
Friday, May 31, 2013

Stubborn as an old mule!!

I must be getting really slow in my older years. I just realized today that I am only a few streets from where I started out on my Jacksonville adventure. I went riding today, and I was in my first old neighborhood, before I even realized it. Things have sure changed here, and they really needed to change for the better. The area that I am talking about is the Springfield district.
My first house that I stayed in is long gone now. I guess that it should have been condemned while I was living inside of it. I believe that we had a couch, and one bed. It only had a bathtub with no shower. I rode through the neighborhood, and it all cleaned up now. I didn’t even see one drug dealer standing on any of the corners. Most of the houses have been, or in the process of being remodeled.
Do you know what I found to be the strangest thing about my ride today? There were several churches in that small neighborhood. I don’t even recall there being any. Then again, I wasn’t really concerned with a church back then. I didn’t have any use for God either, because I didn’t believe that He had any use for me either.
I was under the influence back in that time, that they only use that God had for me was to make me miserable. The best that I could tell, He was doing a fine job of it!! I lived in the worst part of town. I felt like I had to fight every other day, or I would be run over. There was nothing good about me, and nothing nice ever came out of my mouth. I was a miserable old cuss, and I proved it daily.
My life is so different today, than it was back then. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. I watched the Nathan Morris video from Saturday night. I love what God is doing in his life. I could feel the presence of Holy Spirit while watching the video. I know this for a fact, because my emotions were unstable. Cry like a baby, and then laugh like a hyena. That is how Holy Spirit affects me most of the time.
I am sure that I didn’t tell you, but my clock radio works better while sitting on my desk. I now sure why, but it does. I will usually listen to this Christian radio station, until I get ready to go out for the day. I decided that I would look up a couple of the preacher today on the internet. I know that this might be hard to believe, but do you know that both of them had died years ago.
I know that the Word of God is timeless. It will remain true until beyond infinity. However, I found it strange that both of those preachers were dead. Speaking of folks being dead. Do you know who John Hagee is? He is another of those preachers on television, who preaches at Cornerstone Church in San Antonio Texas. I used to listen to him a lot a few years ago.
Long story shorter…He has written another book, and he will be at a Wal-Mart, somewhere here in Florida, or Southern Georgia. I didn’t get all the detail, because I was floored at the fact that he will be there!! He is willing to sign every copy that is sold on that day. Now, I am thinkin’, that poor old John must have rubbed his illuminate brotherhood the wrong way, if he will be signing books at a Wal-Mart here in Florida.
I guess it is ok to write books. I guess that it is even ok to promote those books that you write. The part that I can’t see where it is ok to do, is leave your church unattended, and come to Florida to sign books.
 He will probably never see this, but I wish that he could. I would love to ask him if God is not paying him enough to tend his flock. Maybe the Bible is not speaking plain enough English for folks to understand it?  Yeah, that has got to be it!!  Ok…I really need to back off of this subject. Holy Spirit is telling me that it is none of my business again. He has been doing that a lot this week!!
I just had another radical thought. Maybe it is John Jr. signing his book at the Wal-Mart. I have no idea if he has started writing yet, but I am sure that Sr. is grooming him to follow in his footsteps. I am being told that it still is none of my business.  Oh well……
You do realize that we have been the Spirit of discernment for a reason right? We are to use it to guide us on what we listen to, and who that we believe. Jesus showed us that in the book of Luke, when Mary and Joseph realized that He wasn’t in the procession going back home. They found Him inside the temple sitting, and talking with the instructors, or masters of the law. Jesus was simple blowing their mind with His knowledge. When Mary and joseph questioned Jesus, this was the answer that He gave them; Luke 2:49 and he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?
It seems to me if that was the thing that Jesus valued the most, shouldn’t it be the same for us?

                   …………Much Love   

Thursday, May 30, 2013

My Secret Sin('s)

Isn’t it strange that God knows what we need to do, even if it is something that we really don’t care to be doing? I really can’t recall the first time that I got up this morning. I am thinking it was around ten this morning. I know that it didn’t take me long to lie back down in bed. I did read my devotional for today, which was titled especially for me.    It was called, “Secret Sins.”
The reason that I stayed in bed so late was because of a secret sin. Actually, my secret sin kept me lying down until two-o’clock, this afternoon. I still don’t feel really good, but I am forcing myself to stay up. I need to do a few things, mostly regarding this blog. I have several posts, which I haven’t even made it to the Internet yet.        Yeah, Yeah, Yeah …I am going to reveal my secret sin.              Give me a minute!!
It is a little white pill called Hydrocodone. It is a cheap imitation of a real pill given for major back pain. At least that is why that they gave them to me. It has more acetaminophen than a pain killing substance. I really have found that if I don’t take that drug my back doesn’t really hurt all that much. I don’t understand how it can make me feel more pain, but it does.
If my back is hurting greatly without taking then, then it helps to take a few. The only problem is that a few can quickly turn into several days. This time it turned into three days straight. I forget why I don’t take them, but I was reminded today. The reason is that they make me very sick if I don’t keep taking them.
Having taken them for three days is a miracle in itself. Once I start I pretty much take all that I have and I am really sick for a few days. The reason that I know that taking them is my secret sin is simple. I take them like a junkie would, instead of how it says to on the bottle. More than likely if my devotional for today had been about anything else, I would probably been going on day four.
It is really a horrible mess when I get this way. It causes my days to vanish quickly, and it does affect my relationship with Jesus. I missed the Sunday service at my church. There is no telling the opportunities that I don’t even know about, that could have been missed. I know that I didn’t miss the Saturday night service. Because I missed that service was probably the reason that I took then to begin with.
Now, I am bearing my secret sin for the whole world to know. You might not think that there are people that read this blog, that actually know me, However I beg to differ. What would make any one of my readers think, that they have all the haters to themselves?             Actually, a few must have slipped through the cracks, because I have a couple of my very own!!        Having my own set of haters is really good for me.     They help to keep me in line, and I can use all the help that is available!!
I hope that y’all realize that Father is happy with me right now. He might have been happier if I hadn’t got in this mess to begin with, but it is too late for that thought now. Jesus has taken me too far to be playing games anymore. If I fall, or fail, I plan to quickly run back into His arms, with a Spirit of repentance. It is getting to the point that life is getting shorter by the day.
A friend of mine told me that my buddy that was with me, though out the program that I attended, has been missing for the past five days. That will usually mean that he returned to the former life. The best case scenario is that he is no longer employed. Either way, when he first told me, I exclaimed that he should have known better than profess God, and screw people over.     Myself being the one that he did wrong.
Holy Spirit got on me quickly for that reply. A stern “James,” rolled through my spirit, and I hit my knees. Father, forgive me of my bad attitude, and help my friend get back on the right path. Please don’t let his five little ones suffer, because of him.
All in all, it has been a magnificent week, for the chance for me to repent. I believe that I have had the privilege to stay at the feet of Jesus more than normal. Although, I don’t mind at all, because I have grown quite comfortable in that position. As long as I am in that position, it keeps me from  being in trouble elsewhere. 
………….Much Love

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Attention Please....

I surely count it as a blessing that I can come to a special group of folks almost every day. These special groups are the readers of this blog. I lift up my readers to the Father, that His will be done in their lives, and that their joy might be full. I include myself in those prayers, that I will tell the uncompromised truth of the Bible. I feel that my readers need to hear the truth, because we live in a time where the Gospel of Jesus Christ, is feed to us in a bowl. It is so watered down, that at times it is hard to recognize.
I always try to back up anything that I may say, with verses from the King James Version of the Bible. I want my readers to know that what they read in this blog is based on the Word of God. I find that the King James Version is not watered down like some of the modern day, all people friendly, versions of a book that they are calling a bible.
I have said all of this, because todays Word is a very important Word. Don’t let me persuade you that some of the Words of God are not that important.  Jesus said that every Word is important. Mat 4:4  But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
Today’s Word is important to me that my readers crossed the world get a hold of in your Spirits. I am so happy to say that this blog is being read in every continent in the world today. I am even happier to say that it is none of my doing. It is the doing of Jesus Christ!! Jesus is in charge of this blog, and He is my boss in which that I answer.
Hos 4:6  My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. This is a very strong written by the Prophet Hosea. Most people when using this passage will usually leave off the ending of this verse. I wonder how that they can leave off a part of this, when it starts off that my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge at the beginning?
What I am trying to say today, is that God is trying to get our attention!! This is simply not a move in the United States. This is a movement crossed the world. We are seeing signs of the end times. Although, I am not saying that Jesus is coming back sometime next week. We that read the Bible know that He is going to come back. However, no man knows the exact time. Mar 13:32  But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.
I do believe that we are living in the last days. However until Jesus does return we need to stay about Father’s business. It is our duty to let those that don’t know Christ, as their Lord and Savior, that there is a better way. That there is hope. That Jesus Christ is the only answer that they will ever need.
Have you noticed that the entire planet seems to be going crazy? The weather is so far from what we perceive as normal right now. The earth is quaking in several different locations. The oceans are spewing up massive waves called tsunami that are causing massive floods, with great death tolls in various parts of the world. This winter time there have been record setting events of cold, snow, and ice.
Volcanoes have been erupting, and crossed the United States tornados are taking lives, and producing major damage, and chaos in the lives, of those affected by these storms. People in general have stepped up, to add their own personal touch to the madness. Deranged folks all crossed the world are killing others by gunfire, and setting off explosives. Have we gone completely mad?
Speaking of going mad, there is a lunatic in North Korea right now with missiles that he is not mature enough to handle!! Then there is the total chaos going on in Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan that has been in some kind of a conflict forever. They have predicted a swarm of bugs on the east coast of the United States of Biblical proportions!!
Jesus talked about these events in the book of Matthew.  Mat 24:6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.  Mat 24:7  For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.  Mat 24:8  All these are the beginning of sorrows.
If all these things are the beginning of sorrows, that lets us know a couple of things. One is that God is trying to get our attention. The reason that He told us these things is so that we would know what is happening. He doesn’t want His people ignorant of what is going on. I would suggest that all my readers of this blog, read the twenty-forth chapter of Matthew for better understanding.
The second thing that we know is the fact that it will get worse. However, no matter how much worse that it will be, we still win in the end!!               Read the book!!

            ………….Much Love

Memorial Day was Monday....

Today is Memorial Day in the United States of America. It is a day that we remember, and honor those that have fallen defending this great country. Americans spend this day in different ways. Those who have active military members of their family serving will usually attend a service, in their honor. The family members of those that have fallen usually will do the same. There are parades all crossed this nation, and festivities.
Most people will have a cook out or a picnic with their families. It is basically a day to be spent with our families doing whatever it is that we enjoy doing together. We can do these things, because of the freedom that we have, because somebody else gave their lives fighting, for that freedom.
Our country was founded because of religious persecution. Our English ancestors were controlling folks that demanded that everybody worshipped the same way that they did. I really don’t know what that way was either. I know that the founding fathers of this nation lived by the principals of the Bible. The United States Constitution when it was written was under the same principals of the Bible.
One of the books that were taught from in the early Public School Systems was the Bible. I can remember in my elementary school, a devotional was read every morning, followed by a prayer. One other thing that sticks out in my mind was, before all sporting events, a prayer was said. I was surrounded by people that prayed, and believed in Jesus Christ.
Something happened though, and things started to change. All of a sudden the morning devotional and prayers stopped in school. There wasn’t even a verse from the Bible being read in class. There were no more prayers being said, before the boys engaged in battle, on the sporting fields, and courts in school. There was a petition to remove the Ten Commandments, from every location in the court houses, of our judicial system. I would believe if ever the wisdom of God was needed, it would be in our judicial system!!
I don’t remember exactly what the national polls revealed, but it was some ridiculous number like, eighty-five percent of all Americans are Christians. The reason that I say that number is ridiculous is the fact that if it were even close to accurate, things would be different. We would read the Bible, and pray in school. We would pray before sporting events. We would have the Ten Commandments on every wall of our court houses.
There are a lot of things that we would not be doing, or considering doing. We would not even have our lawmakers considering allowing same sex marriages, in any state of our country, little lone having in legal nationwide. We would believe Father when He says that it is an abomination to Him. We wouldn’t even be thinking about taking, “In God we trust,” off of the American currency.
It does appear that Satan has our country wrapped up in a hand basket, and being delivered, straight to hell!! We have so much crime being taken place in the open daylight hours now. The murder rate is at an all-time high. The numbers are simply alarming. The rate that people are dying needlessly is ridiculous, whether by murder, over-dose, or suicide. We can’t rule out those who get killed committing crimes either.
We have homosexuals involved in the making of our laws in this country. They are teaching our children in the public school systems, and influencing their tender little minds in grade schools, and kindergarten. There is no wonder that so many folks home-school their children.
There is a solution to the problem in America. It is found in the second book of Chronicles, chapter seven, and verse fourteen: 2Ch 7:14  If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
I really hate to say this, and this is only my opinion of the situation, but I can’t see this happening. I would hope that it would. However, I believe that things have gone too far in our nation. Maybe when Gods judgment falls upon us there might be a change. I really can’t see it happening before that though. I could be wrong, and I really hope that I am in this situation.
I heard this statement made not too long ago. A preacher said, “That if God didn’t have his judgment fall on the United States. That He needed to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah!!” I know how bad that sound, but our country has got just that far from how we started out.
                          America needs prayer!!
                     ……..Much Love

Stranger at Union Station

Stranger at Union Station

I found this short story while browsing. I thought when I read it, that you can’t tell what Father is up to sometimes. Although, He is always working in somebody life… 

It was a small aluminum cross, not much to look at. A message was inscribed on it crossword-puzzle fashion, with GOD stamped on the crossbeam so that the O was in the center and LOVES YOU ran vertically through it. 

            I started carrying the cross in my pocket, the way I had carried a “good deed coin” when I was a Boy Scout. Every time I helped someone, I moved the cross to the other pocket, just as I had done with the coin. After a few months the cross became a reminder not to do good deeds arbitrarily, but to watch for what God wanted me to do, consciously, each and every day. 

            Then I was called back home to Indiana to see my ailing grandma. As usual, I traveled by bus. In the past I had transferred in Chicago for a bus to South Bend, but this year I decided to avoid the hustle and bustle of the Windy City, even if it meant taking the long route through Indianapolis. My trip became even longer when my bus pulled into Union Station five minutes after my connection to South Bend had left. There wouldn’t be another bus until seven the next morning. It would be quicker for someone to come get me. I called my sons in Elkhart and asked them to pick me up. 

            It would take them a few hours, so I decided to stop at the station’s all-night restaurant. At least I could people-watch. Inside it was quiet, no surprise considering the late hour. There were a few other customers, waiting half asleep, as I was. I took a table by the entrance and sipped my coffee.  

I noticed a middle-aged woman slip into a seat at the table catty-corner to mine. There wasn’t anything out of the ordinary about her, but for some reason she caught my attention. She was wearing what I’d call a Hoosier conservative outfit: a nondescript jacket and a plain dress. She sat quietly, swirls of steam from her coffee drifting in front of her. She wore the same bored, tired expression most of us travelers did. Still, I found myself looking up at her again. 

Then I heard something: Give her your cross. 

The voice seemed to come from inside me, but the sound wasn’t in my ears or my mind. It was just there. I shook my head, puzzled.

Give her your cross. The same words. 

I glanced around to see if anyone else had heard the voice. But no one was even looking in my direction. I didn’t want to give my cross to a complete strange. It meant something to me. Besides, she didn’t need my cross. She looked fine to me, not like some of the obviously-down-on-their-luck types I had tried to help in the past.  

This is ridiculous, I thought. I got up to leave when I felt a firm pressure on my chest, as if a huge hand were holding me in place. 

The voice came again, strong and sure: Tell her it’s from me. 

There was such unmistakable command in the words that I didn’t think to disobey. I reached into my pocket and dug out my cross, its lightness feeling familiar in my grasp. Then I strode directly to the woman’s table, thinking I could deliver the gift and escape quickly. 

Close up, I noticed her eyes were vacant. She had her hand positioned awkwardly, halfway in the purse resting on her lap. I laid the cross on the table and heard myself say, “God wants me to give you this.” 

The woman read the inscription on it and started to cry. “Are you okay, ma’am?” I asked, taken aback.  

She nodded and slowly withdrew her hand from her purse. Shock hit me full force when I saw what she was pulling out – a .25-caliber pistol. 

“I came here to have my last cup of coffee,” the woman said. “My daughter was killed a few months ago, and my husband just left me. I thought God had abandoned me too.” 

“You made me realize he’s still with me.” She cradled the cross in her palm and read its message once more. Then she looked down at the gun. “Please, take it away. I know I’m going to be all right.” 

I removed the ammunition clip. “I’ll take this. But I think you need to get rid of the gun yourself,” I answered carefully, looking her straight in the eye, “so you know you’ll never be tempted by it again.” 

For a few moments her gaze locked with mine. Then she nodded once in understanding and returned the pistol to her purse. 

“Thank you,” she said, wrapping her fingers tightly around the metal of the cross. “I have never needed these words more.” 

Clutching the cross to her chest, she walked out the door. I watched as she disappeared into the night. Sometimes you can figure out when another person is in need. Other times you are called to the spot where God and love intersect.  

Perry Roll

Sunday, May 26, 2013

I got Satan's attention!!

I have been looking forward to the return of Nathan Morris ever since I have heard of it happening. I was all pumped, and geared up, with the hope of something awesome happening. Today was the day, and I really had every intention of attending. However, I did not really feel all that well today. My back has been giving me fits all week long, and I have not been taking medication for it. I decided that I would lie down for a little while today, and set my alarm, so I could go. The alarm went off, but I didn’t get up and go. Actually, I slept for a long time. I really must have needed that sleep, because it is very rare for me to sleep, during the daytime.
I got up, and started to kick my own tail for not getting up and going. I don’t know about you, but I can abuse myself, worse than anybody else, can even get away with doing it. Sometimes my self-talk, can get right down harmful. I don’t do this very often, but today was something that I really wanted to do, so I let myself have it pretty good. I more than less, got on a lowlife pity party for one!! I wasn’t realizing that this came so easy, because I really wasn’t feeling that well.
 The apostle Paul wrote one of the greatest freedom verses in the book of Romans. It is in chapter eight, and verse number one. Rom 8:1  There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
There is something about that verse that is always saying that I am not guilty. However, until I get that settled in my own mind it is of no real effect. I don’t know why that I do it, but sometimes it seems that I can’t be satisfied until I beat my own self up!! I don’t guess that none of my readers can relate to this at all.
I had got tired of whipping, up on myself, and decided to take a shower. As soon as I had walked out of my door Satan was waiting to attack me also. There was a guy walking down the hall. He started talking at me, and I meant to say at me. He proceeded to say these words: “You ought to get out of the house, and go listen to some of that great jazz music.” We have a jazz festival going on right now. I told him that I was alright right where that I was. Then the full attack was on. He said, “I know that you are saved, and that is why that you don’t want to go. Just because you are saved doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun anymore”
I almost snapped on him with my reply like any good Christian would. I said, “What in the hell does my being saved, and not going to the festival have in common?” Then he was standing there drunker than Cooter Brown, and said this, “I am saved also, and the Lord don’t mind if we have a good time. All I am saying is that you’re being saved should not keep you from having fun.” I replied back that was not the reason that I wasn’t going to the festival. It was not even close to the reason why. Then he said, “Oh…I will not even ask you what the reason is. I thought it was because you were saved.”
Actually, if I break it down, the reason that I don’t go is because I am saved. I don’t think that Jesus would mind if I went, and listened to the music. I don’t think that there is nothing wrong with going. However, if I was to go by myself, I might be tempted to drink some beer. I know that drinking beer would hurt my fellowship with Jesus. I know that I have a problem with drinking alcohol, so I can’t understand why I would put myself in the position to drink.
I had much rather have my fellowship with Jesus. I really don’t care if people think that I am boring. I have things that I do, that I really enjoy doing. Most people don’t have a clue that I write a blog. I don’t brag about it, because I think that it is a blessing for me to write it. I love Jesus, and I could talk about Him forever. I have a different set of priorities now than I have ever had before.
Because of my relationship with Jesus my life is ever more changed. I love the fact that it is changed. I love being in fellowship with Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. I love the change in myself, physically, mentally, and of course Spiritually. Actually, I am being transformed daily, into something that Jesus can use for His glory.
This will sound strange, but you know that I am going to say it anyway. I feel like the apostles did in the book of Acts when they were beat for preaching in Jesus name. (Acts 5:40) They rejoiced that they could suffer for Jesus. In my case, I am rejoicing, that Satan still holds me as a big enough threat, to still be messing with me!! If he never dealt with me in a harsh manor, it would mean that I wasn’t being a threat to him.
                          Ain’t God Greatly Good!!
         ………Much Love

This is the day that the Lord has made...

This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!! You ever simply don’t feel like giving, the Lord praise? It is not that you are thinking, that He is not worthy of praise, on a certain day. The fact is that you are stuck in a rut, being consumed with a tragic case of the poor me’s. Maybe it is not that at all.  It could be that your life is at an all-time high, and you simply have forgotten about the Lord. Either way, that is really dangerous ground to be walking on.
How would you feel if the one that you loved the most, walked all around you on any day, and never spoke a word? Never even acknowledged your presence, enough to even say, “Excuse me.” I don’t imagine that would last very long in your presence. I know that it would not in mine!! The cold shoulder treatment is one of the worst ways, to treat another person. I know this from experience. I used to have a dear one that used it on a regular basis!!
Just because we have emotions, and feeling I can almost bet that Jesus has them also. If He didn’t have them then He would have been quite the boring person walking the earth. Jesus was a social person. He was always going from place to place talking, and healing those that would receive healing. I can’t find in the Bible where Jesus every laughed. It would seem that He did, because He was the life of the party. I know that Jesus felt sorrow, and pain, because of the fact that He wept.
I wish that somebody had written the story of a time that Jesus laughed. I can’t wait until I can hear Him laugh. I would imagine that He has a really good laugh. You might find this crazy talking, but Holy Spirit sometimes fills me with laughter. I get really ticked sometimes watching Him move from person to person. Actually, Holy Spirit causes me to have the entire range of emotions. Sometimes I am filled with laughter, and sometimes tears. Other times I am filled with songs, and praise. There have been times that I am just stuck where that I am at, and can’t move.
The first time that I really encountered Holy Spirit, I went through all these emotions. It was in the same visit, that I encountered Holy Spirit in a way that I had never known possible. That was the time that I truly realized that He was a real being, and not just a thing that happens. I have a lot of trouble explaining what happens during a visitation. I simply can’t find the adequate words to describe the events. Maybe I am not supposed to be describing what is really going on at the time, because every visit is different.
Seeing how I have never had the same thing happen, as with anyone around me. I guess it is safe to say that it is personal each time. I don’t believe that Holy Spirit will put more on you than you are spiritually ready to handle. Although, I am sure that He pushed me just centimeters from my breaking point. You might want to keep in mind that I am completely new to dealing with Holy Spirit. My experience has been very limited so far.
I really want all that to change though. I feel much honored that He would even brush by me, while going from person to person. It has been a process though. At first I could see Him entering into others, even before that had any manifestation of a sign. I thought that everybody saw what I was seeing. However, this nice lady assured me that I was experiencing a gift from God.
Once, while this man was walking around and preaching. He made this twitching motion, and flung some of what had hit him unto me. It started at my left leg, and shot straight through my head. It was a quick deal, but it was strong enough that I still remember it happening. I love talking about Holy Spirit, and the life changing effect that He has had on me.
I really can’t wait until tonight when, Evangelist Nathan Morris is bringing the Word. As far as I know, Holy Spirit always shows up, and shows off during his services. It should be a great time in the Lord. If any of my readers live here, in Jacksonville Florida, I would like to extend an invitation to come worship with us. Whatever you’re wearing should be fine. We tend to focus more on Jesus, than what our guest are wearing.
You know when I first started going to church here I though these folks ain’t too friendly. I decided that I would put my shyness on the back burner, and shake a few hands. In time that shaking of hands has led to some conversations. Some of those conversations have led to some pretty intense hugs. The good thing about all this is the fact that all them unfriendly folks, are still just as unfriendly. However, because I was willing to get past that point I have formed some relationships. You never know what might take form when you reach out, and touch someone.
            ………Much Love

A State Nuthouse Reject!!

Have you ever felt like you were living in an insane asylum, or a sanitarium, or at least a psyche ward of some sorts? My past erratic behavior, because of my extreme alcohol, and drug usage, has caused me to land in a few. I am well acquainted, with the actions and behaviors, of the residents of those facilities. I even had the privilege of a two week stay, in one of the State mental Hospitals once. That was definitely an eye opening experience!! I have never enjoyed my stay in any one of them. However I kept winding up in one, because of bad behavior. I guess that they assumed that I was crazy, because I acted like I was.       A fine line…..Huh?
I am starting to realize that more than a couple of the residents where I live now have similar behavior…. Ok…I really can’t sugar coat this. I must call it what it really appears to be. Some of these folks are just crazy enough to have a strong case, of nut house mentality!!  I don’t think those that I have run crossed yet are harmful. However, it can be aggravating at times. Especially, when they have it so well hidden, and the way that you figure out what the deal is by simply speaking.
I have got to tell this little story, because I think that it is funny. I do have a cracked sense of humor, and I never said that I didn’t need to be in those asylums!!       One day I was at the library. This is nothing new for me. I spend a lot of time at the library. I went in through the cellar doors, and made my way to the elevator. I noticed that there was a guy a few feet from the elevator doors, and he had several large bags with him. These were garbage bags, and they seemed to be full of an unknown substance. It could have been nothing harmful, because he made it passed security.
This guy was walking in circles, and had a radical conversation going on, with someone that I could not see. I stood there is amazement while I waited, for the elevator to arrive.  When the elevator got to the cellar, I ask this man if he was going up. I knew that there was not another direction, which it could go in, but I wasn’t sure that he did.
He answered me in a strange way that really left me stunned. He said, “oh no!! Not with you sir!! Go ahead and do what you are going to do!!” I was left standing there wondering, if I had done something, that offend him. On the ride up I came to the conclusion, that he probably was not people friendly, for some reason or another. It can really be hard to pinpoint these issues, if you don’t know the person.
The strange thing is that this guy lives in the same building that I do now, and on the same floor. I didn’t realize that it was him until I spoke to him one day. When I did he just gave me this crazy look, and kept on walking. Suddenly, I had a flashback of the elevator scene, a couple months before. I continued to speak to him every time that we passed, but his reply was nothing more than a look.
I always speak to those that are around me, unless I have been told not to, by the person. Sometimes, I will stop speaking because, of getting a much better attitude than I am. I figure if they are that much better than I am, there is no need to engage in conversation. Anyway, that first month that I was here I spoke to this man every time that our paths crossed, nothing changed.
The start of my second month of being here when I spoke to him, something had changed. He went into this conversation, and smiling at the same time. If he happens to see me, before I see him he always speaks now. We have yet to have a conversation together. Although, he has had a couple in my presence, that I was not a part of, at least not yet.
It is amazing how comfortable that I am living here. I have lived in much worse situations, and dealt with worse problems. I am just highly tickled to have a place to call my home. The last three years of my life have almost guaranteed that I will not be taking a place to call home for granted. It is really strange, that the thing that makes me the most happy, is what I have been running from, for most of my life.
I have never been as happy, or satisfied with my life as I am right now. I know what has made the difference. The difference is my relationship with Jesus Christ. I am really not much good with relationships in general. However, I have noticed if I take care of my relationship with Jesus, then everything outside of Jesus just falls into place. It is like a sign of the cross. If I take care of my vertical relationship, then everything horizontal is alright.
I can’t even start to explain the difference now. I know how strange this might sound, but I had rather live anywhere with Jesus, than have a Hollywood lifestyle, in a mansion without Him!!
                 ……….Much Love

Friday, May 24, 2013

Unification is where it is at!!

My Pastor, Brother Wiggins, has asked the congregation to read thru the book of Acts again. We are to read a chapter every day, until all twenty-eight have been read. I find the way that everything was set for the day of Pentecost to arrive was interesting.  According to the first chapter, (1:15) there were one hundred and fifteen people in the upper room. Every one of them were like minded or on the same page. Act 2:1  And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
That is really hard to imagine that 120 people could be in the same place, and all in agreement with each other. That surely is the work of God!! Although, it does get even better. On the day of Pentecost, there was an extra three-thousand added, to the original one hundred fifteen.(Acts 2:41)  Those that were added were also doing, like the others were, that were before them.
Act 2:42  And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.
Act 2:43  And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles.
Act 2:44  And all that believed were together, and had all things common;
Act 2:45  And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.
Act 2:46  And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,
Act 2:47  Praising God, and having favour with all the people and the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.
 This is a picture to me of how a church should operate. They have everything going, that would even qualify, for the word fellowship. They ate together, and prayed together. They had each other’s back, because no one reigned over them. They were equal, and suffered no lack. They had all things in common, so there was not any arguing between them. The bottom line is that they were, living in unity with each other.
Psa 133:1  A Song of degrees of David. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
 Even in the book of Psalms it talks about how unity has its own benefits. We serve a God of order, and unity is order in itself. How good and pleasant it is!! There is something even more special about unity. Verse three says that is where the Lord, commands His blessing, in the midst of unity.
I know that we live in a world filled utter chaos. Every man is doing what is right in their own mind, and few people seem to care about the things of the Lord anymore. That still doesn’t give us an open invitation to sin. Jesus set the standard to live by, and we should be following the example that He set for us. I have heard this saying for a long time now. The only Jesus, that some people ever will see, is the Jesus, living inside of us. Someone is always watching us, and most of the time, it is when we don’t ever realize that they are watching.

You might be asking, what does that last paragraph have to do, with what I was writing about? Honestly, I don’t rightfully know. I just felt led to write it. Although, I can tell you that it is a good way to live. If we live like somebody is watching us, at every moment, it should make our behavior better. Actually, Father is watching our every move. Even the ones that we seriously wish that He was not watching.
I guess the closest some of us will ever get to living in unity, is being consistent. If we are consistent with living all the words in red, I think that would be sufficient, to living in unity. If we can do that, then we are making a statement. We are saying to Jesus and the world at the same time, that we have a plan. We acknowledge that Jesus was absolutely right, and we choose to follow in His footsteps.
However, there are some churches in this world that are fairly well unified. I am a member of one. We fast together, and pray together, and we trust our Pastor not to lead us, into any wrong. I know that we are doing something right, because Holy Spirit never misses an opportunity to join us in worship. I know that I have been all over writing this post. I hope that there was something in here that somebody, needs to read. I wish that my American readers have a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend!! 
                 ……….Much Love