
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

One key to praise..

I am like Father in certain ways. I really like having order, in the way that I do things. I believe that everything has a certain place to be, until I decide, to place it somewhere else. I am a creature of habit. I do things the same way, until I find something that works better. I have enough wisdom about me, to not be scared to try new things, and different ways, of doing something. That is where Father, and myself differ. He knows all the best, and right ways already.

I believe that the key to approaching Father, for any reason, can be found, in the book of Psalms, chapter one hundred. I don't think that that chapter is all exclusive by any means. However, I believe with my whole heart that it will work. I believe that is why the first service Sunday, covered the both services. Not that it was in the category, of being a fluke, because that is how we praise, our God consistently!!

(1)Make a joyful noise unto the Lord. What kind of noise, do you think that the Lord finds joyful? I think that verse two will help us determine that answer. (2) Serve the Lord with gladness.

Disgruntle is the word that comes to mind here, as what not to be. A lot of time there are paid employee's, as well as volunteers, that can be very miserable, about what they are doing. They have no peace, nor joy doing their task at hand. The same applies to the Christian if we expect a certain outcome. We can get as miserable as the next person, if our attitude is deficient.

Serve the Lord with gladness. Be happy that you can do something, for the advancement, of the Kingdom. Just do the work with a right attitude, and leave the end results up to Jesus!! Then you are ready to finish the last part of verse two. Come before His presence with singing.

Did you catch that? Father has granted you an audience. He has given us an open invitation, to bask in His lovely presence. We have got that invitation by simply keeping, our attitude in check, and our heart full of love. Look what He wants us to do, when we come into His presence. He wants us to entertain Him with singing!!

I can't help it. I am really excited about this. Father wants me to sing for Him, and He knows that I couldn't carry a tune in a washtub!! Can't you just feel that love, that Father has, for His children? I love to sing. I get to church, and sit around those that can sing well, and just let it rip. I believe that singing has a natural effect, on the body that causes healing powers, to take effect. It simply take you somewhere else. Then again, I might be confusing singing, with the actual act of praising!! Maybe a combination?

(3)Know ye that the Lord He is God: it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture. This statement reflects , ownership, and promise. The statement part is Father declaring that He is God!! He didn't say that He was a god. He boldly proclaims that He is God!! He is the only true living God, and there is no other.

Father goes on to say that He, was the One that made us. All of us, and we didn't have anything to do with it. All this baby making, that we think that we are doing, is nothing more than thoughts of vanity.

The last part of this verse is the grand finale; ownership and security. Father declares, that we are His people. We are family. We have the right to cry Abba Father. (Romans 8:15) All the rights of adoption are the same, as those born through blood, and may be more binding.

As far as being the sheep of His pasture is promise, ownership, and security all rolled up into one. Father will feed us, house us, and take care of us. Read the twenty-third Psalms very carefully, and allow these verses to sink down in your Spirit. These promises are about you. Never let Satan, steal your joy of being, in Father ownership!

(4) Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name. Ladies and Gentlemen, you can unbuckle your seat belts, and thank you for flying air Jesus. You are home now!! This is as close, as you will get to heaven, on this Earth. All you have to do is walk through the gate, and roll around in the sweet smelling grass of the yard. You are now in the presence of Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit!! At is time to break out your A-game praise!!

  1. For the Lord is good;His mercy is everlasting; and His truth endureth to all generations. To me this is simply saying that God is our complete package. He is all that we will ever need . (Revelation 1:8) He is alpha and omega. The beginning, and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come the Almighty.
    I believe, I have went ,and wrote myself happy again. This is why, that I believe, that we see the presence of God, at our church. We have a bunch of believers, living in unity. We seek the same Jesus, and expect to see mighty, miracles of God. As Father welcomes us into His presence to sing to Him, we offer ourselves to Holy Spirit, to have His way in us.  That my friends make for an awesome service at church!!

…......Much Love

Absolutely Yes

I feel like I have people out there depending on me, to give them some sign of life.     After all, isn't that exactly who Jesus is, and what He does?       Isn't that also, what I have been called to do?     Actually, every born again believer, has been called, at some level, to spread the gospel of love. In the last chapter, of the book of Matthew, the ending of that chapter, (Matthew 28:19-20) is called the great commission.

It is where Jesus sent His disciples of with a command. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing then in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching then to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the word. Amen

The question is, are we really disciples of Jesus?    Maybe we have been Saved, and we are standing on the beach, with one toe in the water.   Testing the water to see if it is warm enough, and making sure there are no large predators, with taste buds for human flesh.    You might as well say, your prayer of Faith, and jump right on in, because they are out there!!

This is not our world!!    It is the same, as swimming in the ocean. Every time you jump into that warm, salty, healing water, you are out of your element.     There is always a home-boy out there, looking for something to devour, and you have entered into somebody else stomping ground!! The shark's in the ocean, can be a metaphor used, to spotlight Satan, except the shark's are less vicious!! (1Peter 5:8) Say's that he is out of the hunt for someone to devour.

Devote your service to the Lord. It don't really matter, on what level of love, that you serve on. You Salvation was free.    Now you must labour, to inter into that rest. (Hebrews 4:11) It is not that difficult.     Just ask for guidance, and while your waiting with patience, do what you find to do, that you can do.     I find that the key to serving Jesus, for me started with a very small effort, on my part.

If you will go back through this blog, you will find some very UN-Christian posts.  They may still be entertaining on some level, but they are nothing except pure foolishness!!   I have always had the opportunity to delete them.     However, I have chosen not to, because they are a testimony, a part of my testimony, about God's goodness in my life.     How Father can take any ole vile creature like I was, and turn him into a son.       A new creation, with a boldness to proclaim the Word of God crossed, all nations of this world!!

It did not start this way, and I have a feeling, that it is not going to end like this either.    When I first started using the name of God, in a positive way in my post, I was scarred.    I was looking at man, and saying that nobody will take me seriously!!     Jesus kept saying to me, that it is not about myself. Write about Him, and leave the results up to Him.          I was so flipped out, that I did the best thing, that I could have done, by accident, and out of great fear.

I gave this blog over to the care of Jesus!!        I knew that folks were going to laugh me to scorn. I really felt that people would write blogs, about how foolish that I was, posing as a Christian.   In my mind, my already failing blog, would cease to exist.      It did take a fairly large hit, to the point of becoming close, to non-existent.

I was almost in tears.    I knew that this would happen, but....... God is Faithful!! (Revelation 1:5) This is a really great verse, to use in this situation. It is so great, that I can't give my readers, a chance to miss it!!         And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins, in His own blood.        Ain't that totally awesome!!

I simply keep on writing what I am told to write, and don't worry about any results. I don't care about the numbers anymore. Even though, they are at a all time high. I am more concerned, with just doing what Jesus wants for me to do.

Now, I can add this, what it originally started out to be.

Sometimes, I think that I would rather be doing, exactly what I want to do. The funny thing is that this, is exactly what I want to be doing. When everything has been said and done, and after the smoke finally clears the sky. I don't feel right, if I haven't spoke, a word of life, to my readers.

The thing is that I don't always have that many, reading my pages.    Some days, I am completely blown away, about how many folks tune in, and even more amazing than that is, where they are located.       I have readers from some of the most Godless, regions of the world.     ( The United States is acting pretty Godless also!!)     Whenever, I see that, I simply have to smile, because you can never tell what might happen.

The God that I love and serve is a awesome God!! You can never tell what might happen, when a person gets the right word, at the right time. You may never know, who has got hit, and what the outcome might be. All it takes is a small spark, to ignite the flame, that might set the world ablaze, for a Jesus revival!!

As good as all that sounds, I am still, on a mission, looking for only one.    One that never has, come to the saving knowledge of Jesus.      I am also looking, for one more.     One that has fallen out of relationship.      I need to tell them something important.      They need to know, that Father loves them, and His desire is, for them to come back home.

…........Much Love


I thought tonight, that I would come in, and eat dinner, and watch a movie. Grabbing movies off the Internet today, is the easiest thing to do. I have so many, on my hard drive that I haven't watched yet, that I can put anymore on, until I take some off. Well.....I also have a lot of video's, music and a few games also.

Wow!!        I totally forgot about the most important thing. I have a good bit of Bible software, that I use daily.          Geeze Louise......My mind sometimes!!       My laptop is my only source of entertainment, besides an old mp3 player. I am a well versed man, in modern technology, and a world traveler, of three States!!

I put on a movie. The passion of the Christ. I love that movie, and cry real tears, at way that they treat my Jesus!! I can get down right angry, until I remind myself, that I was just as guilty. I have been driving the spikes into His feet, for a long time. I am compelled, to thank Jesus, for His mercy and grace!!

Anyway,....I couldn't watch much of it, because I am still over-whelmed, about the Sunday service. I know that it is only Monday night, but I have been thinking about this since it happened. There is a formula to follow, to get great events, like that to happen. To get Father to come, and receive worship, and praise, from His children. It is not a casual event. God didn't simply decide to show up, with great blessings in hand. He just didn't happen to be in the neighborhood, and decided to drop in, and see what was happening.

Father is a God of order. (1 cor 14:40) Let all things be done decently, and in order. Back during the time of burnt offerings, there was an order to every part of it. The alter had to be constructed certain ways, and it would vary from material that was used, to construct the alter. It would vary in size depending on what the sacrifice was, and how much was being sacrificed.

The wood that burnt the offering, had to be laid in a certain order. The animals that were being used for the sacrifice had to be laid in special ways. Some of them had to be cut into distinctive pieces, of various sizes.

I love studying in the Word. I was going to show the things of Father, and the order that He expects to have. What I have done is prove to myself, that Father is an extremist, when it comes to, the order of things.     I don't think it is because He is a stickler, or even a fuddy-duddy.    I believe that He is that way, simply, because that is the absolute best way, for it to work!!   Love is why Father tells us, how do everything. He has been around a few more days, than we have, and He is simply trying to guide us, in a pain free direction.

( Proverbs 10:22) The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and He addeth no sorrow with it. The last thing that Father wants to see His children in pain, and suffering in any way. Wouldn't all my Christian readers agree, with this statement?     The Word of God, is a blessing, of the Lord.   I would dare say, that just the thought, that Father would care enough about me, to give me a word, is a double blessing!!

There are so many good folks out there, that just do not get the concept, of who Father really is. I have actually heard people say, that it was really hard for them to get Saved, because they were living so well, and doing little wrong.        I still don't have an idea, what they really meant by that statement, but it sure make me glad, that I was pure rotten to the core!!

My biggest problem with Salvation, was accepting the fact, that I was Saved, and allowing Jesus to clean me up!!     I spent a lot of years diving into the hog pen of life, and nothing, but the redness, of the whites, of my eyes showing.      Then that pen would dry up, and I would crawl out, get cleaned up, until I would walk past another pit, and jump right on in!!      Y'all don't think that is just dirt and water, that makes that mud, that us hawgs wallered in.... do you?

All them religious folks reading this right now, are looking around, trying find someone else to share this with.    I can just hear them. He thinks that he is a Christian!!    Well, I never heard such foolishness.     I never did no such thing!!           The truth is that I really don't know, what to think about that statement either.     Lord Jesus, I really thank you for your mercy, and grace upon my life. I know that my goodness, didn't not qualify me, for a push in the pit.     Little lone, that extended Hand that pulled me out!!

….........To be Continued

Monday, April 29, 2013

Bethlehemian Rhapsody

I was surfing the Internet today, and I found this video, in the joke pages. I watched it.....(Just couldn't help myself), and I thought that not only was it very funny, but extremely cool!! The cool part was a group of teenagers, are going against the grain of modern day, and praising God!!

The video is not that well made. I really can't see an Oscar performance in it anywhere. However I found it to be hilarious, and worthy of this blog.         Just jokin'!!        You know that I will pickup a few readers from posting it!!

If you will watch till the end, or ship forward if you don't find it appealing at all. You will see a little of how it was made, and some of the equipment that was used.

..............Much Love

More Humor

A preacher was completing a temperance sermon; with great expression he said, "If I had all the beer in the world, I'd take it and throw it into the river."

With even greater emphasis he said, "And if I had all the wine in the world, I'd take it and throw it into the river."

And then finally, he said, "And if I had all the whiskey in the world, I'd take it and throw it into the river."

He sat down.

The song leader then stood very cautiously and announced with a smile, "For our closing song, let us sing Hymn # 365: "Shall We Gather at the River."    

A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales.

The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though they were a very large mammal their throat was very small.

The little girl stated Jonah was swallowed by a whale.

The teacher reiterated a whale could not
swallow a human; it was impossible.

The little girl said, "When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah."

The teacher asked, "What if Jonah went to hell?"

The little girl replied, "Then you ask him."

Behold, I Come Quickly

The new preacher had just begun his sermon. He was a little nervous, and about ten minutes into the sermon his mind went blank. After a brief second of complete panic, he remembered what they had taught him in seminary about situations like this: repeat the last point. His teacher assured him this would help him remember what was supposed to come next. So he gave it a try.

"Behold, I come quickly," he said. Still his mind was blank. He tried again. "Behold, I come quickly." Still nothing.He tried one more time -- speaking and gesturing with such force that he fell forward, knocking the pulpit to one side, tripping over the flower pot, and falling into the lap of a little old lady in the front row.

The young preacher apologized profusely.

"That’s all right, young man," said the little old lady. "It was my fault. I should have gotten out of the way. You told me three times you were coming!"

         .............Much Love

Sunday, April 28, 2013

A lunch planning service

Today the service at church was so different, than I expected when I was praying about it this week. Pastor Garry, always urges the members, to pray earnestly that God will show up, and have His way, in the service. I must admit, that I include this request, in my prayers when I remember. I don't know why this doesn't cross my mind very much. It could be either one of two things, or a small part, of a thousand others. Only God knows for sure.

I am thinking, that this first reason, might be the one. I am so used to God showing up, in every service, that I have come to simply depend on it. I have forgot what it is like to sit, in a boring church service, and thinking about what I want for lunch, as soon as I can get out of here. Here is a thought. Thinking about who the Jaguars, are going to be losing to in the game today.     Sorry, I got off track. It is a brand new season coming up, and with God, all things are possible!!

The second reason, that I might forget is embarrassing for me to admit. I am not much of a prayer warrior. My prayers are all over the place, and really not very consistent. I have got where I am praying all day, about what ever shoots through my mind. The Word say to pray without ceasing. (1Thessaloanians 5:17 )

I know that I am a work in progress, and Jesus is not finished with me yet!! However, I have to tell you something. I find if strange, funny, and down right hilarious at times. While I was going through the life builders program, I completed a Spiritual Gifts Discovery Tool test. It was supposed, to break down the Spiritual Gifts, of the individual taking the test. All was required was to honestly answer every question, about the way that you felt about the question, by choosing multiple choice answers.

What that I have always found amazing, is that my third highest ranking Spiritual Gift, is that of intercession. The definition of intercession by my book that came with the test is: It is the special gift,whereby the Spirit enables certain Christians, to pray for extended period of times, with great positive effects, for the building of the Kingdom.

I can honestly tell you, that there is not one inkling of modesty, coming forth from me, when I say this. I don't know what happened to their test, but that is not me.        Unless........     Unless, there is great power, in that mumbling that I do, all the day long. Then again, it is not over either. I will do what Father wants me to be doing anyway. Meanwhile, I will laugh like Abraham and Sarah laughed, and keep on mumbling for now!!

Like I started saying, a couple thousand miles back down this road. The service at my church, was not anywhere near, what I am used to experiencing. I though that today might have been different, because I got to witness to a couple people, while waiting on the bus this morning. The ride was quick, and I got to the service in time to catch, the last half, of Sunday School.

I walk into the building, and was met at the door by a sweet lady, with a service bulletin. We don't have set programs for our church. It would be a waste of money, paper, and ink. It did not seem strange at the time, that she was there, nor what she said to me. She said that the early service was still in progress. However, I was more than welcome to go right on in, because the Spirit is moving!

I told her that was my prayer for this week, and headed to the sanctuary door.   When I walked inside I was amazed, at those folks worshiping God.     It wasn't the amount, because early service is sparse usually.     It was the way that they were worshiping.     Every hand raised in praise, and there was either a prayer, praise, or a song, on every set of lips.

I didn't make it past the third pew, in the back of the sanctuary, before I found a stopping place. I love to be in a service like this!!    As I stood there in amazement, at the action of the believers, Holy Spirit jumped on me!!     I haven't even had time to take my back pack off, and I am standing there twitching.     I call it twitching, but it is more like when you get a serious cold chill, and it causes you to go a little berserk for a moment.      Except that there is nothing cold about this feeling, and there is no time limit.

Anyway, that is Holy Spirit moving upon myself.    I have viewed some really, radical, acting folks, with Holy Spirit on them.    We all behave a little differently when He is on us.    There is no right, are wrong movement, that God makes on His children.     If we can receive a touch from God at any time, then I believe that we are surely, blessed beyond measure!!

Needless to say, Pastor Garry never got a chance to preach, in the second service today. The reason is that the first service never had ended. He did give the main points, for today's sermon, on his healthy church series. I was there for three alter calls today. I can't remember a time today that the alter, was not full. The choir had led praise and worship, for so long, that they were beginning, to sing sitting, or kneeling down.

I had moved up into my usual sitting arrangement, on the sixth pew, from the front, in the middle section. I like being right in front of the pulpit. I really can't say what was going on behind me. However, I could see that there were people crossed from me, in both direction, all in the floors. Some we laid out in the Spirit, and others had fallen to their faces in prayer!!

Actually, there was nothing normal about my church today , even for me.     My usual word of Awesome, doesn't even come close, to an explanation, of today’s service.     I need a more powerful word, and I simply don't have one.        All I have left to say is a word of praise to Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit.

Thank You!!      Thank you, for our church, that We all attend, and love on each other.   I thank you, and praise you with all that I am, and all that I am is in You!!     Holy Spirit, You are welcome, in this place of worship.      Please allow me to get the prayer started right now, for the coming week.    Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, right now, in Jesus name.     I humble myself before You, and extend an open invitation, for a Holy invasion, at Evangel Temple, anytime that You chose to be there, and honor my request!!       This house of worship is yours!!       Have Your way!!

….......Much Love

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Destination known!!

The first thing that I am say in today writing is something that I feel should be said often. I would like to think Jesus Christ the author, and finisher of my faith,(Hebrews 2:2) for all that He does daily, in my life. All the things that I am aware of that He does. Also, all the things that I don't have a clue that He is doing.

I am very happy that all those religious folks don't tie, the good Lord up with trivial issues. That way I can stay, at the feet of Jesus, in great need. It was not always that way. There was a time in my life that if I needed something. I would be the one, that was responsible to make sure, that I had it. I don't think that I was being religious, at that time in my life. I know now that I was just completely blind, and suffering from extreme arrogance, fueled by total ignorance!! I am sure that none of my readers, even know what I am talking about.

The Word of God.        Hmmm......        Now, just that something to think about?    Personally, I think that it is a owners manual, of how to live life, on the planet Earth. It tells us to act, or handle ourselves, in every situation possible. It also tell us how everything, that we need to know, came about being. For those of us that believe that there is a deeper meaning, in the Word, are not disappointed either. The Word even tells us how to reveal, the hidden inner secrets.

Is there any wonder, of why the Lord said to Joshua, to meditate on the Word day, and night? (Joshua 1:8) He said to not let the law, which is the Word, depart out of his mouth. Speak the Word, teach the Word, meditate on the Word, and do everything that the Word says to do. If you can do this you way will be prosperous, and you shall have good success.

I think that sometimes that we belittle the Word, or don't see any value in the Word, it today's world. We feel that is was and old fashion way, that we no longer have a use for it today. It was very serious to Father. He called Moses up to Mt. Sinai, to give him a hand written copy, that was set in stone!! If Father was serious about the Word, or the Law, (which ever make you happier) back then. What could possibly cause a man, a mere mortal human being to think, that his creator has changed? Especially, when he has stated in the Word that, He doesn't change. (Mal 3:6, Heb 13:8)

If we would just simply do, what Father tell us to do, our world would change. First thing that would happen is, our life starts to change, and then our world starts changing. Not the complete world, but the part that we are involved in. Here is something ,that just flashed crossed my Spirit. If the whole, entire world, would suddenly start doing what Father told us to do, what that would be like?

It sounds to me, like what living in Heaven will be like! !     Don't it to you?     There wont be any rebellion, inside the gates of the land of Heaven. Everything will be calm and peaceful. No arguments, or bitter feeling floating around looking, for a landing strip. We all get to see Jesus perform, on the most majestic stage ever built, playing our most favorite instruments, in ways that we never thought possible!!

Yeah baby!!     That's what I call Heaven!!      At least it is one of the things, that I am looking forward to doing, and might I say; More than once.    Jesus rocks baby!!     I am sure that all of us that plan, on making Heaven our home, for a Eternity, have different, and very special things, that we want to do. I am not sure what we will be doing for a Eternity, because that is a long time. My finite mind can't possibly fathom the depths, of that amount of time.

However, I used to think that I would become bored. After all, how long can a person do the same old thing without getting bored. Not just the basic bored, but bored beyond tears!! Then I arrived at a turning point, when I understood that my Creator knew every thing about me. He understand the things that I like to do, as well as those things, that I don't care anything about doing.

Here is another, mind blowing revelation, that I can't help but share with you.    Father created fun. I am not talking about anything, but the kind of fun that you can have, in front of your mother. I am talking about the real enjoyment that lifts ones Spirit, and makes a toothless man reveal his hidden secrets!!      Yeah,....That's right.        Father also created, all the emotions, that are on the inside of us. Have you ever thought about what it will sound like to hear Father laugh?    If we are going to imagine a thing, lets go for a good high quality belly laugh!!     Do you reckon that His laugh is contagious?       Can you see it bringing so much joy, to all of us there, that we will join in, and laugh with Father?     I don't understand exactly how large Heaven will really be, but I would imagine Fathers laugh, will carry the entire distance.

Look what I have done today. I started out thanking, and praising my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Then I wind up in land of Heaven just having myself a good ole time!!    Ain't God especially good to His children ? I know that He is good to all the world, but Father has a very special place, in His heart for His little ones.          I am sure glad that I did not, and will not, receive the treatment that I deserved!!

….......Much Love

Thursday, April 25, 2013

A new day. A new plan!!

I really didn't care, for how that post yesterday was simply left hanging. I thought that it should have been laid out better. Maybe I need to do like Bro Garry does, and do series, when a matter is that complex. If I do start writing in a series, I think that I should have them all written out, before I start to post them.

Yesterday's post was full, of some very valid information. Most of the writing, I was well pleased with the way, that it turned out. Something about the way that it ended I felt, that it was leaving my readers high and dry. Maybe it is because of all this information, that I have stored up, on the inside of myself, that caused me to feel that way.

However, writing that post opened up a whole new world of things, that I was doing, that I wasn't even aware of doing. I had been actually planning out my death, because of the way that I was living. I had become content with everything around me, and I was ready to die.

I have a few physical ailments that trouble me. Actually, they do cause me a lot more pain, than I really want to admit, or deal with in a positive way. I figured that I would simple take enough pain pills to wipe out that pain. I never figured it would backfire on me. Taking those pills, in the amounts that I need to take them to stop the pain, is actually causing me to to hurt worse, than when I don't take them at all. How wild is that?

So I have decided to lay the drugs down, that I have been taking, covered by the name of medication. I really think that there is more to this. I think God has His awesome hand of me, simply urging me to go a different route. I know when I was taking these a few years ago they worked like a charm. Suddenly, they are causing me to have to endure more pain. Hmmm... I think that He is up to something.

I spent a lot of time a couple nights ago repeating this dream. I don't usually dream at all, and if I do, I rarely remember them. I spent a lot of years praying my dreams down, because I was having severe nightmares. I ask Father to take all my dreams from me, or at least not let them haunt me. Every now and then, I will have a dream that I remember, but this one stayed with me for several hours.

It was a dream of me being an old man, or maybe acting like an old man. I kept seeing my old toothless self hanging, over my cane, riding the bus. I had some of the people around me, pitying my situation, and some making fun of me. I remember that I was horrified, by both reactions the same, and dieing, was the only escape that I could see. I would simply die, and that would be the end of that madness.

Then I heard this voice saying to me: Have you ever thought about living again? You might want to seriously consider, the fact that you still have life inside of you. It is not time to die yet. You need to live again!!

This went on for most of the night, however I really didn't put it all together until yesterday. I was on a mission to die. I had given up on living, and was preparing to die!! I am not sure if that is what they call “The mid-life crisis,” but it was surely eating my breakfast, lunch, and dinner!! I had been dying for several years now, and it simply hadn't donned on me, what was really going on.

I don't really want to die. There is a saying that, “Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to go right now!!” I really feel that same way. Honestly, I am in one of the best positions, that I have ever been in my life. I know that I am the best acting person that I have every been. My heart is completely “Sold out,” to God, and the work of the kingdom!! I am at the point in my life, that I don't care about having wealth. I really don't care about much of nothing, besides what Jesus wants, in my life today.

So here is whats really happening now. I am designing a plan for living life, customized to myself. Right now I plan to get much better fit than am right now. I am going to change my eating habits. I plan to volunteer my time to helping others. On top of this list is my devotion to Father, because without Him all this would be more that futile!!

…..........Much Love

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Paul's walk

I am thankful for my life, and all that it consist. The wars, and rumors of war going on, between my physical body of flesh, and the Supreme Spiritual Being, that has taken residence, in my life today. 
For those that are still with me today, after that strange opening comment, that I just made. Maybe you are wondering, if I am mentally stable, and I can answer that right now, with a great resounding NO!! There is great news to that answer though. The Supreme Spiritual Being, that is living inside of myself, is totally intact, in every way!!
Yes,......Ladies, and Gentlemen. Jesus Christ is still on the throne, and Holy Spirit is still very active in my life, and hopefully yours. I can attest to that fact because, we had a short battle this morning. You have to realize, that I have been butting heads with Holy Spirit long enough, that I realize that He doesn't approach me, with any foolishness. When He bring something, that I need to change, in my life to my attention, it is a very serious matter.
I can help but wonder though. How can a dead man, bring so much grief, to the Spirit that is alive, and well living inside of me? Paul spent a lot of time teaching, the principal, of the believer being, dead in Christ. In all the letters that he wrote to the churches he mentions the fact that we are dead. Although, I personally believe that he really taught well, on this principal, in the book of Romans.
Romans Chapter six, is a great place to start, if you want to do a study on it. Especially, if you are new in Jesus, and want to get a really vivid illustration, of what is really going on inside of you. I really thank God for Paul, and his understanding, of our new life in Christ. Once again, I am looking into the Word of God, through Paul's writings, for the answer to my question. How can I, cause so much trouble, to my Spirit, if I am dead?
There is no way, that anybody can answer these types of questions, without look back, to where all this began. The Cross. The Cross on the hill of Golgotha, that we call Calvary. The Cross where Jesus was nailed, and freely gave His Blood as the sacrifice, for our sins. There was a lot that went on, in that short amount of time, on that day.
The greatest Spiritual battle that had ever been fought, was finished, on that day. Joh_19:30 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost. The price of that war, was the life, of the Son of God. That seems like a mighty high price to pay, for what was gained that day.
Not to Father though. He was well pleased, that He could once again have fellowship, with His greatest creation. The spoils of that war were the souls, of those that would believe. Those that would believe on Jesus Christ, and the work of the Cross. Joh_3:15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
Like I said before, there was a lot that went on that day. I believe that every answer that we seek, or can seek, will be found within the events, of that day, to the event, of the Resurrection. Those three days in history, will ever be valued, in the life of the believers on Earth. It is the spotlight, on what we believe, and why that we believe, that which we believe.
Paul's main focus was on the Cross. He had been taught by either Jesus, or Holy Spirit, of what took place on the cross, and how that Jesus resurrection finalized the process. Paul completely understood what was really going on. I can never teach with the understanding that Paul had, but I will try to stir something up in my readers, to seek out the answers.
Rom_6:7 For he that is dead is freed from sin. Rom_6:8 Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him:
Rom_6:11 Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Rom_8:10 And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.
Rom_8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.
You can see that this is not something, that can be dealt with in one setting. I believe that I am right when I say that it took Paul three years ,to get all these vital facts, into his knowledge, for the understanding, of what really happened when, Jesus was crucified. Those scriptures should prompt any believer to seek more knowledge.
Jas_1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
.........Much Love

Monday, April 22, 2013

Right where i need to be...

I don't really think, that I have had so many days, consistently running, in my favor, as I have had here lately. I am simply loving my life now, and to be loving my life means, that is filled with the things that I love the most. My relationship with Father is simply marvelous. I never ceased to be amazed, with the things that He does. Not only to, and with me, but the way that He works, in the lives of others is astonishing.

I am sure that I take a lot of things for granite, in my life today but, not quite as much as in my past. I am trying to keep things, in a more proper perspective now. I am really bad, to call on the name, of the Lord in vein. I am not talking about cursing but, all the same it is in vein. Good Lord, is the one that I use the most, and when I catch myself doing in now. I quickly try to say, thank you for something, or bless that person, in some kind of way.

I now realize that I am doing really good, in my part, of this relationship with Christ. Several different factors are telling me this. I am not saying that I have arrived, or reached any status of perfection. There will always be room for improvement, on my part. The fact that I am doing well tickles me, or I find it to be well pleasing. I have never in my life been in this situation, and I am loving it!!

One of the main things, that tell me that I am doing well, is my focus. Jesus is my main focus. I try to do the things that He would find pleasing. I said try, and I often fail. Then I ask for forgiveness quickly. David was a man after God's own heart, and he was quick to repent. I don't believe that I will ever reach the status that David did with Father. However that will not keep me from trying.

Another thing that says that I am doing ok, is the fact that I seem to always be talking, with One form of God. I have got where anytime I am out and about, I keep a prayer on my lips, or in my heart. I simply love praying, for random people, because I know that we all need, all the prayer that we can get. The Bible says, that we should pray without ceasing, and this is as close, as I have got to doing this so far.

Speaking of talking with One form of God. I had never really took the time to get to know Holy Spirit. I am not sure what I was thinking, but I know that I never gave Him enough credit. Maybe I didn't think that He is real, or just something that other people talked about. I am really not sure what I was thinking concerning Him, but I know that whatever it was, it was definitely wrong!!

Holy Spirit is Awesome!! He teaches me the things that I need to know. He talks with me, about the things in my life, that I need to do differently. I love to watch Him move through a crowd, and He has not spoken thru myself yet, but I welcome Him, if He decides, to speak thru me. Holy Spirit is a living being, and chooses whom He speaks through.

One other thing, that let's me know that I am in the right place is Satan. Yep,....That's right,....old slew-foot himself. He is always popping up, with some form of temptation, specifically designed to my liking. He don't even waste any time with something, that I might not find appealing, to my senses. He has been dealing with me for a long time now, and he knows exactly what my appetite desires are about.

I was thinking while ago, that I get all excited about this relationship, that I have with God. I believe that is something that, I should get excited over!! It is a shame, but everybody can't lay hold, on the claim, that they have a real living, breathing, walking, talking, relationship with the Creator, of everything that we will ever know, as human beings!!     Little lone call Him Daddy!!

I have been a poor boy all my life, with no great family ties. Now I am part of a very large family. We don't have need of nothing, because Father is so rich, that He uses gold for pavement, on the streets!! I really think if more, of the family would get a good hold of that reality it would change, the way that they see things.

Instead of wandering around, with that poor me attitude, they should be rejoicing!! They should be acting a little more me, so tore up with great joy, that they get pure silly at times!! I have never experienced, what is going on the inside, of me before. I remember seeing my buddy, that gives me a ride home from church experiencing this kind of feeling. I remember saying, that I sure hope that one day, I will feel like you do!!

      I am sure glad that I spoke that into assistance!!

…........Much Love

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Is your (G)god in a box?

I walked to the city bus terminal to catch my ride out for the day. I ran into a guy that I've known for a number of years. The conversation quickly went to God. I think that I could talk all day about Father, and His goodness toward His children. I went to talking about my church, and the things that go on at my church. Actually, I was talking about my first experience, at a Pentecostal service. The people talking in tongues, praying in tongues, and singing in tongues.

I told him that I was expecting, for there to be snakes brought in, at any time. That was simply part of my ignorance, relating a different group of Pentecostal believers, with the church that I am a member of now. I went on to tell him that when we worship God we limit Him on what He does. I said that God can, and will do miraculous events if we will not put Him in a box.

Then my friend made the statement, that made me realize, who I was talking with. I had known of the teachings that he had been exposed to over the last twenty years, or maybe even longer than that. He was a Baptist, that had been taught that speaking in tongues, was a thing of the past. I had a flashback, of a lady being escorted, from the building, for speaking in tongues. This happened under the same teacher that my friend was exposed to.

Something moved in my Spirit that day that was telling me that this was the wrong action to take. I didn't understand about speaking in tongues them, and I don't understand much more than that now. I can tell that there is a difference in the way that people do it. When some people speak, in that way, my Spirit inside of me gets very excited, while it is going on. Sometimes, when others are speaking, I perceive that nothing is really happening.

I have said all this simply, to bring out the point. that I want to make. I believe that our Father God, has to be the most misunderstood Entity, of all time. The Bible clearly states in Mark, chapter nine, verse twenty-three: Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. Jesus was talking to a mere mortal man of flesh and blood. Doesn't it stand to reason, that we limit, or tie the hands, of our Father, by the lack of our belief, or the lack of our faith? Here is another way to maybe look at it. Do you think, that we limit Father, in His actions, from our lack of commitment to Him?

After all, we are talking about our Creator showing Himself strong in our lives on a daily basis. Let's take this conversation from the church home with us. Why don't we act like that we need Father somewhere besides, in the church house. It is always wonderful, when the entire Trinity shows up at church but, the battle ground of my life, is not inside those walls!! I suffer very minimal attacks while I am at church.

Doesn't it stand to reason that if we put limits on what God does, in His house of worship, that we would do the same in our home life? I need the power of a wall bringing down God in my life!! I need the power, that can part the sea back far enough, that I can walk through, on dry ground!! I need to know that when they throw me, into a furnace, seven times hotter than normal, that nobody will be collecting insurance, off of me!!

That is just three, of the many examples, that are written in the Bible. I don't understand why we think that Father has grown weak over these years. Why is it so hard to believe that Holy Spirit, still has His way. He also works through, those that will allow Him to work, in themselves, in the church setting.

I don't for one second believe that Father has changed one iota. The problem lies where that it has always been. The problem is within ourselves. If we don't have an Awesome God showing up, and showing out in our lives, and for our benefit. Then we need a change, to take place, in our lives. We need to kick the devil. Then, we need to kick him out, of our lives, and out of our bedrooms.

We need to make a fresh commitment to Jesus Christ, because our life is found in Him. He is the secret to our success. He is our source, our solution, and everything else that we will ever need.

….........Much love

Ant's in the pants?

I believe one of the reasons that Father calls us His children, is the fact that we act like children. Some of us never mature, because we are not willing, to take the processes, of life seriously. The writer of the book of Hebrews is raking the believers over the coals, for not maturing from milk, to strong meat. They should have progressed, to being teachers of the Word, instead that were still, in the need, of being taught. (Hebrews 5, 12-13)

There is something inside of us that drives us to do more than we are ready to be doing. Parents, look at you very small children. Do they not try, to take off running, after being able to barely stand up? Do they not graduate to drawing pictures immediately, after learning, to make marks, on the sheet of paper? I could continue on with the ones that really don't know any better. The ones that have not had a fair chance to learn. Except for the fact, that those of us, that consider ourselves to be adults, are still in need, of a bottle, of warm milk.

We act like we have ants in our pants. Have you ever really had ants, in your pants? Unfortunately, I can say that I have had ants, all over my body, including in the clothes that I had on, at the time. OK..Short quick story.

When a fire ant is left in peace, to build the colony, that they live in. It can get several feet high when undisturbed. One day while walking through the woods with a friend, we ran a crossed a mound over three foot high. I wasn't the brightest star in the sky, and apparently my friend wasn't either. We decided to load a bunch of bottle rockets, into the side of that hill. Boys will be boys, entertaining ourselves in various ways. The problem wasn't blowing a hole, in the side of that fire ant hill. The problem was standing there, all excited, not knowing what to expect.

Honestly, all we were expecting to see, was a hole left in the side of the mound, and nothing more. Oh, but we received much more excitement, than we ever had enough sense, to ever anticipated. Immediately, when the bottle rockets went off, hundreds of fire ants went airborne!! I can tell you with all the confidence in the world, that they were not happy about being disturbed!! Once they landed on our bodies, they immediately, went into attack mode.

I really can't tie that ant story, into what I am talking about today. I just think that it's really funny looking back thirty-five years. God has been really good to me!! The fact that I am even here today, is a great example.

Moving on... The verse that I want to bring out today comes from the book of Psalms, forty-sixth chapter, verse ten. Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

Life is a process. Everything has an order to follow. Our Father is a God, of complete order. There is a reason for everything, that He says to us. There is an order that we must go by, to see the end results, that we hope to achieve.

In this verse it sounds like Father is giving His children a command. Be still. Our Father is tell us the same thing, that we speak, to our children. You know that Father does not waste any words, and when He says something to do, He is very serious!! I looked up the word still in Websters 1869 Dictionary. I really like this version of Mr. Websters Dictionary, because he was on the same page, as the Word of God.

Here are a few of the definitions: 1. Silent; uttering no sound. 2. Quiet; calm; not disturbed by noise. 3. Motionless; as, to stand still; to lie or sit still. 4. Quiet; calm; not agitated.

If we can obey the Father, and be still; His promise to us, is that He is going to do a thing, that nobody else can possibly take credit for doing, other than Father. I like to put it is these words: Daddy is going to show up, and show completely out!! That just causes the Hebe-jeebies to run all over my body!! I love it when Father does this!!

The number two definition is the one that usually have the most trouble over coming. Quiet, calm, and not disturbed by noise. It always seems, that while were waiting on God to show up, in any situation, that there is a lot of noise, in the background, of our lives. It seems that these “Haters,” as I like to call them, come out of hiding everywhere possible. Another description that I like to use for them are “Naggers.” They nag, and whine endless chatter, about much of nothing!! I think that Noah could tell us about this group of folks. I would imagine, that he dealt with more, than his share, while building the ark. If I can keep my composure, while all of this is going on, I do good.

As Christians, I think that we need to look, at the lives that we are living, and ask ourselves some basic questions. Are we keeping the things in the order, that they were designed to be kept in? Are we being still, or do we act like we have ants in our pants? Are we letting the “Haters, and the Naggers” agitate us, to the point that we are losing our blessing?

After all, a blessing is a terrible thing to waste!!

............Much love

Friday, April 19, 2013

Do you have a talking Spirit?

Do you ever just pay attention, to what your Spirit, is saying to you? I will assume that my Spirit, is basically the same, as any other believer in Jesus. I say basically, because the Spirit is a living thing. It does what it wants to do, determining what it is driven by. My Spirit is driven by Holy Spirit. It is always talking to me. Guiding me in the right direction. Filling my mind with thoughts, of the way, that my day should go, and filling my heart with joy, that only comes from the Word.

My first waking thought this morning was a scripture from the book of Psalms, chapter 118, and verse 24. This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
This is a blessing to have my first thought of the new day from God's word!! It is far better, than some of my waking thoughts, in the past. If you knew me personally, and could see the difference in my life, that God has preformed in me....It would be amazing!!

I know a lot of scripture from the Word. I have pretty good knowledge from the Bible. However, I am not a walking Bible scholar, that can quote word for word, complete chapters, from the Bible. I can't tell you exactly where many things are found in the Bible either. That is why I have Bible software. It can tell me, where everything that I am looking for, can be found.

The reason that I say all of these things are so nobody has any confusion about who I am. I am just another human being, that has received a touch from Almighty God, that is simply itching to tell somebody else!! I am the man that God has telling you, about His goodness, and grace in my life today. I am the man that gets excited just thinking about, what He has to say to the world, about how good my God is to me!!

In others words; This is the day that the Lord hath made. I am rejoicing, and very glad to be in it. Another day to take my place in this world, and proclaim the goodness of Father, to all His children. Father does not respect any of His children above one another. He loves us all, and will do the same for all of us. The only stipulation that Father has on blessing us, is the fact that our heart has to be, in the right condition, to receive the blessing.

Many of us come to Father with the wrong attitude.    We tell Him that we would serve Him if only........        I can tell you from first hand experience, that it don't work that way. It don't matter what we decide to fill in that blank, because we are looking at Father like an object, and not a person. He is as real as we are if, we were created in His image.

I am becoming more “Sold Out” everyday, that I remain on this earth, that the Bible is the truth. I believe that the Bible is much more than a love story from God. It is the basic operators manual for us, while here on the earth. It tells us the proper way to think, act, and believe, to achieve the greatest success.     That book within it's covers, contains the answers, to life's most sought after questions.

Questions like: Why are we here?       What is the purpose, or meaning of life?     What is true success?      Do I really need a psychiatrist to help me remain balanced?     I just thought, that I would throw that one in, to see if you are still awake. However, that question is answered in the Bible if you dig for the answer.

I honestly believe, that we are called, for a higher purpose, as the children of God. Father has a plan for each one of our lives, and it is a good plan. His plan will not be boring, or grievous to complete. It will come as natural, as breathing when we are in the right attitude. Holy Spirit comes to our aide. He is right there with us, filling our hearts with the joy that it takes us to feel complete or whole.

Wholeness is a feeling that we as believers can expect to rely on. There is nothing broken, or missing in our lives anymore. There is joy, and peace, flooding our hearts everyday, from the time that we wake up, until we go to sleep at night. Once again: This is the day that the Lord has made!!

The only question is, are you rejoicing, and are you happy in it?         Do you feel complete, with nothing broken or missing? If you can't answer yes to these questions there is good news for you. Jesus is the answer that you are looking for, and He is only the distance, of a prayer away from you. It don't matter if you have never had a relationship with Father, or if you have a broken relationship.            Jesus is your solution.......Just talk to Him.

......Much Love

God called him a friend!!

Most of us as Christians, should have people, in the Bible, that we consider, to be our hero's. We look up to them, for the lives that they lived, and how that they trusted Father. I would assume that the greatest hero of faith was Abraham. As I began to study the life of Abraham, in the Bible, there is a lot going on. It would be over-whelming, to try to write much detail, in the space of one post. However, I am going to write enough, to maybe encourage my readers, to study more about Abraham.

Father really liked Abraham, because of the great detail, that the Bible goes into about his life. I started to say loved, but Father simply loves us all. He had a special relationship with Abraham. Father talked with Abraham, and Abraham talked with Father. Father called Abraham His friend.

I think that is a good place to stop, and reflect, on the things that I just said, out of the Word. I believe that we all have a person, in our lives, that we call a friend. That is really a high honor to give a person. We are the most comfortable around those that are truly our friends. All the masks fall off, and we get really comfortable, with whom that we really are.

We talk with our friends. We tell them our most hidden secrets. We want their advice, because we love, and trust them. We simply know that whatever we share with our friends, will not become public knowledge. The reason that we know this is because, it has passed the test of time, in our relationship with each other.

I don't know how long it took Abraham, to get to the point, of trusting Father. I know that it had to take a good minute. Most of us take some time, to get to know if somebody, is trust worthy. Especially in Abraham's situation, when God told him to take everything that was his, and leave what he had known as home.

That shows a lot of trust on Abraham's part, simply to pack it all up, and to head out. He didn't even know where he was going to go. The fact that he was seventy-five years old, when he departed from his home, just screams volumes at me, that in his heart, he was convinced, that he was doing the right thing.

I don't know if his wife Sarah gave him any hassle about going. I would imagine that she did though. I also would imagine that his kinfolks laughed him to scorn, when he told them what his plans were. I guess that they thought that he must have hit his head, as he was telling them about hearing a voice, and what it said for him to do.

We must put ourselves, in the place of Abraham, at that point in time. You must remember, that there wasn't a Bible written back in those times. What kind of sane rationalization could his family, and friends arrive at? Our Word today simply said that Father talked with Abraham. Nobody else heard a word that Father spoke. If Abraham had been telling me about his plans, and hearing a voice that told him to do what he was going to do; I would have called him a lunatic!!

Father was very happy with Abraham. He had finally found a person to have a real relationship. A man that would follow Father, and do the things that Father wanted him to do. A man that Father could bless with the things that Father wanted to bless him with. A man that would walk with Father, and teach his children in the ways that Father wanted.

That is why God bestowed on Abraham, the honor of being called, a father of many nations!! The relationship between Father, and Abraham was one of a kind. It is something that every Christian, that is living today should strive to have. It is all about the relationship!! If we would simply get to know, now I am saying,.....really know Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. It would be a life changing experience. The same as with Abraham!!

Father rocked Abraham world!! He literally turned it upside down with good things. He bless Abraham with so many good things, and it started because of a relationship. God has not changed. He wants to bless us also but, there is a catch. We have to get to know Him. We have to talk to Him. We have to treat Him as a friend, because that is what He really is to us!!

I know that it takes time, to form a real relationship. I can guarantee you, that Father, is the greatest person, that you will ever get to know.

….....Much Love

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


When I tell most folks that I know, where I live at, I get all kind of different reactions. It seems that somewhere around ninety-nine percent are, of a negative nature. I don't go into a lot of detail, as of why that they feel that way. Mainly, because I simply don't care, and secondly because I don't need anybody to rain on my parade.

I feel blessed to have this place to call my home. I know that it is nothing more than a room, from the outside appearances. I know that there are some rules, that in order to live here, they must be kept. The fact that I can't have any visitors, in my room is right up my ally. That is one of the things, that appealed to me, when I first heard of that rule. I don't want people visiting me. The reason behind that is most of the time, they have a hidden agenda.

Either they are snooping, or want me to give them something. Most of the time they use the word borrow but, in the end it winds up a giving deal. I don't mind helping folks out, when I have something, to help them with. I am in the position of coming back right now, and I really don't have anything to spare right now.

I bought me a lamp today for six dollars, and it simply thrills me to no end to have it. It really sets the mood of having way too much light, to just having the right amount. Right now I am using cardboard boxes as tables. I have my lamp setting on one, along side is my clock radio. The box is covered with a red towel, and it matches the red comforter, on my bed. I also have a red looking, fake Oriental rug, on the floor, beside my bed. I kneel down on it to say my prayers, every morning and night.

My carpet is new, and the color of it is blue. The walls are painted with a fresh coat of white paint. Every thing in, and about this room is fresh and clean. I can never express the feeling, of being blessed, to have this place. It is my home for now, and will be for the next year. My entertainment is my laptop computer. I have several Bible programs downloaded, and my writing software. I also download movies, music, and anything else that I need.

I can't tell you the last time I was bored, because I am very easily entertained. I always have something going on, and most of the time it is writing, or studying the Word. I am captivated, by the knowledge, that is contained, in the Word of God. I love the Bible, and the way that it was written. Every thing, and every situation that we can get ourselves in to, is dealt with somewhere, in the Bible.

If we would just live in the way that the Bible teaches us. You know, eat the right foods, and fast which is eating no food, for different amounts of time. Our bodies were not designed to deal, with the stressful situations, that we put it through. There is pressure being put on us, to live like our neighbors live. We think that we have to have every thing that they do, and even better if possible.

The truth is that we are on this planet, to praise, and worship, our Father God. We are to teach our children the ways of Father, and our grand children the same. Sunday's were not meant to get ahead, or to make somebody else rich. Sunday is a day that supposed to been totally committed to the worship, and praise of Father.

The truth is that most of us don't even know who Father is, or what He is about. It is really sad what a large part of us know about Jesus. We still see Him as a baby in a manger at Christmas time, and still on the cross for Easter. Holy Spirit has got to be the least understood of the Trinity. I grew up thinking that Holy Spirit, was a real good-feel good, if you can imagine what I am saying there.

The real problem, is the fact, that we have replaced what others say about God, instead of learning about Him personally, through a relationship. If we would take the time to form a real relationship, we would be amazed at who, and what we find. Most folks don't really know about Father. The know rumors about Him, and you know what happens to a rumor story: It changes from person to person!!

If I can challenge my readers to do something today. It would simply be to form a real relationship with Father. He is not all that difficult to reach. You start just the way that you start to have a relationship with anybody else; You simply speak to Him.

….........Much Love