
Monday, April 22, 2013

Right where i need to be...

I don't really think, that I have had so many days, consistently running, in my favor, as I have had here lately. I am simply loving my life now, and to be loving my life means, that is filled with the things that I love the most. My relationship with Father is simply marvelous. I never ceased to be amazed, with the things that He does. Not only to, and with me, but the way that He works, in the lives of others is astonishing.

I am sure that I take a lot of things for granite, in my life today but, not quite as much as in my past. I am trying to keep things, in a more proper perspective now. I am really bad, to call on the name, of the Lord in vein. I am not talking about cursing but, all the same it is in vein. Good Lord, is the one that I use the most, and when I catch myself doing in now. I quickly try to say, thank you for something, or bless that person, in some kind of way.

I now realize that I am doing really good, in my part, of this relationship with Christ. Several different factors are telling me this. I am not saying that I have arrived, or reached any status of perfection. There will always be room for improvement, on my part. The fact that I am doing well tickles me, or I find it to be well pleasing. I have never in my life been in this situation, and I am loving it!!

One of the main things, that tell me that I am doing well, is my focus. Jesus is my main focus. I try to do the things that He would find pleasing. I said try, and I often fail. Then I ask for forgiveness quickly. David was a man after God's own heart, and he was quick to repent. I don't believe that I will ever reach the status that David did with Father. However that will not keep me from trying.

Another thing that says that I am doing ok, is the fact that I seem to always be talking, with One form of God. I have got where anytime I am out and about, I keep a prayer on my lips, or in my heart. I simply love praying, for random people, because I know that we all need, all the prayer that we can get. The Bible says, that we should pray without ceasing, and this is as close, as I have got to doing this so far.

Speaking of talking with One form of God. I had never really took the time to get to know Holy Spirit. I am not sure what I was thinking, but I know that I never gave Him enough credit. Maybe I didn't think that He is real, or just something that other people talked about. I am really not sure what I was thinking concerning Him, but I know that whatever it was, it was definitely wrong!!

Holy Spirit is Awesome!! He teaches me the things that I need to know. He talks with me, about the things in my life, that I need to do differently. I love to watch Him move through a crowd, and He has not spoken thru myself yet, but I welcome Him, if He decides, to speak thru me. Holy Spirit is a living being, and chooses whom He speaks through.

One other thing, that let's me know that I am in the right place is Satan. Yep,....That's right,....old slew-foot himself. He is always popping up, with some form of temptation, specifically designed to my liking. He don't even waste any time with something, that I might not find appealing, to my senses. He has been dealing with me for a long time now, and he knows exactly what my appetite desires are about.

I was thinking while ago, that I get all excited about this relationship, that I have with God. I believe that is something that, I should get excited over!! It is a shame, but everybody can't lay hold, on the claim, that they have a real living, breathing, walking, talking, relationship with the Creator, of everything that we will ever know, as human beings!!     Little lone call Him Daddy!!

I have been a poor boy all my life, with no great family ties. Now I am part of a very large family. We don't have need of nothing, because Father is so rich, that He uses gold for pavement, on the streets!! I really think if more, of the family would get a good hold of that reality it would change, the way that they see things.

Instead of wandering around, with that poor me attitude, they should be rejoicing!! They should be acting a little more me, so tore up with great joy, that they get pure silly at times!! I have never experienced, what is going on the inside, of me before. I remember seeing my buddy, that gives me a ride home from church experiencing this kind of feeling. I remember saying, that I sure hope that one day, I will feel like you do!!

      I am sure glad that I spoke that into assistance!!

…........Much Love

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