
Monday, June 17, 2013

God = Thunder?

This is one of those times that I am simply bubbling over with the joy of the Lord!! You might be saying, “Big deal.” If you are saying that you are right. It is a big deal. I woke up this morning way early, and just couldn't stay in bed. I had to get out, and wake Mr. Sunshine up, so he could heat the air, so the thunderstorms could develop properly. That’s right folks. It is that time of the year here in Florida once again. We are heading into our rainy season, and it sure beats the alternative of forest fires. It really seems that we have either one or the other each year, and this season is looking more like rain.
If you live here in Florida you know, that the least bit of rain drives the humidity level, into a frenzy. I have a very special relationship with the water though, and I love the rain. If the most that it will cost me is every bit of the liquid in my body being pulled out through my pores, then we have a deal. You know how most folks get scared when a storm. gets to brewing up. Well, I am not the one that will show any fear, until the walls actually start breathing. I am sure a few of you know what I meant by, that last statement.
I love to sit on the front porch, while a storm is raging out in the neighborhood. I have been known, to go for a walk in the midst, of a few of them. I simply love to hear, and feel the thunder booms when they are a few miles away. You know the kind that shake creation, and actually vibrate your body, at the same time. I love to feel that raw power. The power of God, if you will.
I know now where all this is going. That last statement has sealed the deal on what I am talking about on this post. I never related these two events together until now. However, with my first experience with God, revealing Himself to me, in a mighty way was uncanny similar, to a thunder roll.
All of a sudden my mind flashes back to Moses, when he went up to the top of the mountain to get the Ten Commandments. The people below described what would seem to be a mighty electrical storm. Thunder booming, and lightning flashing, with all the smoke effects going on at the same time. Most of the people were scared at first, until the scene grew dull in their eyes, and they wanted to party.
I wonder if I had been back there with Moses, if I could have simply viewed from a far. Knowing myself, and my personality, I probably would have been begging Moses to take me with him. I would want to see this mighty God who puts on such a glorious show in the atmosphere!! You know why I said that? Because even today I want to see the mighty God that still puts on such a show in the atmosphere. The Almighty Architect who never pains the sky the same way twice!!
Would it be alright, if I talk a little, about my first experience with God in a mighty way? I do love to tell this story, but I so rarely get the chance. The first thing that I need to say was that this was a very private meeting. Even though, it was in a church setting, and Holy Spirit was moving through the crowd, and He was just having His way.
I was standing with my arms raised in the air, praising the Lord. Suddenly, I felt this awesome force hovering over me, and it began to lower itself on me. I went to hit my knees, but I could not move down. This force was wrapping Himself around my body. I thought that it was going to crush me. At that point in my life, I realized just how unworthy, that I was to have this visitation, from the Lord!!
Even still, it was like this extreme pressure covered my entire body. I am here to tell you that every inch of my body, inside and out, was being pressed upon. The sad part is that I can’t tell you how it felt. I don’t know how it felt, because suddenly every part of my being became alive. I can even tell you how long it lasted for. However, it changed my life forever!!
It changed how I look at my God, and the way that I seek His presence in my life daily. This will sound strange, mainly because it is strange. That one event didn't leave me unsatisfied, but it did leave me seeking for more. More of Holy Spirit. More of the Lord Jesus and more of Father God!! More, More, More, because I just never can get enough!! I never get enough of Holy Spirit, and the way He just shows up, and takes over. Please don’t get me wrong, because it is rare for Him to show up without an invitation. He might visit a person individually, but in a corporate setting, it takes a group of believers in unity with each other.

…………..Much Love.

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