has slipped into eternity by now. My hope is that he realized his sin was greater than, his heart was leading him to believe, and accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Nobody should ever go to Hell, because of any reason, whether it is deceit, deception, ignorance or pride.

Can I show you what real, true, raw power looks like? Let’s go back to the beginning of creation, as told to us in the Word of God. As Christian we accept the Word of God, as the ultimate authority, in every case of our life. We are told of the creation of the earth, and all the other planets. We are told of the creation of the sun, moon, and stars, and every galaxy, as far as we can see, and beyond what we can see.

We are told of the creation of all things on the earth where we live. We are told about the water, whether it be oceans, rivers, lakes, streams, and all life found in those bodies of water. We are told about the creation of all the animals, on the earth, and finally we are told about the creation, of the first human being.

How did God create all these things? He spoke them into existence!! Our Father God simply spoke The Word, and matter came together, and formed what Father intended, to be created. That is pure, raw power, with grace and excellence creating what the Father approved of, and showing His approval by saying, it is good.

When Father created the human being He formed him from the dust of the ground. I like to say that He made us like a mud pie!! Although there were a couple differences when we were created. We were created in the image of our Creator, and a secret ingredient.

Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Do you realize that, everything that the Lord created has life within it? Go ahead and think about it, and see if you can think of anything that is dead, which our God created. The only thing that I could possibly come up with is the rocks, stones, and the mountains. They don’t seem to have life in them, because they don’t grow, or produce more rocks. They simply sit there taking up space.

According to Jesus, who is the ultimate authority on life, they are alive. During His trip into the city of Jerusalem while riding on a donkey. The Pharisee’s cautioned Jesus to quite His disciples, from shouting so loudly saying, Blessed be the King that cometh, in the name of the Lord. Jesus replied saying these words;

Luke 19:40 And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.

In all of our great educational values, in the world today, why would we thing that anything, which God created would be dead? What really constitutes being alive? A heartbeat and breathing? Do you think that Father, who is a Spirit has a heartbeat? I don’t know, but it is something to consider. Do you think that He breathes, and if He does breathe, then what does He breathe?

Have you ever considered what kind of air there will be in Heaven? Have you pondered the idea of whether or not that, we will be bound to Heaven? There are some beautiful places out in space. Do you ever think about visiting them? Forever is a mighty long time, and I am not sure, but I don’t think that, we will be bound under the same laws, that are here on the earth. 
I was personally hoping that, each day might be a field trip with Jesus, because I don’t believe there will ever be an end, to seeing the great things, which He has created. There are some wonderful things that He has created on the earth, and that was with the presence of sin. Is there a limit to the good things, without sin being a factor?

Knowing what has been said about our new home, and the majestic overview written by the Prophets, Ezekiel being one, our God is a flamboyant creator. There are a lot of different colors in Heaven, and I am a visual person. Heaven is filled with all kinds of different sounds. I don’t even think that we will ever get bored with all the great and different things that will be available, for us to experience. All this is just speculation on my part, because it will even be better than I think that it will!! Ain’t Jesus Awesome?

.Much Love