
Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Ship of Fool's!!!

I often get video’s from the library, about religious events, and Biblical things that have happened. I can’t help but laugh, because these people don’t have a clue what is really going on. They take the events that our God has done, and try to prove, that it was nothing more, than some natural phenomenon. The part that really gets me is how hard, that they struggle to disprove, that it really was an act of God.
You know what really amazes me the most of all? It is the fact that people actually waste their time, trying to prove, that Father doesn’t exist. You know that I am an ole country boy, but why would anyone, waste their time trying to prove, that anything don’t exist? I mean how many people you see, in this world today, trying to prove that Peter Pan did not really exist, as a live human being?
Seems to me that if they are trying to prove anything doesn’t exist, that they realize that it does. I don’t know why it is so hard to believe, that our existence had a beginning. Seeing how we are really intelligent people, there had to be a creator. The creator of all that we know calls Himself God, and He even has a manual for living, called the Bible. Everything will go the way that Father desires it to go, and He has held nothing back from us. All we have to do believe!!
Can I get sentimental for a few minutes?  I remember when I was a child going to school we were taught to be patriotic. We were taught to give honor to God, and to honor the country that we live in. Every morning we said the Lord’s Prayer with our heads bowed, and then placed our hands over our hearts, while reciting the salute to the flag of our country.  
I also remember before a sporting event started a prayer was said, and everybody turned toward the American flag, while singing the National Anthem. It seemed that honoring God, followed by honoring our country was a natural flowing event. It would only seem natural, since our country was founded by men seeking religious freedom to worship the Creator of all. It used to be a great honor to live in the United States of America.
Living in the United States of America is like being on a ship of fools!! We are leading the world in a riot against our Creator. Right now the Supreme Court of the United States is ruling, on the rights of homosexuals. I didn’t realize that homosexuals had any rights, other than the right to repentance!! Father has already said what that He considers them to be, and that’s an Abomination.( Leviticus 20th chapter)
In our country right now we are promoting homosexual activity, and also promotion legalized abortion. That is simply slapping Father in the face!! Father said to be fruitful and multiply, while talking with Jacob, for a reason.(Genesis 35:11) We are trying to replace God with ourselves, and it simply will not work.
All over our country the ones with any Spiritual discernment are calling for prayer, for the leaders of our country. Jesus taught His believers how to tell the difference, between those that are with Him, and those that are against Him. It was so simple a statement;    Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
Right now the President of this country is praising the Supreme Court ruling on homosexuality. I believe it would be safe to say that our President has a tree full of rotten fruit!! I believe that there was a time that he would be impeached from his office, simple because he made a statement like that. The only difference today is the majority of this country is corrupt, and on their way to hell.
If we are to pull out of this situation it will take an act of war, and the Christians, are the only ones qualified to fight in this battle. We must do what Father has told us to do. We go to war on our knees!! 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
I am asking all of my readers, in all the countries of this world, to join with the people in America, with praying for our current administration. There is no reason for anybody to be cast into the pits of hell, and the way that I, and many others see it, that is where they are headed. Our country and the entire world  is in need of prayer!!

 …….Much Love

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Awesome Situation of Praise…

I don’t know if I have been spoiled, or maybe I simply expect too much. I am talking about my search, for a house of worship, which praises the same way, as I like to praise. Being a part of a Pentecostal group of believers has really been good for me. I never even thought that a God existed out there, until those good folks showed me, that He really does. They taught me the things that will move God, so Holy Spirit will join in our worship service. Those types of things are what I am looking for, in a house of worship.
I have to tell y’all this…..The first time that I went to this certain Baptist church, I ran into a man coming out of Sunday School. I had known a little about him for several years. Actually, I was surprised to see him at any church. We talked briefly, and I made the comment that we should be going inside, for the preaching service. He told me that he had something that he needed to take care of, and wished me well.
I was riding my bike yesterday, and saw him sitting on a front porch. When he saw me, he beckoned me to come over and talk. He asked me what I thought about the service that Sunday. I really didn’t want to offend him with my answer, so I worded my reply very delicate. I started tell him how I was impressed with the preacher, and he suddenly cut me off. He was telling me how he didn’t qualify as a minister of a church, according to the book of Timothy.
He also said that is the reason that he wouldn’t go inside, and allow him to preach to this man. My reply was simple. I looked him dead in the eye, and said these words; “I guess that you need to find you a church also.” We continued talking about other churches, and he made this statement, “You are a Baptist. You don’t need to get your hopes up too high here in Jacksonville.”
I didn’t realize that he struck that very live nerve, until I had snapped at him. “I ain’t a Baptist, and if I am anything it is a Pentecostal!!” His eyes opened wide with shock. Then he asked me why I was at a Baptist church. I explained to him that I was seeking a church, where Holy Spirit is allowed to dwell. I am a Holy Spirit chaser!! I have meet the real deal, and i am prepared to accept no substitutes!!
 I am not looking for a certain denomination. I am looking for Holy Spirit. I really didn’t think that I would find Him at the Baptist church, nor the Presbyterian church either. However, I didn’t know for sure, because Holy Spirit only goes where He is welcome. Holy Spirit is as much of a Gentleman as Father, and Jesus Christ.  All of them might knock on the door of your heart, but forced entry will never be the case.
I am really upset with how some folks praise God. I know that we are all different, and everybody believes that they are right, as I believe that I am. I believe that Jesus has risen from the grave, so I will not be going to any Catholic churches. There are two concrete reasons that I won’t be doing this. The first one is the fact that I can come before the Father, at any time that I choose, and by myself. Heb 4:16  Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
 The second reason is that Jesus is still hanging on the Roman cross. I am on a roll tonight, so I might as well go ahead and throw Mary, the mother of Jesus under the proverbial bus. Mary was a sinner just like the rest of us!! I imagine that I have just offended, some of my readers, but the truth can cut like a knife. Those of you that read this blog on a regular basis understand that I am here to please my Lord, and nobody else.
I honestly believe that if we would enter into a time of praise according to the Bible, that we would have greater success. Psalms 96:8 Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come into his courts. Psalms 100:1  A Psalm of praise. Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. 2  Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing. 3  Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. 4  Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. 5  For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.

Now,.Honestly,……Does this sound like we are expected to simply show up, with a couple bucks to drop in the plate? Please allow me to interject this nugget; Father ain’t worried about you money!! He only wants you to tithe as an act of obedience, and His goal is to give it back multiplied!!
This is why when I walk into a church, and they start singing songs from the hymnals, that are much older than me, I find this discouraging. Maybe I do expect way too much, but I really don’t think so. Every time that I walk into a sanctuary, I go with expectations, and always bring a gift. I am searching for one base principal in a church, and I know that I will find it, if I keep looking.
John 4:24  God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. Can I ask a simple question? How many of my readers can honestly say that they have been touched personally by Jesus? The reason that I ask such a question is because when Jesus touches a person everything starts changing. Some things can be quicker than others. Can I be honest with y’all?     It truly grieves my Spirit inside of me, when I attend a casual laid back meeting!!

I need to be in the midst of some real people worshipping a Great, and Grand God like He should be worshipped. In the way that my King James Bible says the Father expects us to worship Him!! I love to be in the presence of the Spirit so thick, that people are shaking, crying, shouting, completely silent……Whoa,….Where did that come from?

Sometimes when the Spirit of the Lord comes upon a person you are totally over-whelmed!! You are stuck right where you are, and how you are, simply basking in the Glory of God. 

……….Much Love               

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Laundry Room Experience

I want to give, “A great big shout out,” to all the readers of this blog, this morning!! I really do appreciate the way that you love the Lord. When you tolerate, the madness that I produce, on these pages really shows how great that you do love the Lord Jesus!! I need to take this opportunity, to brag about something, that I have had nothing to do with.

I dedicated this blog to Jesus a while back, and told Him if He would supply the inspiration to write, the results would be up to Him. It took me a while for my actions, and my words to line up together. However, just as Jesus changed my heart, He has also changed my expectations of this blog.

It started out as a game of playing numbers. I thought that I need to reach every person, which has a computer, or access to one. It didn’t take long for that mess, to be taken out, from my heart. Y’all do realize that the Lord never takes anything away, without replacing it with something else, and it is always better. Ain’t God good!!

I no longer am playing a numbers game. Now, I am playing the countries game!! It simply amazes me every time I see a person sign on, from a different country around the world. I used to glory in what I believed to be, “The most Godless Countries!!” Jesus has shown me with a quickness that I live in one of the most Godless countries in the world. I was being deceived like the most of this country’s residences. Actually, Satan has us dangling from stings!!

Ok,..Getting back to the laundry room experience. Yes it is true that to wash, and dry my clothes, I go to a special room in the facility in which I live. I really don’t mind doing this, for several different reasons. The main reason is the fact that I am so grateful, to have a place to clean them, and I have the money, that it takes.
I can’t ever stress high enough was a privilege that it is to do my own laundry!! After someone else being responsible for my cloths in the last two years, I really don’t mind doing them myself. I have got my clothes back in every kind of way imaginable, over the last two years. That does include not getting them back at all!!
Another great reason is the fact that I always write a post for the blog. Have you noticed that it is rare when I don’t include at least one scripture from the Bible? It does happen from time to time, but it is rare. I am not sure how many of you know this, but I pray for the readers of this blog. I also thank my Lord that He has given me the opportunity to serve Him, by writing this blog. I look forward to writing each, and everyday something. Even though, it might not get posted, on that day that it was written. It is dependent, on what my Boss says at the time!!
I really get a kick from taking care of my daily needs. I like to prepare my own meals, and wash my own dishes. I find that washing dishes is really great for the care of your hands. You must know that I have a special relationship with water, so I never have a problem with taking a shower. The only problem that I have is getting out of the water!!
I simply love being created in the image of Father. That where i get my boldness to ask the questions, that are too hard for me to understand. It is also where I get my creativeness. I am a master at taking, what other folks call trash, and making myself a home from it. There is one thing that I fail to pick up from Father. The way to truly love those around me.
I bet there are those of my readers who don’t have this problem. I am sure that they love just like Jesus did. However, and shamefully, I must admit that I fail miserably, and quite often. I was born to be a Pharisee, and a great one. I should have been a judge, because that is what I quite frankly master. I have a real problem, with showing kindness, to somebody, that is always proclaiming that I am less than. I had rather strike back with some form of severe retaliation. Then go off and pout, because I know that my personal actions were wrong!!
I often wonder how I got so far away from Father.  I simply love the way that the disciple John, wrote his heart, while writing the scriptures, of the Word of God. He was so tender, while referring to us, as little children. Even John had another side to him. He would shoot the gospel at full force right at us!! John had a very special relationship with Jesus, and it shows in the way that he writes.
1Jn 4:16  And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.
Can you feel the intensity that is written in this verse? It could be that I need to feel this intensity to straighten my love walk up. I try to keep my love tank at a full level.   Oh,…for those that don’t understand what I am saying, I can explain. I call my heart my love tank and I fill it daily with the written Word, the spoken Word, and uplifting praise and worship music.
I know that there comes a time to hold a funeral, for the old man. However, I really get aggravated with folks that say that they are praising a risen Savior; with sad, slow, dragging out the last note song, that is only fit for a funeral!! If you are going to praise……Then praise well!! Rock the house with lively music to our King!! Lift up your hands, and shout how good that Jesus has been to you!! You can even shout about how good He will be in the future.
Psalms 134:2  Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the LORD.
King David knew a couple things about praise. We all need to read the book of Psalms, and rethink the way that we attempt to praise and worship. I believe that something happens when we do it in the right way. I believe Holy Spirit shows, and shows out!!
           …………Much Love

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Being a Christian is right now..

One of the most wondrous things about me is the fact that my creator made me a little different, from most folks. Accepting these minute differences have been challenging throughout most of my life. It has taken me years to come to grips with whom that I really am. I have never really appreciated the difference in myself, because I always wanted to be like somebody else. I know that there has to be at least one reader, who can identify, with where I am coming from.
I believe that there are those of us who take our Salvation for granted also. We think along the lines of now that I am Saved, the next step is to go to Heaven. It is almost like saying; I got mine buddy, and good luck on getting yours!! I am quite certain that Jesus didn’t save us, so we could cop a better than thou attitude!! I know that He didn’t save us to lean back on our laurels, in great anticipation, of the second coming.
Hey,… Wait a minute, because I thought that Salvation is free.      If you are thinking that you’re Salvation was free for yourself. Then you are right. Jesus paid the price for all of our Salvations, and all we have to do is accept this free gift. However, there is a catch to free Salvation.
It is like these companies that offer you free cell phones. I guarantee you that that will send you a free cell phone, out to your own address, and even pay to have it shipped there. When it arrives you can take the phone out of the box, and carry it everywhere that you go. You can even show it to all your friends, and even allow them to hold your brand new cell phone. However, once you decide to start making calls, on your brand new cell phone, the days of totally free have passed!! It has gone from a free deal, to a commitment to show honor to the company, which sent you the phone.
Does that make any sense the way that I have explain it? There will come a time in your life, where to express your Salvation, will cost you something personally. Those of us that live in the United States, really get off cheap. The most that proclaiming Jesus Christ, in our lives is nothing more than ridicule. People will often times call us names, which will hurt our tender little feelings!! They will make fun on us, and often times make fun of our beliefs to our very faces.
In really can’t say what will, or might happen, in other countries around the world. I know that there are some extremely, anti-Jesus societies in our world today. There are some countries where believers live, that if the openly proclaim Jesus, that they would be executed, for their beliefs.
Salvation has always cost something, since the day that Jesus provided the sacrifice for us. Do you realize that every disciple that walked with Jesus was martyred, with the exception of John. John was the only one that lived out his life to a full age. The rest of the disciples suffered horrible deaths, for their belief in Christ. Peter was crucified on a cross upside-down, because he said that he was not worthy to die, in the manner as Jesus.
Now, I have showed you the gloom and doom side. However most of us will not have to experience such torture, as other have went through. I want to bring the excellent side, to proclaiming the Lord Jesus, in our lives. The first miracle that we can claim happens in our own lives. I can only say about myself personally, but my life has turned around completely. I have been healed of a few things, and delivered, from a few others. Jesus has been good to me, and He is not through with me yet!!
The second greatest thing that we get to see is how Jesus works, in the lives of others. Haven’t you realized yet, that Jesus can’t touch a life, without it getting better? Once Jesus touches anything it can’t stay the same as it was before. The Bible is full of examples, and I guess my favorite story is about the mad man of Gadara.  I can’t let this opportunity pass without showing the difference that Jesus made in the life of this man.
Luke 8:27  And when he went forth to land, there met him out of the city a certain man, which had devils long time, and ware no clothes, neither abode in any house, but in the tombs.
Luk 8:35  Then they went out to see what was done; and came to Jesus, and found the man, out of whom the devils were departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid.
Can you see the difference that Jesus made in just eight verses? How many verses do you think it would take to tell, what a difference was made in your life? I think that it would take several books to tell my story, if I was the one telling it. However, those eight verses were more than sufficient, if Jesus was telling this story of my life. I tend to like to brag about Him!!

         ……..Much love

Monday, June 24, 2013

Star in the East?

Star in the East?

A woman takes her 16-year-old daughter to the doctor. The doctor says,
"Okay, Mrs. Jones, what's the problem?"
The mother says, "It's my daughter, Debbie. She keeps getting these cravings, she's putting on weight, and is sick most mornings." 
The doctor gives Debbie a good examination, then turns to the mother and says, 
"Well, I don't know how to tell you this, but your Debbie is pregnant - about 4 months, would be my guess."
The mother says, "Pregnant?! She can't be, she has never ever been left alone with a man! Have you, Debbie?" 
Debbie says, "No mother! I've never even kissed a man!" 
The doctor walked over to the window and just stares out it. About five minutes pass and finally the mother says, 
"Is there something wrong out there doctor?" 
The doctor replies, "No, not really, it's just that the last time anything like this happened, a star appeared in the east and three wise men came over the hill. I'll be darned if I'm going to miss it this time!"

Locked Car Door

A woman was at work when she received a phone call that her daughter was very sick with a fever. She left her work and stopped by the pharmacy to get some medication. She got back to her car and found that she had locked her keys in the car.
She didn't know what to do, so she called home and told the baby sitter what had happened. The baby sitter told her that her the fever was getting worse. She said, "You might find a coat hanger and use that to open the door."
The woman looked around and found an old rusty coat hanger that had been thrown down on the ground, possibly by someone else who at some time or other had locked their keys in their car. Then she looked at the hanger and said, "I don't know how to use this."
So she bowed her head and asked God to send her some help. Within five minutes an old rusty car pulled up, with a dirty, greasy, bearded man who was wearing an old biker skull rag on his head. The woman thought, "This is what you sent to help me?" But, she was desperate, so she was also very thankful.
The man got out of his car and asked her if he could help. She said, "Yes, my daughter is very sick. I stopped to get her some medication and I locked my keys in my car. I must get home to her. Please, can you use this hanger to unlock my car?"
He said, "Sure". He walked over to the car, and in less than a minute the car was opened. She hugged the man and through her tears she said, "Thank You So Much! You are a very nice man."
The man replied, "Lady, I am not a nice man. I just got out of prison today. I was in prison for car theft and have only been out for about an hour."

The woman hugged the man again and with sobbing tears cried out loud, "Oh, Thank you God! You even sent me a Professional!"

.......Much Love

The First Presbyterian Church

My quest to find a local church in which to worship the Lord, as I know Him continued today. I attended the First Presbyterian Church located in the heart of the city. The things that I am going to share with you were from my own experience today. If I ever go into a church, and I don’t find it to be tolerable to my standards, then I probably will not be writing about it. My quest is to find a church that I am not-so-much comfortable in, but more than less challenged, to become what Jesus wants me to be.
The last thing, which I personally need, for my Spiritual health, is to walkout, after a church service, with a warm fuzzy feeling. I know how that I am, and I can be prone to wander away, on a sight-seeing tour!! With all that being said, please allow me to share my experience with you.
I didn’t do any searching for external facts about the age of this church. However, I know that it has to be one of the oldest in the city, simply because of the construction, both inside and outside. I am a stickler for details, and I rarely miss much. The floor was a hardwood floor, with a very think red carpet, throughout the walk ways. The walls were also a hardwood, which seemed to match the pews, which had cushions added from comfort.
 The sanctuary wasn’t as large as I would have thought, standing outside of the building. The most amazing sight in the whole sanctuary was the stained glass windows, which were on three of the four walls. They were set in cathedral style windows, framed in very thick hardwood. I really don’t know my woods, but I will dare to say these were either mahogany wood, or cherry wood. Everything was simply beautiful.
The stage area was immaculate!! There was a grand podium on the left side, from facing in, and a smaller version on the right side. In the middle a fairly small choir sat, and above them the pipes from the organ were displayed. I must say that the choir might have seemed small to me, but they really rocked out on an anthem called, “The Lord is my light.” The tempo was set really high, so the lady on the piano was getting a good workout. I noticed that it was going so fast that she had a young lady turning the pages of her sheet music!!
I remember attending this church when I first came to Jacksonville, a little over twenty years ago. I am not sure why I was here, and I only remember coming once. I think that they had a different pastor back then. All I remember about him was the fact that he was behind that great grand podium, towering over the spectators beneath him.
Today, the Reverend Doctor Robert L. Morris, Jr. was presiding over the congregation. He was preaching on a series titled, the life of Peter, with today’s title being, “Peter takes the lead.” The text was taken from Acts5:17-40 with the accent scripture being 5:29, Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.
Brother Morris started behind the grand podium that towered above the congregation. All of a sudden he switched modes, and carried a stool to the center of the stage, and laid his notes on a music stand. I can’t express what a humble act that that was to me. He spoke with such a mild manner to begin with, and the simple act of changing locations, simply screamed volumes of humility to me.
I really can’t tell you much of what he said to us this morning, because he was so comfortable, with what he was teaching, and the stories that he was telling. I myself while staying with him was wondering off with my thoughts. I was actually comparing this man’s teaching, with what I would imagine the way that Jesus would have taught. He was very calm and completely cool with his words, and examples coming forth.
I do know that he told three totally different stories this morning. We the finish was upon us, we knew that they all tied together, with the fact that our God has called us to obedience. I bet that y’all thought that I wasn’t paying good attention!!  The truth is that I did walk out of those doors, with that fuzzy warm feeling. I can say that it was a very warm feeling, because Jesus is still on the throne!!
I forgot to mention that the motto of the church that I was in attendance today was simple. It was, “To know and serve Jesus Christ.” However, I will be attending another fellowship in this city next week. It is not because anything was wrong, with these past two weeks of visitation. It is because of a verse of scripture that Paul wrote to the Philippians.  Philippians 2:12  Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

             ……….Much Love

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Freaky Elevator stuff!!

1) CRACK open your briefcase or handbag, peer Inside and ask "Got enough air in there?"
2) STAND silent and motionless in the corner facing the wall without getting off.
3) WHEN arriving at your floor, grunt and strain to yank the doors open, then act as if you're embarrassed when they open themselves.
4) GREET everyone with a warm handshake and ask him or her to call you Admiral.
5) MEOW occasionally.
6) STARE At another passenger for a while. Then announce in horror: "You're one of THEM" - and back away slowly
7) SAY -DING at each floor.
8) SAY "I wonder what all these do?" And push all the red buttons.
9) MAKE explosion noises when anyone presses a button.
10) STARE, grinning at another passenger for a while, then announce: "I have new socks on."
11) WHEN the elevator is silent, look around and ask: "Is that your beeper?"
12) TRY to make personal calls on the emergency phone.
13) DRAW a little square on the floor with chalk and announce to the other passengers: "This is my personal space."
14) WHEN there's only one other person in the elevator, tap them on the shoulder, then pretend it wasn't you.
15) PUSH the buttons and pretend they give you a shock. Smile, and go back for more.
16) ASK if you can push the button for other people but push the wrong ones.
17) HOLD the doors open and say you're waiting for your friend. After a while, let the doors close and say "Hi Greg, How's your day been?"
18) DROP a pen and wail until someone reaches to help pick it up, then scream: "That's mine!"
19) BRING a camera and take pictures of everyone in the lift.
20) PRETEND you're a flight attendant and review emergency procedures and exits with the Passengers.
21) SWAT at flies that don't exist.
22) CALL out "Group hug" then enforce it.

The Saint Francis Soup Kitchen!!

Today was pretty much a normal Saturday for me. I got up a little earlier than I do on most Saturday mornings. This is the day that I make my second trip to the plasma donation center. This is how I pay my bills, and get my cookie money. I really didn’t understand why this day has went like it did at the time.
I decided to stop by Mickey D’s, and grab a biscuit. Usually it takes as few minutes, but today I was in and out in a flash. I was riding my bike to the bus terminal, and saw one of the three buses I could take, sitting at a red light. I breezed by that bus, and was locking my bike up at the terminal when he arrived.
Everything was running smooth at the center, and I got back there quickly. While I was lying on the bed donating, I was a lot jollier that what I usually am. I know that this was the Joy of the Lord bubbling out from me. I had the opportunity to talk with a man that I had not seen in a couple years. The last few times that we had spoken, I remember there was a great amount of animosity, and stress between us. Today was simple joy to see each other, and friendly fellowship.
After our conversation, I put in my ear buds, and was listening to music. I have nothing except praise and worship on my mp3 player. Most of that music really gets my Spirit motivated to praise, and thank, the Lord of my Salvation, for the life that I have been given. I can’t stress to you hard enough if you really don’t care for the life that you are living, there is a solution.  Give it to Jesus, and once you do that it will start changing. I saw this bumper sticker the other day. “Try Jesus, if you don’t like Him, Satan will take you back!!”
That is the truth; however it would take a foolish person to return!! Anyway…All the time that I was lying there I kept hearing this whisper, in my ear. It was saying; go to the soup kitchen, once you leave here. It just kept on in my mind, and finally it got into my heart. I had not been there in years. I am thinking, that the last time I was there was, in the early 90’s. When I got off the bus, my bicycle took me directly there, like it was a normal process in my life.
The name of this church escapes my memory right now. The outreach operation is called; The St. Francis Soup Kitchen. I know that, or at least I am thinking that these folks are based on the Catholic religion. I guess that I got there after the great rush, because I walk inside right away.
The first thing that I saw was a man giving loaves of bread away. He had several different kinds, and we got to choose our preference. I remembered that the area that they feed in was down in the basement, so I ask permission to go on down. I remembered walking down those steps, doing the same years ago. Although, I saw three doors to my left, and I couldn’t remember which one that I was to go through.
There was no one beside me in that hallway, so I stuck my head in the first door. All of a sudden I saw all these smiling faces, and hear a sweet voice beckoning me inside. I was amazed at what I was seeing. It was like the first time that I ever saw such an event. Honestly, it was the first time that I had ever placed my eyes, on those that love Jesus, in the same way that I do.
I stood there dumbfounded, as this lady handed me a can on pears, and a pack of chewing gum. I was so over-whelmed with the things going on, that I was pretty much speechless. She ask if I was hungry, and I nodded my head yes, while asking what do I do next. She pointed at a sheet of paper that I was to sign. I was number 414, and there would be more to follow.
Then some young man told me where to sit down. I was so tickled to be there, that I can’t even explain why. I was simply so over-whelmed, that I forgot to thank the Lord for my food, before I started to eat. These folks were offering a service of love, to the Lord Jesus, with all their running about, making sure that the patrons, were well taken care of, with their needs.
Almost immediately, after I sat down, this Saint placed this brown paper bag in front of me. There was already a glass of ice water there. All these memories started rushing back from the past. Nothing had changed in the way that they feed. However, I know that something had changed in the way that I see it.
I reached inside of my bag, and pulled out a Styrofoam glass full of soup. I remembered that they seemed to work magic with soup years ago, and I couldn’t wait!! I stirred the contents around, and placed a spoonful, inside of my mouth. Pure Heaven in a cup!! Nothing had changed, as far as I could taste.  I explored inside of the bag that I was given. There were two sandwiches inside. One sandwich with meat and one sandwich with peanut butter, and jelly. The same as I remembered, from years past.
I was sitting among the homeless, and destitute of the city that I live in. I did notice that most left with a mess on the table, and someone would quickly come, and clean it for the next hungry person to arrive. I heard a couple bickering at each other, for reasons that I couldn’t understand. The largest part of the folks, came in and ate, and very quietly went away.
As for myself, I find this day newsworthy, and I want the whole world to know about: The Saint Francis Soup Kitchen!! It wasn’t the soup that was served, or the sandwich’s that came with the soup. It is not about the bread plates piled high, on every table. Nor was it about the endless deserts being passed among all that would receive such, or the bottomless cup of water served.
It was about Jesus, like everything that we know, and realize should be about. It was about a bunch of believers, spreading the Word that Jesus loves all!! Check this out:  Mar 9:41  For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward. I believe that these folks have gone far beyond the action of this verse, and have been for years!!
Maybe today was just for me. Maybe this doesn’t mean much to my readers. I know that I connected with Jesus, through the ministry of the soup kitchen. The thing that might be sad about this is the fact that it has taken almost twenty years, to land on my heart, and confirm in my Spirit, that Jesus Christ is truly Lord over all!!

……Much Love

Never a Dull Moment...

I don’t think that I will ever tire of talking about Jesus. There is so much that I find totally amazing, about the entire Spiritual realm. I hope that all my readers believe in the things of the Spiritual realm, because it is the other half of life. Father is a Spirit, which speaks things into existence. He formed the worlds with nothing more than a spoken word. Don’t y’all find that simply amazing?
If you remember, when Father made a covenant with Abraham, that He left His footprints in the blood, from the animals that were halved. Adam and Eve heard His voice, during the cool of the day, in the Garden of Eden. Apparently, both of them have fellowship with Father, until they sinned.  Even Moses asks to see Father on the mountain top, and Father told Moses to hide himself in the clefts of the rocks. Moses was then allowed to look after Father passed by him. These are just a few examples of the times that Father did show Himself either verbally, or in form.
 I say in form, because I am confused a little, about what was really going on. . 1Co 14:33  For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.   I might need some input, from my readers, that know about this subject, which I am going to bring into the light. I am trusting Holy Spirit to lead me into the truth on this subject. I am thinking that the bodily form might have been Jesus, and possibly the voice also.
Here is a few things that Jesus had to say about Father, and the fact that He is a Spirit. John 4:24  God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. When Jesus had been resurrected from the grave, he was talking to the disciples, and said this. Luke 24:39  Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.
I personally am the kind of person, which simply takes the things, which the Bible has to say, as the truth. I do this on faith, because I don’t understand all things right away. However, I know that at times I have been mistaken in my judgments, and this may be one of those times. I am not telling my readers, that this is the way that this is. All that I am saying is, that this is the way, that I think that it happened.
I know that Jesus is the spittin’ image of Father, because He says that often. John 10:30  I and my Father are one.  John 14:7  If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him. John 14:9  Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?
John 14:10  Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.
I hope that I am not invading the explanation of the Trinity.  I just have trouble thinking that Father was working alone, and I know that He wasn’t, because of the way that He spoke. Gen 1:26  And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
I really think that I have wandered into the explanation of the Trinity. That might be the only way to possible explain what was really going on. I know that Father is so awesome, that He could fit into any form, which He chooses. The entire Trinity of God is so wondrous to me, that I can’t even find the words to describe the majesty, which they possess.
Maybe that is the reason that I can never tire from talking about Jesus.

           …………Much Love

Friday, June 21, 2013

I have piddled, and fiddled away

Have you ever just sat still for a while thinking about Father, and who He really is, and how that should be affecting you? We have really powerful telescopes that are being used daily, and we can see universal systems, that are measured in light years away. As far as I have heard, nobody has reported finding the land, that Jesus called heaven.
Knowing our Government, and the way that they protect the citizens of the earth, if it were spotted, they wouldn’t let us know. They would try to figure out a way to get there, and take over!! They would not realize that there is only one way to get to live there, and that is through the blood of Jesus Christ.
I kind of got off track with what I am trying to write about today. My point being that Heaven, where ever that it might be, is so far unreachable to our eyes. We have all these planets, and solar systems, that we can see, however we have failed to discover any real life upon any of these.
Now according to the only true record of the way that things are, and I mean really are, called the Bible. We find the true meaning of life, at least as we can achieve here on this planet. We find who created all this, and that includes the human race. We even get the basic outline, which includes the mistakes that have been made in the past. It also includes the paths that have been walked to find complete success.
This book warns us of our enemies, and gives us the details, so we can know when evil is approaching us. The details of recognition have been laid out crystal clear. We also have the plan of retaliation laid out before us, if we fall under attack. This book totally gives us the plan of great success, and step by step instructions to achieve victory. Not every now and then, but every time!!
Seeing how smart the human race has become in today’s time, with the explosive expansion, of higher technology, one might think that we are certainly, on our way. I would agree to that myself, but with a question. “Where are we on our way to?”
Please don’t take me wrong, because I do enjoy living in an instant society. Most things can be done, so much faster than before. It could actually free us up, to do the things that are really important to us. I think this is where our true problem lies. I believe that our focus has got completely out of whack.
In today’s society both parent generally have to work to support the family. Our children require so much more, than they used to. I was talking with a lady that I know the other day. She was telling me about her kids. She described her three year old daughter, as being high maintenance. How in the world does a three year old even get to the point of being called high maintenance?  I would bet that some of my readers understand exactly what this lady means.
I know that I have said a lot of things in today’s blog post. However, I do have a point that I am going to make, and every thing that has been said can ties right in to it. Don’t you find it totally amazing, how Father really loves us? With all the chaos going on in this teeny tiny planet that we live on, in this vast universe, that we are a part of, that He knows the number of hairs, on our head!! (Luke 12:7)
Father is concerned with the events of our daily lives, because we were His greatest creation, no matter how absorbed that it might sound. I am not sure exactly why He has us stuck on this planet out in the middle of nowhere. Except to maybe figure out why we are here to begin with, and to accept His Son Jesus, as our ticket to paradise forever, and ever!!
Those of us that have made the right choice have been called to lead those that have not chosen so wisely, in the right direction. Those of us that believe are waiting patiently on the return of Jesus. We will be judged by our savior, about our actions here on the earth. This is not a bad thing at all, and there is nothing to fear if we truly have given our hearts and lives over to the care of Jesus. 
This is just my opinion, but I think it will be a time of great embarrassment, when Jesus questions us, about the way that we spent our time. I know that I have piddled, and fiddled away, great amounts of time, simply consumed with myself. Do you spend your time wisely, according to the Word of God?

    ……Much Love

Now, Now,......Monica

Two more aisles . . .
A man observed a woman in the grocery store with a three year old girl in her basket. As they passed the cookie section, the little girl asked for cookies and her mother told her no. The little girl immediately began to whine and fuss, and the mother said quietly, “Now Monica, we just have half of the aisles left to go through; don’t be upset. It won’t be long.”
Soon they came to the candy aisle, and the little girl began to shout for candy. And when told she couldn’t have any, began to cry. The mother said, “There, there, Monica, don’t cry–only two more aisles to go, and then we’ll be checking out.”
When they got to the check-out stand, the little girls immediately began to clamor for gum and burst into a terrible tantrum upon discovering there’d be no gum purchased. The mother patiently said, “Monica, we’ll be through this check out stand in 5 minutes and then you can go home and have a nice nap.”
The man followed them out to the parking lot and stopped the woman to compliment her. “I couldn’t help noticing how patient you were with little Monica,” he began. Whereupon the mother said, “I’m Monica . . . my little girl’s name is Tammy.”  Author Unknown
A Boy and a Frog
One day, a boy was walking down a road when a frog called to him, “Boy, if you kiss me, I will turn into a beautiful princess.”
The boy picked up the frog, smiled at it, then placed the frog into his pocket. A few minutes later, the frog said, “Boy, if you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, and I will stay with you for a week.”
The boy took the frog from his pocket, smiled at it, then put it back into his pocket. A few minutes later, the frog said, “Boy, if you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, I will do ANYTHING you want!”
The boy took the frog from his pocket, smiled, and put it back. Finally, the frog cried, “Boy, what is the matter, I have told you that I am a beautiful princess, and if you kiss me, I will stay with you and do ANYTHING you want!”
The boy took the frog from his pocket and said, “Look, I am an engineering student, I have no time for a girlfriend, but a talking frog is cool!”

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Bulletin Bloopers and Blunders


What follows are ACTUAL announcements from ACTUAL church bulletins.

1. Don't let worry kill you --let the church help.

2. Thursday night -Potluck supper. Prayer and medication to follow.

3. Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our church and community.

4. For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.

5. The rosebud on the alter this morning is to announce the birth of David Alan Belzer, the sin of Rev. and Mrs. Julius Belzer.

6. This afternoon there will be a meeting in the South and North ends of the church. Children will be baptized at both ends.

7. Tuesday at 4:00 PM there will be an ice cream social. All ladies giving milk will please come early.

8. Wednesday the ladies liturgy will meet. Mrs. Johnson will sing "Put me in my little bed" accompanied by the pastor.

9. Thursday at 5:00 PM there will be a meeting of the Little Mothers Club. All ladies wishing to be "Little Mothers" will meet with the Pastor in his study.

10. This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs. Lewis to come forward and lay an egg on the altar.

11. The service will close with "Little Drops of Water." One of the ladies will start quietly and the rest of the congregation will join in.

12. Next Sunday a special collection will be taken to defray the cost of the new carpet. All those wishing to do something on the new carpet will come forward and do so.

13. The ladies of the church have cast off clothing of every kind. They can be seen in the church basement Saturday.

14. A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow.

15. At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be "What is Hell?" Come early and listen to our choir practice.

16. "A songfest was hell at the Methodist Church Wednesday."

17. "Today's Sermon: HOW MUCH CAN A MAN DRINK? with hymns from a full choir."

18. On a New York convalescent home: "For the sick and tired of the Episcopal Church."

19. In the vestry of a New England church: "Will the last person to leave please see that the perpetual light is extinguished."

20. In a Pennsylvania cemetery: "Persons are prohibited from picking flowers from any but their own garden."

21. Bertha Belch, a missionary from Africa will be speaking tonight at Calvary Memorial Church in Racine. Come tonight and hear Bertha Belch all the way from Africa.

22. Announcement in the church bulletin for a National PRAYER & FASTING Conference. "The cost for attending the Fasting and Prayer conference includes meals".

23. Our youth basketball team is back in action Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the recreation hall. Come out and watch us kill Christ the King.

24. Today the pastor will preach his farewell message after which the choir will sing "Break Forth into Joy"

25. Miss Charlene Mason sang "I will not pass this way again" giving obvious pleasure to the congregation.

26. "Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Don't forget your husbands".

27. Next Sunday is the family hayride and bonfire at the Fowlers'. Bring your own hot dogs and guns. Friends are welcome! Everyone come for a fun time.

28. Smile at someone who is hard to love. Say hell to someone who doesn't care much about you.

29. The peacemaking meeting scheduled for today has been canceled due to a conflict.

30. The sermon this morning: "Jesus walks on the water'. The sermon tonight: 'Searching for Jesus'.

31. Next Thursday there will be tryouts for the choir. They need all the help they can get.

32. Barbara remains in the hospital and needs blood donors for more transfusions.

She is also having trouble sleeping and requests tapes of Pastor Jack's sermons.

33. The "Over 60's Choir" will be disbanded for the summer with thanks.

34. The outreach committee has enlisted 25 visitors to make calls on people who are afflicted with any church.

35. The Pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the congregation would lend him their girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday morning.

36. Remember in prayer those who are sick of our church and community.

37. Next Sunday Mrs. Vinson will be soloist for the morning service. The pastor will then speak on "It's a terrible experience".

Medical blunder...

I know that this really doesn't have anything to do with Jesus.....Yet. The Lord always has His own special way of intervening. I want to talk about my visit to the Dr. yesterday. Back at the very end of the month of March I had this terrible infection in my sinuses. I thought that nothing but antibiotics would heal this disaster. I called the Doctor's office to get an appointment, and that is why that I went yesterday.
I don't know if Jesus (Told you!!) simply had mercy on me, and healed me, or my sinus cavities just burnt out. Whatever it was that happened I am grateful. The three month wait was unbelievably long, but the day did finally arrive. I was going to go talk about issues with my pain medication.
I arrived for my 8:15 appointment, as soon as they opened the office at 8:00. They called me back close to thirty minutes past the hour. I sat in this small room, totally alone until nine in the morning. The nurse that had checked on my vital signs told me that the Dr. was in, and was just waiting on her to finish. Well, sure enough, half an hour later, she graced the room with her presence.
I need to tell you something, so there is no confusion about what is really going on. These folks that I call my Doctor are nurse practitioners, simply working with the real Doctor. I have not set in an office with my real Doctor in three years. I have only seen him once in that time, walking into a room.
I know that these folks are really over worked, and completely over-burdened with a work load. However, that does not change the fact that they are dealing with real, live, human beings. I expected this nurse to act a little different that the last one that I saw. Actually, I have made a stand in my heart, that if they ever make an appointment with that woman, I will not accept it, and wait to see anybody, other than her. She was the rudest person that I have ever come crossed in the field of medicine.
I had saw the nurse practitioner, that I had an appointment with, almost a year ago. She was very caring, and full of questions. She listened to every thing that I had to say, and addressed ever issue. She had this bubbly personality, and was very pleasant to talk with.
Yesterday, when she walked into the room in which I was inside, something had changed. I sensed immediately, that this was not the same person, that I had seen before. Her entire demeanor had changed, and she was cold and with-drawn. She sat looking at the computer screen, and asking very blunt questions. She never turned in my direction even to look. She finally got up from her seat, and said that she wanted to listen to my heart and lungs, and being very careful not to make any eye contact.
When she had her feel of listening, she returned to the stool in front of the computer. I told her that I need a higher dose of pain medication, because I was taking more that the prescription called for, and the pills run short every month. I also stated the the acetaminophen content in these pills were to high, and was making me sick. She never said a word about what I had just said to her.
The last time I had said those very words to my Doctor over three years ago, he became very alive. He got loud using the words of I was self-medicating myself, and it would not be tolerated. He said that I need to inform him if my medication was no longer working. Then he upped the dosage, and the frequency that I was to take it.
After I said these things yesterday, she finally said that she wanted me to keep a blood pressure log, because my pressure needed to be monitored. I ask what she was going to do about my pain medication? She said nothing, that the dosage was strong enough.
I just accepted what she said, because I was not going to argue about anything. In my heart I was really upset about this entire visit. I was more upset with myself, for not taking control of this whole situation. The first thing that I did wrong was I simply went into that office unprepared to do warfare, and I never prayed the prayer of faith over this situation.
The second thing that I didn't do is make my presence well known. I sit there like a wimp, accepting whatever the she said, as the way that it was going to be. There is nothing wrong with my blood pressure, because of the medication that I take daily. That log is worthless to anybody, and everybody that might be concerned. I told her that I had stopped going to physical therapy, because they wanted me to do exercises that caused me more intense pain. I said that I got up an exercised every morning, and rode my bicycle, and walked everyday. The only thing that she heard was that I was no longer going to physical therapy, and started chewing on my about my back wasn't going to get better, unless I used it daily.
This whole situation was a defeated process, because of my failure to prepare properly, and take control of the situation. I chose not to possess my God given Spiritual authority, and kick Satan's hind end, before I arrive at the office. I feel like I walked into that office naked, because I forgot to put my armor on that morning.
I don't know why this happened. I got out of bed that morning, and hit my knees in prayer, like I always do. You would have thought that after the last visit, that I would have approached this visit heavily armed, but I didn't. I failed to use what was available, and expected of me to use. You can sure bet that the next time I go to the Doctor's office, that I will go in as the warrior that I have been called to be!!

…........Much Love