
Friday, November 30, 2012

What just happened?

You ever simply, …....Just can not understand why that you could possibly be going into something?     That's the way that I felt when the folks sent me back to the mission downtown.   I believe that I did some things to get me there a little quicker, but I also know that God overrides any decision that they think that they are making.      Psalms 37:23 tells me that for a fact!! (23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.)
Part of the requirement for city rescue mission is for me to go back to McDuff for two days and work. I go on Thursday's and Friday's of my own choice. I work in the kitchen, and have ever since I first entered in.    Actually,.........I love it,............Because this is the kind of work that I have been doing most of my life.       Everything that I need to do comes so easy to me. This is definitely my comfort zone. I am a quick, efficient, and a self-started who requires minimal supervision if any.
I really enjoy going down there on the days that I need to go. The main excitement for me is my immediate supervisor.    Whom I will call Big Grif. Big Grif is something else when you get to know him. He has a real whacked out sense of humor.    It's about the way he sees  Things,...........Well,...........It almost make me feel like I am sane!!     OK,.......OK,.....I know that is a bit much!!!       But I can always hope!!
Seriously,..........He is a Godly man, just trying to make it in a world full of corruption. We talk often, and he always brings out a point that I never realized before. I try to do the same with him. Oops,....Here is another one,.............Proverbs 27:17....(17 Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.)
I honestly wish that I could spend more time with him, but his schedule is very hectic. There is always somebody waiting to see him in his office, and those jokers seem to always have some plan in store for him to do!! He also has a full life at home. Yep,..............That's right,.........He has a beautiful wife, and six kids, or maybe I should say babies to keep him busy.

Wait a minute,...................Didn't you start off with one story,..and all of a sudden took a left turn without a signal? Yeah,.........So do you have a point that yer tryin' to make? I'm always all over the road. Half the time I ain't sure what I am doing!!
I'm glad that your paying attention, and I’ll go back to finish. Well,......I was on the right road, because this had to do with a conversation that I was having with one of the guys. He made the statement that State street would not be in his future. If they tried to send him back that he would go, ….....But not to State street!!
I started talking to him from my heart,......And low and behold if the answer didn't trickle from my own lips that I had been wondering about. At least part of it did...............This is what I said: Oh no,........Don't look at it like that. It's really not that big of a deal. You should be so lucky to go back on your own. You will not believe the difference that it makes when you go back into the hell zone with as much God inside of you, as you will have if that day comes. You will not even get caught up in that madness,................And you can get a chance to see how much that you have grown...
I am not sure what I was doing at that point,................Because I was dumbfounded!! I am pretty sure that I had one of those looks on my face that don't surface that often. Honestly,.....I had just had a epiphany from my own heart, while sharing with another student.
It makes total sense now..............On to the next adventure!!

…..........Much Love

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I give honor to the people that read this that say that they have never stole anything. I wish that I could say that,.......But my life of crime started when I was in the first grade. My mother had a gravy boat setting on the top of the refrigerator, and it was filled with pennies.
I really don't know what sparked this crime spree off in my life.     I only took a few pennies............That first day. Keep in mind that back 44 years ago,.....That you actually buy things with a few pennies. I must have got hooked on stealing mom's pennies, and cough drops. Yep,.......That right,........I was buying Ludens cough drops of all things. Must have been something in them that charmed my addictive behavior.
Well,............It didn't take long for mother to question me about her missing pennies. Of coarse I denied having anything what-so-ever to do with them. The funny thing is that only us two lived in this house!!         I wasn't really too bright!!
That little act was probably the one that taught me the most,............But not the way that it should have. I realized that my thievery, and my ability to lie had to sharpen up if I ever was going to amount to any thing!! ( I don't know why I would feel this way. It sounds as stupid to me, as it does to you!!)
When I was all grown up, and working for a living..............I started robbing my Father every week!! Now I am not talking about my biological father. I am talking about my Daddy that lives in Heaven!! Yep,......That's right,.........Once again,.........I just ain't acting that bright!!
In the book of Malachi verse 8 God says if I with-hold the tithe,............Then I am robbing Him. (8) Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.
OK,...............Let me see if I really understand what is being said here. He actually want a tenth of everything that I get, and I supposed to offer more than my tithe. I will admit that the Master of the Universe doesn't expect as much as the internal revenue service,.........But.......What if I can't, or just refuse to give up my money?
9 Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.
Wow!!     Now that is pretty stern!!............Don't you think?       What kind of curse do you reckon that He was talking about?       Oh wait...........He said more........Well,...... He is talking about what He will do if we honor the tithe to Him.              Aha,.......Wait I got it,.....I got it!!      All the great things that He says that He will do for us if were obedient is actually Father lifting the curse that is already upon us!!          That is fantastic!!          Let's read on:
10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
11 And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the Lord of hosts.
12 And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the Lord of hosts.

Honestly folks,.........God has no need of your money.      He just wants your obedience, and if you love Him, and do as the Father asks............Then you will be blessed!!     
The Lord didn't say that He will make you wealthy in cash, because cash is just a piece of paper to the Lord. Gold is so worthless to Him that He has paved all the streets in Heaven with it!!    He will make you wealthy in the blessing of other things that means much more than just money!!
The Father does make a pretty bold statement when He says prove me!!     We know that there is not much that Father can't do,.........And lie is one of them!!       Test Him......Try Him.........Put in on Him!!        And reap the benefits of His love for you!!
            ...................Much Love

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Feeling a little Blue?

We all can get depressed to some level, or another at any given time in our lives. I do realize that major depression is a serious deal, and needs to be addressed medically. This is not the kind of depression that I am talking about. I an talking about minor depression. Some of us call them a good case of the blues. More or less it is a time in our lives that nothing seems to go the way that we are thinking that it should.

David found himself in this shape in the book of 1st Samuel chapter 30.

David , and his might warriors were away from home, and when they returned the found that the Amalekites had burnt their homes, and taken all their family hostage!! Verse 4 states that ever man lifted up his voice, and cried until they had no power left to cry.

Could you imagine coming back home, and finding every thing that you once owned lying in a pile of ash? And to top that off everyone that you love has been taken captive by a heathenish nation that loved to prey on the weak, and would never pass an opportunity to assault the Jewish people.

It would seem that would be enough to crack even the toughest shell, but it was about to get worse for David. The men were starting to talk about stoning him, because they blamed him for their own grief!!

6 And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.
David had a solution to his depression problem. He didn't wallow in his pity, …....The way that I've done more times that I really care to admit. ( Actually, I have done this more than I can count!!) By the normal standards of mankind,..........David had ever right to throw a major pity party in his honor, …....But he did something else. He encouraged himself in the Lord!!
Now if that worked for David, and it did. Why wouldn't that work for us? How many of us have ever been at the point that David was at? Lost everything that you own, and all those that you love, plus your comrades in arms threatening to take your life? We must admit that it wasn't looking good for David!!
How do we encourage ourselves in the Lord? Well,...........I am glad that you ask!! I found an articile by Jeff Doles that is really good. It's much better that I could write, so here it goes.
only to find that it had been burned with fire, and their wives and children carried off by the Amalekites. “Discouraged” is not a big enough word to describe the state of their morale.
The Bible says they wept bitter tears until they simply had no more power to weep. For David, it was even worse, for he was their leader, and his men were so consumed by grief that there was even talk of stoning him. He was in distress, and it might have destroyed him completely, except for this: David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.
This required a definite resolve on David’s part, an act of his volition. To default on this decision would only have deepened his distress, and discouragement would have rendered him helpless. What is more, the wives and children of him and his men would have been lost forever. So David chose encouragement, not only to be encouraged—for there was no one around him who could, or would, do that for him—but to encourage himself. The most important thing to notice here, though, is that David did not encourage himself in himself. Rather, the Scripture says that he encouraged himself in the LORD his God. You see, this was not just about David, for David had a covenant with God, and that made this whole thing God’s business.
Having thus encouraged himself, David was then able to move on to the solution God had prepared for this problem.
BEFORE WE GO ON AND TALK ABOUT ENCOURAGEMENT, there are a couple of things we need to understand about discouragement. First, discouragement does not come from the Lord, it comes from our adversary the devil. That is why David could encourage himself in the Lord, because the Lord was the source of his solution, not the source of his problem.
Second, discouragement is an indication that we are walking by sight, not by faith. Paul said, “We walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5.7), and that was the source of his stability and strength. When we walk by faith, with our confidence in the Lord and his promises, it is impossible to be discouraged. But when we walk by sight, trusting in our senses, our feelings and our own understanding, we easily fall prey to all the deceptions of the world, the flesh and the devil. When we find ourselves in discouragement, we discover where we have been placing our trust. The solution is to put our trust back in the Lord.
Paul said that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10.17). So when discouragement comes and you find that you have been walking by sight instead of by faith, head back to the Scriptures and let the promises of God build your faith back up to strength.
which you can encourage yourself in Him.
Recognize that you do not have to stay discouraged. It may be like a bird that flies
over your head, but you do not have to let it nest in your hair. You can be encouraged, and in fact, you can encourage yourself.
Remember that, if you know the Lord Jesus Christ, you are in covenant with God,
and He has committed Himself to take care of you in every situation. When the
circumstances of life pressed in on David, David pressed in on the benefits of his
covenant relationship with God. He briefly outlined these in Psalm 103.
Bless the LORD, O my soul,and forget not all His benefits:
Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases,
Who redeems your life from destruction,
Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,
Who satisfies your mouth with good things,
So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. (Psalm 103.2-5)
Stop giving voice to your discouragement and start giving voice to your encouragement.
Stop repeating the lies of the devil and start speaking the promises of God. Stop
speaking out of fear and start speaking in faith. Stop talking about the problems
and start talking about the solution. Find out what the Word of God has to say about your situation, then start speaking it, rather than your feelings.
Meditate on the Lord. One of the Hebrew words for “meditate” literally means to
murmur, and implies the moving of the lips. Another word means to converse with
yourself. It is your “self-talk,” the way you speak to yourself about the things in
your life. Everybody meditates on something, but often it is on the wrong thing, on the wrong person, or with the wrong focus.
You see, meditation is not a matter of positive thinking, and neither is encouragement.
Rather, they are both matters of faith. It is not about us, but about Him. Let your meditation be about the Lord, about His love, His Word, His promises, His goodness, His works. As you do, you will be able to cast your cares on the Lord, with strong confidence that He cares about everything going on in your life (1 Peter 5.7).
We have thought, O God, on Your lovingkindness, in the midst of Your temple. (Psalm48.9)
But I will sing of Your power; yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning; for
You have been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble. (Psalm 59.16)
I call to remembrance my song in the night; I meditate within my heart, and my spirit makes diligent search. (Psalm 77.6)
I will remember the works of the LORD; surely I will remember Your wonders of old. I will also meditate on all Your work, and talk of Your deeds. (Psalm 77.11,12)
May my meditation be sweet to Him; I will be glad in the LORD. (Psalm 104.34)
I will meditate on Your precepts, and contemplate Your ways. I will delight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget Your Word. (Psalm 119.15,16)
Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day. (Psalm 119.97)
My eyes are awake through the night watches, that I may meditate on Your Word.
(Psalm 119.148)
I remember the days of old; I meditate on all Your works; I muse on the work of Your hands. (Psalm 143.5)
I will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty, and on Your wondrous works. (Psalm 145.5)
Get in the presence of the Lord. “Give thanks to the Lord. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise” (Psalm 104.4). This requires a quality decision: I will give thanks. I will praise.
Nehemiah said, “The joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8.10). David said to the Lord, “In Your presence is fullness of joy” (Psalm 16.11). When we get into the presence of the Lord we will find all the strength we need and encouragement for every circumstance.
Stand in the armor of God. Paul said, “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” You can find a description of this in Ephesians 6.11-18:
We have the truth of God’s Word, the righteousness of Christ and the gospel of peace (wholeness) at work on our behalf.
We have the helmet of salvation (salvation, healing, deliverance, prosperity and
preservation) to guide and direct our thoughts.
We have the shield of faith to quench his fiery darts. Make no mistake, discouragement is most certainly one of the devil’s fiery darts.
We have the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. This is the offensive weapon that silences the voice of discouragement and all the lies of the devil.
We have all kinds of prayer in the Holy Spirit by which we can persevere and supply every need of the saints. Learn to pray as the Spirit of God leads.
and everything going against you. Encouragement tells you that you have everything going for you and it doesn’t matter what you have going against you. God is on your side, with the provision for every need and the answer for every problem you may have. That is why Jesus came, and why, like David, you too can encourage yourself in the LORD your God.

........Much Love

Monday, November 26, 2012

Extra,.. Extra...

Getting back to what I was talking about the other day. The sad truth is that I am one of those disillusioned folks in this world that is putting all my eternal eggs in one basket. I believe that there is a real land called heaven. I also believe it is run by an awesome God that will be the life of the party!! I personally can't wait to hear Jesus jamming out with some awesome licks like that has never been heard before, or even thought about. I can't wait to listen to Jesus play, but even more, .............When He calls my name to join in with Him!!

I also believe in a party-less existence called hell. Since I don't really have to worry about that issue, and I never will. I can't see going into any detail about what that silly little book says about hell. Nor what I could imagine, or speculate what it might be like. I have a feeling that it will be a lot worse than my imagination can fathom.

As a matter of a fact there is a lot that my mind just can't comprehend about things that the Word talks about.       Have you ever heard a donkey talk?     Little lone see it with your eyes?      Can you imagine an ax head made of metal floating to the top of a river?           Have you ever saw a dead person come back to life?         Then I guess a bunch of dead man's bones is just a little bit out of the question!!

The truth is that the Bible is filled with stories that my infinite mind could not possibly understand. It seems like it should be a book of fiction.     Like I said before,........ I need something desperately to believe in, and that book is just crazy enough to be true.       Plus,...........I know the original Author,...............And He calls me Son!!

I really do like to have fun,..........Even about the more serious issues of life. Please don't believe for one minute that I don't take the Eternal issues of Heaven, and hell seriously, …..Because I cannot stress how important that they should be to everyone on this planet.     Don't put off making a decision, because death comes quicker to some,............More than others!!

Remember,.....................If you choose not to make a choice,............You have already made a decision!!    The really strange thing is that we all like to have choice's in our lives.    We make them every moment of the day.    I would like to leave you with one more thought from that silly little book that is called the Holy Bible.

Yes,...............Yes,................Yes,.... I really do,.....................Hopelessly,................With great devotion believe every word that was written in this book that we call the Holy Bible!!      Further more,.............I honestly do accept this written Word, as the spoken Word of God,........And live my life the best I can according to what it says!!

Now,...........The last part that I want to leave you with comes from the book of Joshua: Chapter 24, verses 14-15.
14 Now therefore fear the Lord, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the Lord.
15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

….............Much Love

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday is Awesome....

What an Awesome time at church today!!      For me it started the second that I stepped off the city bus.      Do you ever just know that you belong in a place?      Once I walked far enough from the road I had to just stop for a bit to look around, and thank the Lord that I belonged in this place!!

I am grateful when I find somewhere that I really belong in. I have been so many places that I really didn't fit in, or simply had no business being there. I have walked into some neighborhoods looking to buy dope in my addiction that I was blessed to ever get to leave under my own power!!

Speaking of really bad places to be.................I signed up to go into the worst neighborhoods here in Jacksonville to pass out free food in time for Christmas.      Now,...........You can't say that ain't a transformation!!      Straight from buying dope to spreading the love of God through food baskets.        Ain't God good!!!       Just think..............I never figured that I would amount to much of nothing.

I also signed up for a few more things. I will be helping with the decorating of the church for Christmas, and the grounds this coming up week for two days. I will also be involved with the packaging of the food baskets. I have no idea what will be in them, but Pastor Gary said that we would be handing out over a thousand. The church has set aside 30,000 to purchase food for them. Plus the church has an opportunity to help by filling gift bags themselves.

We are going out into the same neighborhoods to pass out toys to the children that live in these impoverished areas. Ain't it strange how the drug culture looms around the poorest areas. Those getting rich off sin never help anyone that is really struggling. I guess that they are just too busy helping themselves to notice anybody else in pain. That is really sad.

We have a fairly massive sized church. At least it is to me. There is some serious money located inside the walls of my church. We have a crowd of people that God has blessed greatly, and they show their love back toward Him that gave it to begin with. I am thrilled to say that we are a giving church. We support over 100 missionaries each month, and build a church a month in a different foreign country.

Next Sunday I will be involved in a different kind of Sunday school class. There was nothing wrong with the one that I’ve been currently attending. My friend J.T. Wanted me to go with him. I checked it out, and it looks like something that I could benefit from attending. It is called the truth project. I will stick a link to it right below.

There is something else going on that I will have to wait until later to confirm what is really going to happen, as far as I am concerned. It does seem like it will be up my alley with what I really want to be doing.

I am not trying to flip nobody out here, but we need to keep an eye on the happenings that are going on in Israel right now.  The Muslim Brotherhood has called for an all out Holy war on Israel. The end time Bible prophecy is deeply concerned with the Israeli nation. Those of us that believe that Jesus is the only way need to break the news to those who don't believe. Nobody deserves to burn for all eternity!!

…...............Much Love

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The partial conclusion.....

I guess that we know why I feel the need to believe in something other than myself. It is a missing part left out by our Creator. Out of all the choices that I tried, and of the few that I simply scoffed at, because of my level of intelligence. I choose the most radical,..............Unbelievable,............Out of this world choice that I could have made against all, or any levels of intelligence that I could have possibly made!!

It starts out with a book written by mere mortal men that say that they had an encounter with a God named I Am that I Am. It's starts out with a story of creation where the world was spoken into existence, and everything in it. Out of the entire world there was a garden paradise with only two people in it, and they walked, and talked with their creator. His name was Adam, and her name was Eve. I just have to put this in here!! ( Don't you know that she was the finest woman that has ever been created since the beginning of time!!)

Then a vandal that had been a chief player in God's world that He had going on before invaded the garden in the form of a serpent. ( Can you imagine a stinkin' snake standing up and talking with you?) He lured the woman into doing what God had commanded them not to do, and Adam followed suite. God simply did to them what He had done to Satan earlier. He booted them out of the garden!!

Now,........This book goes on with several different incredible stories that do stretch the imagination a bit. Stories of plagues hitting the land of Egypt. Stories of the Israelite people stretching out a three day journey crossed the desert to forty years. They made this trip without any of their clothes, or shoes wearing out!! There were bushes simply burning, and not being consumed by the fire. Walls fell not by force, but by shouting!! Donkey's saw Angels, and talked about it. Some dude named Jacob wrestled with an Angel. The Red Sea rolled back , and let at least a million people cross, and rolled back , and wiped out an Egyptian Army. There was a floating ax head, and oil, and meal replenishing itself. Poisonous snakes went wild, and killed several, and the ground opened up, and swallowed a bunch. Dead man's bones came back to life, and diseases were cured. Lions mouths were closed, and a man survived for three days in a fish belly. Then 400 years of silence from God.

There were many more stories that I could tell you about, but if you want to know the details. I would suggest that you read it for yourself. Now,............As crazy as all this sounds,,..................Just wait until I start with the second half of the book. Honestly,............It would take a person that had a severe touch applied to them. Not in the head though...........It would take a touch in their heart!!

The other half of the story begins with a virgin giving birth to a baby boy. ( I would hate to have even tried to explain that one!!) He grew up, and proclaimed that he was The Son of God. That he had came here not to condemn the world, but to save the world. Hey,......Wasn't this the guy that was born in a filthy barn? Oh Well,.......Moving along!! Water was turned into wine. Blind folks were made to see. Dead people got up and walked. Lazarus had been dead for three days, and came hoping out of his tomb stinking in his grave clothes. Folks walked on the water. Exorcisms were performed in a flash. Storms were calmed, and people were fed. Severd ears were replaced, and blood was sweated..... Jesus kept close company with a group of thugs that He called disciples. It was a good time where ever Jesus wandered. He had to be the life of the party...............To most people,.....................But not the Sanhedrin.

Jesus hay day ended when they arrested Him, and charged Him with impersonating God. They beat Him worse than any human has ever been beaten before without death occurring. They gambled for His clothes They slapped, spit, cussed, humiliated, pulled hair, and beard, stripped Him naked. They beat Him with fist, belts, whips, cat of nine tails, rods. After all that, made Him carry the cross that would be the death of him!!

They nailed Him to a cross with spikes. While He was hanging there in the sun they mocked, teased, spit, aggravated, taunted, and probably threw rocks at Him. They offered him vinegar to drink. ( When is enough......enough?) Finally He said, “ IT IS FINISHED!!” He then gave up the ghost.

Then they say that all hell broke loose!! Graves burst open, ghost ran around, the sky got dark, the temple veil ripped, the earth quaked, and all kinds of chaos was going down!!

Now that is just part of the story...................There is more to tell, and I do plan to tell it in the next blog, or at least get a good start on it!!

Have I even answered my question I put on myself? Yeah,..............I think that I did. Although, this causes another question to arise. Do I really believe this ridiculous story written in a fantasy book? It really can't be true can it? Wouldn't anybody that believes this fairy book tale be subject to incarceration in a maximum security mental ward? Just for the pure safety of themselves, and others? I guess that we can find out the state of my mental well being in the next blog.....

.............Much Love

Why i believe................

I am really not sure why this was left out..........So here it is now.

I don't know why the good Lord want's me to write this blog with the accent being on Christianity. There are far more people qualified to write one, and much better skilled!! You know if I'm gonna be honest, and you know that I will,.........Brutally honest as a matter of a fact. I fail at being a Christian every day,.....I do something that I shouldn't be doing!! Sometimes I get on a roll,....Like a snowball effect,......It grows in mass the farther that it goes on!!

Now I know that God calls us to strive for perfection, and I know that we will never achieve it while on this planet. Come on now!! This is one of those times that I am tempted to say words that prove my inability to live a Holy life!!

Anyway,......Here we go with another opportunity to share with you my many misfits! …..............It is not that I doubt my faith any one bit. The question came to me the other day of; …..Why do I believe what I believe? The only problem with that is that I could not satisfy myself with an answer. As bad as that seems to be,.....It was actually good in the long run.

Every believer should know exactly why they believe the way that they do. Actually, everybody should know why they believe the way that they do no matter what the belief. Sometimes we believe what we have been taught, and sometimes that is right, and other times it is wrong. Often times we believe like our friends believe, and don't have a clue where their belief came from.

Now I am going to concentrate on the Christian view from here on out. Often times as Christians we get caught up in all different kinds of madness. We try to act like Jesus, but we don't even come close. Did Jesus come to judge, condemn, or point His Holy finger, and shake it in anger? Well,..........Did He?         I think that we all know the answer to that is no. So why do we get caught up in that kind of confusion? And that is exactly what that is is, and our Lord is not the Author of confusion!!        Now is He?

I don't really know why I write some of the things that I do, but that is for somebody, if not,....... it is for myself!! I'm guilty!! Maybe I am just preaching to myself, and if I am I might as well give myself an AMEN!!

In the effort of trying to understand why I believe the way that I do I listened to some atheist talk about why they didn't believe in a God. Honestly,.....I had to listen more that once, because I started out judging not listening. The truth is that I had to listen several times, because I caught myself.............Judging again, and often.

I think that could be a good test of what kind of a Christian are we when we listen to an atheist speak. I defiantly failed several times!! Then I listened to why Christians believe what they believe.

After listening to both groups say what that they believed. The atheist group helped me decide why I believe the way that I do the most. I know that has to sound strange to most Christians, but it's the truth.

The reason that I believe the way that I believe is the fact that I choose to believe that way!!     It is my choice!!     I have the right to choose to believe anything that I want to believe.    It don't matter what anyone else believes.     I simply have to be confident that I made the right choice!!

Now,................As Christians,.....................What are we called to do?     Love.........Simply love.     We love our God first, and in return He gives us the power to love others. Now ain't that something??     That is the first two moves that we should make as Christians, and once we get those two moves down..........Or think that we do.     We are to become disciples. Then we move on to act like Jesus, and we learn how to really treat people.

We know that no heart is moved without the presence of the Holy Spirit, so why don't we just calm down , and plant the seeds that we have been given? That is all that we as Christians have been called to do. We live by the choice that we have chosen to live by. We live by the rules that our Father has given us. We live by the law of love!!

…......................Much Love

part #1

Part of this Soul Searching that I have been doing of lately has revealed some interesting information. Once again it is all about me. Just in case I am not an island, and there some folks out there that can relate, then I will continue on.

Now,.....I have figured out why I believe the way that I do. I guess the next question would be; “ Why would I want to believe in anything other that myself?”

Let's face it folks,.............There has been people ever since recorded time that have believed in something. There has been thousands of different things that people have believed in recorded in books though out the ages. In actuality there is no shortage of choices.       Don't we all like choices?

That still don't answer the question that I need to answer. Why would I want to believe in anything other that myself? However,.....All this information will come into play later on.

Now, ….....I have to go back to the creation of myself. I have learned that everything in my life time is born through the fertilization of a seed, and as far as I can tell...........I was also born in this type of manner. Hey wait!!..................Didn't there have to be a beginning? Yep,..............I reckon so,................And let's say for all general purposes that we call this mastermind..............GOD.

I know,...........I know,...........I know this still don't answer the question at hand, but it just got one step closer.

It seems to me that whom ever my Creator was He left a part out that I could choose what to fill it with. Believe you me buddy I have tried to fill that empty hole with all kinds of different things. I have even tried a combination of different items, but they all left me feeling lacking for something more. I could never be satisfied, and I never got enough for my fill.

I have the desire for something to believe in!! Actually,........I don't even feel close to a whole being without a higher form, or cause to believe in. Can you remember back when you were kids your parent(s) filled that spot for a short while. Then the day came when we needed something else to fill that hunger down deep inside of us.

OK,..............Let's go back to some of the fantastic stories that have come down over the years. There are stories of Vikings. I actually knew a feller that worshiped the Viking god Odin. For those that don't know who he is ; In mythology he was the father of the god of thunder....Thor.

Now,...........You must admit that takes quite an imagination to worship an mythological god. Honestly,.........I believe that I can top that one!!

The truth is that people believe, and worship all different kinds of gods. In A.A. They say that we need a higher power. Simply pick something that is more powerful than you are. I have even heard one guy say that the Smurfs were his higher power. I honestly believe that had to be a lack of imagination.

I believe that the A.A. Program has slipped a little since Bill Wilson formed it in the latter half of this century. If your involved in the program,..........Please go back and study it's roots. Mr. Wilson, and Dr. Bob Smith were serious about getting drunks sobered up so they could live again!!

People worship a variety of different things from other People, Religion, Money, Sex, The sun, The moon, The Stars, Cows, Satan, Demons, Angels, Fairies, Elf's.....Etc. People just worship any, and everything. I think that it's safe to say that we all were born with a part missing inside. A part that needs to be filled with something to complete us as human beings.

I believe that I really need to make this writing in two parts, because I feel that I need to take some space to explain what I really want to focus on more than the rest..........................

           …...........Much Love

Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy belated Thanksgiving!!

I hope all of you had a happy Thanksgiving!! It's the time of year that we all should be thankful for our many blessings that we have received throughout the year. It is usually celebrated with a massive feast shared with those that we love the most!!

Sometimes we share our day with those who are not as fortunate as ourselves. We go to shelters, and help feed those whom do not have as much as others. Some people invite the less fortunate inside their home to share in their feast. There are all kinds of different things that people do to help out. There is also a crowed that does nothing, or no more than they want to be doing.

I am ashamed of myself for what I did at this Thanksgiving time. I ran off and hid!! Even though, I know that I have been called to serve. I simply just whimpered away with an attitude. I thought that I had done enough all the year long. I thought, “ What about me?” That was as selfish as I could be!!

Everything had already been lined up for me. I was staying at the mission where they make a big deal of serving a huge Thanksgiving meal. All I had to do was put on some decent clothes, and a smile on my face, and walk down the steps with a different attitude. You know,..........An attitude of gratitude!!

I know what has caused that disastrous problem!! I've not been attending church on a regular basis like I need to be attending. I have this condition called fear of people. The only way that I know how to get a handle on it is to attend church services at least twice a week. When my love tank is not filled regularly it runs dry. The funny thing is when it's filled to capacity, and not allowed to flow out it gets stagnant. It's meant to have a consistent flow from me to others. When it doesn't flow that way, then I’m in trouble. I resort to my default mode, and that's never a good thing!!

Well I fell on my knees before the Lord and repented for such foolishness that I had done. Everything is alright now, and I can take back what I had missed.................We never can!!

The best event I have not missed yet!! For Christmas my church is going into some of the worst neighborhoods in Jacksonville to pass out toys and food, and share the message of there is hope in Jesus!! I want to be a part of that event, and I don't know why it's that important to me, but it surely is!! Normally I wouldn't even be caught dead entering into these neighborhoods that we are planning on going into. They are the worst of the worst. Somehow,............I feel that I am needed, because I am a product of what a difference that Jesus can make in a life!! Keep in mind that I am not perfect. That I am still a work in progress. Only by the grace of God can I continue on, and go forth on to walk in the victory that we as Christians are supposed to walk in.

I do feel that I should be sharing my failures, along with my successes with you. I believe that it is a good thing to see what the whole picture looks like. As for me,.............I have a lot of trouble living a victorious Christian life, because I am so stinkin' hard headed!! Jesus said, “It is finished!!” Now all I have got to do is simply receive it!!

…............Much Love

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Just me going slap crazy!!

OK,...............I just have to talk...............I need to rattle some things off, ….......So that I might some sense of it.     This is not what I was hoping that my life would be like...........................I feel like screaming!!

I know that I'm under attack from Satan!!    The thing is..........How many of y'all believe this is true V.S.   How many of y'all just think that I an certifiable crazy?     The real truth of this matter is.............That I don't really care which one you choose to believe.     We all have choices to make everyday,..............This is just another!!

Why is it when people don't believe the same way as others..........We give a label of being crazy?           When we don't see the same things that they claim to see...........We simply write them off as being nuts?     Let's not forget when they hear things that we don't hear,...................We call them a cracked pot, ….....And other silly little names that make us............Feel better about ourselves!!

Why are we always trying to make ourselves feel better?       At what expense do we draw the line? Apparently,.................I supposed to be feeling,.............OH,.............lets say,.................A little left out of the grand equation of life!!    Whom ever said that I ever had to be on the front burner?   How far would I need to jump to even get to that burner?       And how would I know if there is something to land on if I did make the jump?     There is a lot to consider here!!      There is surly,.....  A lot at stake!!

What if I decided to make that jump,..... And I made it,................But y'all wasn't there?     What if I didn't know anybody there?      What if nobody was there?      Could I just jump back?      What if I choose to simply sit here in my comfort zone?

That ain't gonna happen,.................... Because I’ve already been forced to make a move.     Am I gonna start to rebel?     What if I start a rebellion with everybody that's been forced out of their comfort zone?      Wait a minute?      What happens if we can't agree on what kind of rebellion to have?          You know that ain't gonna happen either,................Because it is hard to get one person to agree,..................Little lone enough to have a full fledged serious rebellion!!       And who ever said that I need to start any rebellion at all?

What am I thinkin'?      Why am I acting so crazy?      What part of my life am I so upset about?     Can I change it if I wanted to change anything about my life?       What is wrong with my life being just the way it is?       Isn't it better than it has been?
        Err.......Well,................Yes!!  It is better,..............And it's going to get even more better than it is today!!
Today has been a day that I have been surrounded by people.     I like to keep people at,..........Err......Let's say,....... At a …........Reasonable distance.     Hey wait,..............What does a reasonable distance consist of?      Any who get's to choose? Them,.....or,.......Me,.......or,........Somebody else?


That feels much better. Sometimes it takes a simple scream....Just to clear my mind, so I can make a rational decision.

I hope y'all enjoyed me allowing y'all to enter my mind for approximately a minute, and let's say, and a half. I do have one question though: What do you think I do with the other 1,438.5 minutes that I have left to do with during the day?

          …....................Much Love

Monday, November 19, 2012


.................. Be strong and courageous!!        WOW!!      Does anyone other that myself suffer from fear on a regular basis?     I am fixin' to get brutally honest again with y'all.     I suffer with fear greatly!!     In all areas of life, but mainly with people.      My people handling skills just ain't as powerful as they should be, and I’m pretty sure that is the reason for a lot of my fear.

The reason that I started talking about fear is because it is the opposite of being strong and courageous. When God told Joshua , “ Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; Be not afraid, neither be ye dismayed: For the Lord thy God is with you where ever you go.”

Fear Not,..............Appears in the Bible 365 times. Now,.......We can look at that one a day for a year, or 365 times day,..............Like I do!!      I really need to look at it in that light, because I have a lot of trouble with fear.

That scripture has a lot going on in it.      It's really simple to understand.      It say's what it means, and it means what it say's. …................So,...................Why is it that I have so much trouble with it? It's a command to be strong, and of good courage.     It's a command not to have fear, or to be dismayed.    (Dismayed in the Strong's Concordance means to be shattered, broken, or abolished.)

I can say for a fact that my level of fear is a lot lower than it used to be. When I used to drink, and get high I was afraid of everything. My level of fear was at an all time high. That is why Satan was keeping me in that bondage.     Man,........If I would have told the truth about how many nights that I actually cried myself tearless out of great fear!!     I had no hope of anything better;..............And then Jesus..............

That's all I have to say about that!!      And then Jesus!!      That's a phrase that stands on it's own!!        I have learned what to do when Satan is trying to get me to do something that I've been set free from:...........I say, “ Lord Jesus,...........Satan is telling lies on you again!!” That is all that it usually takes to get that old bugger on the run!!

I do have a problem with fear, but it's minor compared to the way that it used to be.    I'm not the most courageous man at least not like the Word states that I should be.   I am growing in the Lord, and I am a work in progress.

I found a little something that I would like to share with you:

Courage is the strength to stand up
When it's easier to fall down and lose hold.

It is the conviction to explore new horizons
When it's easier to believe what we've been told.

Courage is the desire to maintain our integrity
When it's easier to look the other way.

It is feeling happy and alive, and moving forward
When it's easier to feel sorry for ourselves and stay.

Courage is the will to shape our world
When it's easier to let someone else do it for us.

It is the recognition that none of us are perfect
When it's easier to criticize others and fuss.

Courage is the power to step forward and lead
When it's easier to follow the crowd; their pleas resound.

It is the spirit that places you on top of the mountain
When it's easier to never leave the ground.

The foundation of courage is solid,
The rock that doesn't roll.

Courage is the freedom
Of our mind, body, and soul!

~~ Author Unknown ~~

................Much Love

Saturday, November 17, 2012

There is a solution...

Hey y'all!!     When we find something that works in our lives we tend to stick with it........Don't we?       Sometimes I let things slip away even though they work just fine. Then again,...........I've been known to simply amaze myself with severe acts of stupidity!!    Little lone those that know me personally. I can just imagine the thoughts that they have had by the ones that they have shared!!    I have always been a challenge to those that might care about me, because of the radical lifestyle that I have lived.

Getting older has been good for me in the way that it is slowing me down quite a bit. I'm reaping the benefits of living a lavish lifestyle for too many years.       Yes Ladies and Gentleman,..............I stayed at the party for too long!!     How long is too long?        I reckon that a fair answer would be one day after this madness first began!!      The sad truth is that I was addicted.       Yep,.................That's right,.........I was addicted to sin!!     I loved it all.    The drinking,.......... The drugging,.......... And all the wild sex that came along with that madness!!

I spent many years fighting for Satan's cause.     Satan loved me,............ or so I thought.    He should have for as many that I recruited for his cause, or corrupted might be a better word for it . I helped spread hate and discontent throughout all my running grounds. I thought that I was cool, but how cool can purely evil be?      One day I finally woke up, and realized ….......That I hated myself!!     I couldn't stand what I had become!!

Fortunately God still had some use for me.    He allowed me to run out of any options, ........When I finally realized that death was not going to be a working option!! I hope that everybody does realize that I have a purpose in my life today, .......and my readers are a big part of it.

I've been given a gift of telling y'all that if God has a real use for me,..............That He has a real use for you to, because He is no respecter of persons. Some people may just laugh as my little blog, and never return again. That's OK. It's not meant for everybody.     It's mostly meant for those that have found themselves with a big ole hole in the middle of their body with a frigid breeze blowing throughout.      It's for those that have messed their lives up by drinking, or drugs, and want a real solution to a serious problem.    It's also for those that have figured out that suicide is not a real solution, or those who are still thinking about trying suicide.

OK,.................It's for those who think that they have tried everything, and find that everything simply makes their life worse!!    You have to be broken, and nobody will have to tell you that you are. You will know beyond all reasonable doubts!!

My solution is Jesus Christ. The son of our Great Creator............He has given me a life worth living now, and He will do the same for you.    Jesus is a real gentleman. He will not force anything on you. All you need to do is seek Him out. He is waiting on you, and He is very patient. He wants to take away all your pain, and show you what real love is like.

Now,..............Just think that I started out to write a bit about my church.       Oh well,................There is always tomorrow.

….....................Much Love

The Concert........

Hey Y'all!! How are you doing today? I hope everyone is well and blessed!! I know that I am. It's been an exciting 24 hours for me. I went to the concert last night at church. Ernie Haase and signature sound were playing. They were good. There was no doubt about it. They put on a snazzy little show,...........But,....................( Why is there always a but in there?)..............Honestly,.......I don't mean any offense here to anyone involved with last nights show, and I’m not taking anything away from the performers,...............But,............( here it is) I would have been more pleased with our own praise and worship team!! Yep,..................,that's right,............They are that good!! As a matter of a fact they are simply awesome!!

Maybe it is what they really do, and that would be that they usher in the Holy Spirit. I find for myself a few minutes in the presence of the Spirit can't be replaced by anything else. If my church sold tickets to hear out praise and worship team................I would be there!!

I made the statement that a few minutes in the presence of Holy Spirit can't be replaced by anything else, but I think to stand in the presence of Jesus,............... face to face,................ Would cap that off!!

One of my friends compared me to the profit Nathan going to King David, and pointing out his sin when he was with Bathsheba. You need to admit that was a bold move to approach any King with a negative report about the King!! Although I think that I’m more like Peter. If it crossed his mind........He spoke it!!

Now,.............I'm gonna show my boldness here. I can't say what I would really do in the presence of Jesus for the first time, but I would imagine that I would be crying great ole big tears of pure joy!! I think that I would hit my knee's, and bury my face in His feet!! Honestly,.....I don't think that I could speak a word, because I would be awesomely over-whelmed like never before!!        AMEN!!

Moving on......................One of the things that C.R.M. Offers by attending their program is dental work. It doesn't come quick sometimes, but it will manifest after trying your patience to extreme levels. My patience has been stretched further than I ever thought possible. However,........Today they finally pulled out my last six teeth, so now I'm officially toothless!! Now all is left is to get dentures, so I can smile with confidence!! OH Yeah,.........Then I will be able to chew my food better. Actually,......I'm hoping to loose some of this 50 pounds that I put on from not smoking. If I don't,.......I'll just be fat, because I am not going back to that evil practice!! Man I was so hooked that nothing short of God working a miracle in my life could have changed any part of my smoke addiction!!      Thank you Jesus!!

…....................... Much Love

Thursday, November 15, 2012

What a morning....

Wow!!............What a morning this has been,...........And it's only 8 o'clock!! I reckon that I simply need to calm down, and back up a bit . What was I thinkin'? Where are my manners at this morning?

Errr................Good morning!! How are y'all doing? The weather Is changing here in north east Florida. It's looks like fall has changed into winter time!! This morning the temperature was in the 50's along with heavy fog. I can never tell you how much that I enjoy this weather. You can always put more clothes on, but during the summer,.......You can't take but so much off!!

Actually,.........If I were buck naked in public,...............I would turn so red with embarrassment that I might just spontaneously com-bust!! Now,.................Wouldn't that be a sight to see!!

I have an appointment with the Dr. today at Shands. My appointment isn't until 10, but they have wifi, so I thought that I would come early. Immediately when I got off the bus the smell of death hit my nose!! It didn't take but a flash to locate the source. It was a homeless man wrapped up in a blanket, and he was the classic kind,................He was talking gibberish to himself. I just passed on by without even giving him the same respect that I give others...................Mornin'!! Yep,.............That's right,.................I knew that something was wrong,................I was clueless that it was me!!

I walked in the building, and the elevator is close to the door. There was a piece of tape over the down button, and it mesmerized me. I watched the elevator come down to the first floor, and went back up. The was a woman standing behind me, and I ask her if the elevator was working. She told me that I needed to push the button. I exclaimed that it had tape on it. She just smiled, and pushed the up button.

Wow!!.......I never saw that button for some reason!@!! I was totally blind to it!! Wow!!..........Don't I feel like a dingle-berry!! Movin' along!!

I finally made it to the fifth floor, and I ran into a security guard. He greeted me, and told me that I couldn't be up there until 8 O' Clock. I looked at my watch, and it was ten till. For some reason this angered me, but I only said OK, and left.

Something happened in the elevator ride to the first floor. I became severely convicted about the homeless man that I had dissed earlier. I knew that he couldn't have any money, and he couldn't work, because of his severe allergic reaction to water!! I thought that I would talk with him, and offer him a few dollars. It had donned on me that just yesterday I had wrote about this man, and thousands more just like him. God doesn't love him any less that He loves anybody else!! How dare me write about how to live..................When I’m not doing it myself!!

I walked outside and this man had wandered off. I decided to set on the bus bench and stew awhile . Remember the guard that ticked me off, and the stern conviction on the elevator.............Well,...........I figured out the common denominator quickly,............and it was me!!

After a classic,.....God what is wrong with me? The answer came quickly..........I didn't pray this morning!! I did read my daily devotional, but I failed to hit my knees and pray!! Yep,.......That's right,..............I bow before my lord every morning and night. I need the protection that He offers, and I need to show Him respect and reverence!! How would you like it if your mate didn't show you enough respect to even call your name in the morning? You do realize that God has feeling, and emotions. The only difference is that He is in control of them, and He don't get needlessly carried away.

Back to failing to pray: It is a shame when your in a relationship, and ignore your significant other. It is really horrible when you treat the One that has control of your next breath that way!! Thank goodness that Almighty God doesn't take things as personal as I do. If He did I would wind up on the ground gasping for air, wallering around like some dog chocking to death from a bone during his last meal (Is that graphic or what?),................For some of the silly things that I do!!

Our God is much better than to act like I do. He is perfect in every form of the word!! Oh,.....Did my day ever get any better? Sadly no,................But it will, because I’m going to a concert at my church tonight!!

…..................much Love

I do Apologize

Maybe I need to apologize to y'all for being so inconsistent with my blogs. Some day’s I post,......Some-day's I post several posts, ….........And other day's I don't post anything. There are times when my blog will change color for no apparent reason. However,......I can explain this one. I don't know why, but usually when I copy, and paste something in my blog,........The color of the print after that, and the background is the same. The only solution I have found that works is to change the color of the print.

If any of you know a better way please write me, and let me know. Then again, maybe I am just as well off with things the way that they are now, because the most important issue at hand is the Word. If a joker like me with all my flaws can bring forth the Word of God,..............Then maybe,............Just maybe,.........Somebody,.............Just anybody,..................Might take a hold of it, and change their lives!!

My life has been through such a drastic change that it is totally unbelievable!! I don't really care to listen to any kind of music except Christian music , and I really prefer Praise and Worship. Man,......I really get turned on when I am in a service at my church, and the worship team ushers the Spirit in!! There can be nothing better than that here on this earth!!

I love my church. I love going to my church, and I thought that I would never enjoy going to church after what happened at the church of my youth. The strange thing is that there is no comparison in the least. I even like going to Sunday school now. I'm hoping that one day that I will love it as much as the worship service.

Maybe I need to explain a bit about this also.......................When I first walked into Evangel Temple I had my doubts. The only reason that I went was because a buddy of mine ask me to go with him. Plus, I was looking at it all wrong, because a good ole southern Baptist boy inside of a Pentecostal church was simply ludicrous!! I was going just to satisfy my friend.

The whole time I kept my eyes open for anything strange that might would happen.....Snakes,...Etc.......And nothing ever did. In spite of my doubt, and extreme paranoia I did enjoy myself, and made plans to attend again.

I had been attending for a couple months, and noticed that all the people around me was enjoying themselves more than I was, because they were actually worshiping. I became instantly jealous, and prayed to the Father: Father,.......I want to worship you like the others do. Please make me a participator, and not just a spectator!!

Yep,.............That's right,......................Sure enough it didn't take long before I was lifting my hands towards the heavens, and breaking forth in song right along with the others. Even though, ….......I can't carry a tune in a bucket. If Jesus tolerates my singing, then those near me just need to change their focus!!

I just can't wait until the day that the Spirit decides to sit upon me, and sets me a blaze!! I think that's the only thing that I’ve been missing so far. I do sit up close to the front were there is all kinds of Spiritual activity going on near me.

I keep saying words like Baptist, Pentecostal, and other denominations. I really need to stop using this abusive language. Denominations are a product of man, and they came about when the church would split over a agreement. God didn't ordain there to be different groups to worship Him. When we talk about the church,...........We are talking about all the believers!! All of God's children!!

I have been all over the spectrum with this post!!

….............Much Love

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

It's not about......

I have to honestly that I have had a very enjoyable week, and it's only Tuesday night!! It was less than a week ago that I moved into what I called, “ A Hell Hole!!” Then again,.....That a fairly good description of the surroundings. King David said it best though, “ If I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.” ( Psalms 139:8 )

Come to think about it, …..I did make my bed here, and You were here!! A lot of people would think that God would work more in a Christian setting, and I'm thankful that He does show up at my church often. However, if we look to the best example that we have of God, and that would be His son, Jesus Christ.

Jesus really didn't spend a lot of time in the synagogue or temple. He spent most of His time walking around telling those in need, about the Father. Jesus healed them of the afflictions from which they suffered. Although,....... He did make time to enter in the temple to read from the scrolls. He taught His disciples the way that they should be living to please the Father. All in all,.............Jesus spent most of time with sinners. If there wasn't a real desire for Salvation, then Jesus didn't waste His time. Not that Jesus thought any of us was a waste of time, but He knew the desires of our hearts.

It took me a long time to realize this, but God really loves His children. He doesn't love any one child more than another. I guess that we know somebody that is homeless, and seems to be highly allergic to water. ( They STINK!!) They seem to hang in a particular area, and usually with in a few feet. There are not very annoying, unless you down wind from them, but they have become an eyeI sore to the general population. I said all this to make a point. Nobody seems to care for these people,........little lone love them.       God loves them!!          Not only does God love them, …..He pity’s them, and sustains their lives,.........Waiting for the day that they call out His name, and run in His direction, so the Father can at long last give them the hug,.................That both have longed for!!!

All of us that believe in God, and are currently in a relationship should be telling those that don't have a relationship the good news. The good news is that our Almighty Creator has sent His Son to rescue us, and we don't have to burn for an eternity!! We no longer have any fear of death, because we will, and can live forever in paradise!!

I have been the sad example of somebody thinking that they were good with God. I was sure that if I died while I was drunk, or high, that I still would come to Heaven. I thought that just any old blasphemous thing could come from my mouth, and I still would go to heaven. I felt like I could simply just treat people like a dog, and still wind up in heaven. I even thought if a was involved in an adulterous affair that I still would go to heaven, by the skin of my teeth!!

Now,......Listen closely to what I am saying..........................You might have such a good relationship that you still can go to heaven living that way. I am not telling you that there is anything that say's you can't go to heaven living like almighty hell. What I am saying is that lifestyle convicts me badly now, and I am sure that I can't go living that way!! If you can,.....or think that you can,.......I wish you great success.

Everything has changed, and I can feel it!! I have been called for a mission, and right now I am doing what I am supposed to be doing. I am spreading the love of Jesus around the world,...........One person at a time.

This is not a religious movement.       It is not about a denomination.          It is not about bunny rabbits, and a fat man in a red suit.               It is not about any big hoopla, or anything else.        It is simply about a man named Jesus, and His love for us!!

      …...................Much Love