
Thursday, September 26, 2013

I Really Can’t Imagine

Have you ever had something that is simply wonderful, or should be that way, except for the fact, that you don’t understand how to use it? I have one of those things in my life, and have had for the last six months. It is a bible program called BibleWorks 9. It is a super Bible program that does everything that I can imagine it doing. If I will ever sit down, and master this program, I believe that it will make my Bible Study more fruitful.
I know what my problem is with working with this software. I have another program that is good in its own right called E-Sword. The E-Sword comes with a lot of free features, which makes it a great value, at twice the price!! I am just joking with you a little bit. The E-sword program can be downloaded for free. There are some additional programs that can be purchased, to add on to the program. However there are a lot, of great programs to add on for free!!
I really have it rough….don’t I?  I am sitting here whining, because I have something wonderful, in my life that will take a little effort to use. Meanwhile, in other countries, there are people losing their lives, because of being a Christian. They believe that Jesus is the only true way, back into the presence of our Awesome Creator!!
I live in the most churched city in the United States. I can’t go in any direction from my home, and not see a church within three blocks. I really can’t imagine what it will be like, when the persecution, of the church takes place in the United States. I know that it can’t be far off. We have a President that has no problem with blaspheming God in public. Our President praises the homosexual movement in our country. He also promotes the murder of unborn, but alive babies still in its mother’s womb.  
In our country if a person talks publicly about Jesus Christ, they are talked about like they are committing murder!!  We don’t allow prayer in school. We don’t use the Bible as a text book for any classes in our public school system. In you attend a private Bible, or church school, and plan to transfer to a public school, there is a great chance they will not accept all your credits.
The homosexuals are trying to get man to change, what our God ordained as marriage. Father called the act of homosexuality an abomination to Him!! Leviticus 20:13  If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. That sound fairy rough talking, however God doesn’t lie!!
There is a way to put the sin to death, and that way is Jesus Christ. He is the only way, and He has already given His life for that sin. Every person with sin, which is all of us, will account for our sin, in one way, or the other way. Either we accept the sacrifice that Jesus made for our sins, or we stand alone.
Can you imagine having to stand in front of our Holy God, with nothing but our sin to show?        Can I speak from my heart, for the next few minutes?       I don’t think that I will be all that comfortable standing in front of Father. I know how He is.       I have a small grasp of how Holy, that He really is.  I have read, and studied the Word of God to the point, which I realize that I do not qualify, to even stand in His presence.    If I can’t stand in His presence, what makes me think, that I will ever be able to live in His presence?
I know that when I have to stand before my Creator, and Satan is telling, and showing Father, everything that I have ever done wrong.   Can you imagine that happening to a person, as guilty as I am?   Satan is going to reveal the wicked and evil things that I have done, which most folks don’t know about!! It is not like he is showing a bunch of my buddies these things. He is showing an Awesome, and Holy God!!
I would imagine that by the time that he is finished with me, that I will be tearless. All dried up, while searching for more tears to sooth my swollen eyes!! I have done a few things that I have always wanted to stay hid, because they would be so embarrassing, if anyone found out. However, there is coming a day that all will be revealed!!
Once Satan has revealed how well that I have fit into his crowd, and how I belong to send eternity with him. Father just nodded His head, and asks if there was any defense, that could present, and favor, in my case. There was a motion in the back of the crowd, and complete silence, as a figure made His way through the crowd. All of a sudden the figure of the person making His way to the front was revealed.
Just then, Jesus Christ, the True Son of the Living God, walked up before Father. There was complete silence, and then Jesus spoke. “Hey Dad,”, and then Father said, “Hello Son,….Is James is one of yours?” Then Jesus said, “It is true Daddy, that James did all these despicable things. However, there was a time that he asks me to cover his sin. There was a time that he came to me, and told me that he was rotten to the core. He also told me that he could not pay the penalty of his sin.”Father,….You know that I told James that his sin had been covered by the blood that I shed, on the cross.
You know as terrified, as I am about that day, I know that Jesus will rescue me once again!! I couldn’t imagine standing in front of our Holy God without Jesus being present. Here is a verse that I found in the Word. 
1Peter 4:18  And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? Wow!!   What a warning!!      Ain’t God good?
        ….Much Love  

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